Love Hurts - Love Our City pt 2

…I would even say that maybe even church that has come from leadership. Maybe you know, someone who's been excommunicated from the church. Maybe they have been wounded and they're not looking back. The old folks used to say, if you live long enough, her is going to happen, that if you live long enough that someone that you love, that you walk and work with, that you even may call a family. They may hurt you. And so today, I would like to look at two perspectives of what church hurt looks like. Two perspectives of what hurt inside the church may look like. Even the hurt that you may have experienced in the past, or even in the present, even recently. And those two perspectives, this is the perspective from a nonbeliever.

And then, yes, the perspective from a believer. We're going to look at hurt today in the church from the perspective of a believer and a nonbeliever. And I believe this your greatest ministry will most likely come out of the greatest hurt. I wish I can say that I made that up, but I didn't. Rick Warren had said that I want to give him his best. But your greatest ministry will most likely come out of your greatest hurt. The ministry that we serve here. One Churches has been shaped in fashion. It's been purpose from the pain, the passion and the pursuit to live as one. The ministry that we have here at this church has been shaped and fashioned, has been purpose through the pursuit to live as one body of believers coming in with all our differences, all our our mishaps, our hurts, our hangups, everything that we modeled this church after has been experience that some shape, form or fashion of another church.

I got tired of living life with people who look like me, who talk like me. Gosh, there's so much more that I have for you, my son, my daughter. You can do life with somebody who does not look like you, who does not talk like you, who does not speak like you or even live where you live. That's the desire that we have here. One church. And even in that, there's some difficulty. The pain that I've experienced in the past through churches, the leadership regrets that I've experienced in the past, through churches, has shaped our ministry. People may ask, Ryan, why are you guys so family focused? Because family is our first ministry, not the church. For far too long, I have forsaken my family for the sake of ministry. So we build this church.

We have modeled one church around a family. And that's why this week we're going out to love our city. And you guys have actually come out in numbers to volunteer in support. And there's room at the table for you. And so if you have your Bible with you, let's turn off mark chapter nine verses 14 through 24. Mark Chapter nine versus 14 through 24. I love the hearing of pages being turned. I tell you, I'm still old school, but even I'm still young. A man in church despite the grade that I have in my beard. But I'm still young at heart. Mark Chapter nine verses 14 through 24 and a word of God says this When they're returned to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd surrounding them, and some of the teachings of the religious law were arguing with them.

When their crowd saw Jesus. They were overwhelmed with all and they ran to greet him. What's all this arguing about Jesus? As one of the men in the crowd spoke up as a teacher, I brought my son so you could heal him. He is possessed by an evil spirit that won't let him talk. And whenever this spirit seizes him, it throws him violently to the ground. Then he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid. So I ask your disciples to cast out the evil spirit, but they couldn't do it. They weren't able to do it. Jesus said to them, You faithless people, how long must I be with you? How long was I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.

So they brought the boy. But even the evil spirit saw Jesus. Watch that. You hear that? Even the evil spirit recognizes Son of God. That's right. It threw the child into a violent convulsion and he fell to the ground, breathing and foaming at the mouth. How long has this been happening? Jesus asked the boy's father. He replied, since he was a little boy. The spear often throws him to the fire or to water, trying to kill him. Have mercy on us and help us if you can. What do you mean? If I killed Jesus, as anything is possible, if a person believes right. The father instantly cried out, I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief. Is that anyone here today that you've been in a position, our posture where you do believe, but there's times in your walk with God, you walk with Christ that you have unbelief.

See Mark nine We have here the account of a father where he realizes that he needs someone who to help his son. See, there's a common denominator here today. We all know once I'm here, that means and a healer. We all know someone that needs a provider. We know someone who needs Jesus, Jesus. As a father, how long has this been dealing with this man? Since birth. Let me just put it to you this way. There are some things that you and I have been dealing with since the day we were born. If you don't recognize the true thing in you, I'll let you fill in the blank. There are some things that you and I that we inherited since the day that we were born. We didn't ask for it. It was just given to us. It was passed down from generation to generation to generation. There are some things that you are dealing with within your family unit that you guys need to begin to ask God to reveal it to you and to take it from you. More importantly, we've been praying about it for days, weeks, months, and nothing's changed.

There's some things that you've been dealing with week after week, day after day, month after month, even year after year. And things still have not changed. They're still the same. The father realizes that the only person I can fix my problems is Jesus. Right? He realizes that the only person that can fix, that can heal his son is Jesus Christ. The father says, I know of a place that has the presence. I know of a place that has a provider. I know of a place that has a healer. And that person is Jesus. That's why you got up this morning. Are you close? Put makeup on your face. A man shaved your hair, put cologne on your precious legs. You came in the way that you came in because you needed something from Jesus that the father says in verse 22. Have mercy on us if you can. Come on now. Does he recognize who he's talking to? He's talking to the Creator. He is talking to the person who actually bent down and created you out of the dust of the ground.

But he says, if you care, Jesus says, you must let me check my resume. Do you know who are you? I've turned water into wine. I've raised the sick, heal the sick, raise the dead. I walked in water. I did all of that. Had you checked my resume lately? Better yet, have you read my word lately? Come on, Church. I don't know what I say. Dirty Bibles. Dirty Christians, dusty bibles. Dusty Christians. We all need to blow the dust off. It's our faith that connect us to our father. It's your faith that connects you to the father, our creator. But even in there, sometimes there's unbelief. God knows that sometimes our faith gets faulty. God knows that sometimes our faith gets faulty. It gets weak, it gets tested. The struggles of life, the losses that we face, the temptation of sin. The father has been praying over his son a thousand times over. We need Jehovah Gira, my provider. I need Jehovah, Rapha my healer, I need Jehovah, Shiloh, my peace. I need Jehovah Shama. The Lord is there with you. The Lord God has been praying the father's and praying over his son week after week, and nothing's changed. In March, Chapter nine marked Chapter four, the father takes the son to where he believes Jesus is.

The father takes his son where he believed Jesus is. He arrives to the mountain, and once He gets there, to his amazement, Jesus is not there. They may be asking, Where is Jesus? Jesus is at the top of Mount Hermon. He's with Peter, John and James is with Moses and Elijah. They are worshiping God. Let me put it to you this way. Jesus is on the mountaintop where the disciples at the mountain low. Jesus is with Peter. John James. And John Moses shows up and Elijah. They begin to worship God. The father brings his son, who was sick to the disciples. And this is what we see. A nonbeliever grabs his son with all hope, desperate, carrying him to the disciples and saying, Please, please, can you heal my son?

The father had an expectation and expectation that the disciples did not meet the Father had an expectation to know that the disciple who's walked, worked and worship with Jesus should be able to heal His son. And so when the Father presents His Son to the disciples, they're not able to do it right then and there. The nonbeliever experience church hurt because the expectation of the disciples. Let me put it this way if you're a Christian, you are a disciple. And by definition, if you're a disciple, you should walk and talk. And we have all the thought he said greater things that you are able to do than me. So the expectation of the father was that we were able to heal his son. So this is what I need to tell the church. If we're going to be the church, to be the church. If not, close the door, shut it down, pack up and leave. If we're not going to be the church that God needs us to be, close the door. If you're not going to be the Christian that God has called you to be. Get it together. Yeah. The expectation of our community is that we have hymnals in a pew.

Pastors and staff. We have church on Sunday. Testimony Tuesday. A word with a prayer on Thursday. Fish from Friday. Come on church. We look like a church. We act like a church. We talk like a church. But yet we're not the church. Then the expectation of the father was that the disciples, the Christians should have been able to hear the boy. And this is where his church church, his church hurt came into play in verse 20 forces. But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us. And I believe this he doubted Jesus because what the church was not able to do, he doubted Jesus, what the disciples Christians weren't able to do or live out or walk out good. Let me give you this point is being hurt by the church calls you causes you to lose faith in God, then your faith was in people, not in God. Let me say that one more time. If being hurt by the church causes you to lose faith in our Creator man, you will God with us. The imago day, the image of God. Then your faith was no longer was never, ever in God, but it was in people right? Often people leave the church worse than they came in, still broken in, hurting.

So of course we see Jesus heals. The boy tells the disciples that this type of healing don't come through prayer, fasting. And let me just say this. The healing that you may want to experience in our earth may not represent what you really what God desires or what He has planned out for your life. Sometime the healing will be received in heaven. We need to shift our lives. We need to begin to look at what God and how God operates. That's the heart of a nonbelievers also passed around. What are you talking about for church? I'm glad that you asked. Let's turn to books. Chapter 15. Let's look at chapter 15, verses 36 through 40 is in a New Testament, I believe is the fifth book of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Then a book of X Acts Chapter 15 verses 36 through 40. After some time, Paul said to Barnabas, Let's go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord to see how the new believers are doing. Barnabas agreed and wanted to take along John Mark, but Paul disagrees strongly since John Mark has deserted them in Pamphylia it had not continued with them in their work.

Their disagreement was so sharp that they separated. Barnabas took John Mark with them and sell to Cyprus and Paul chose Silas. And as he left, the believers entrusted him the Lord gracious care. This is one of the most controversial stories that we see, contentious stories that we see in the New Testament. Do you guys see what happened here? Paul is struggling with church hurt. Paul is walking in unforgiveness in 2020 vernacular. He's still in his feelings, right? Young adults, you know, he's still in his feels. Okay. All right. You left me hanging back this. Okay, third of the home, third row back there. Fourth row coming up this way. Sorry. To understand the relationship between Paul and Mark, we have to really go back to Chapter seven to really see the context of what the Scripture is saying in Chapter 15. And so as we go to act chapter seven, we see that here we see the stoning of Stephen. He was the first martyr. He was the first one to head who was killed for his belief in Jesus Christ.

And so what happens? The disciples catch wind of what's going on, and then they flee to other cities out of fear. Of a fear of death. They go to any Antioch in one of these cities and other disciples flee church. Growth is exploding. So the disciples are moving around because of their fear of being persecuted. They move to different cities. They land in a city called Antioch and ministry is taking place. Ministry is exploding, church is multiplying, growth is taking place, believers are coming to Christ. And we see the New Testament church that acts to church is growing. Barnabas has been commissioned to go to ensure to see how healthy the new church is going. But because of what's taking place, he says, You know what?

I need some help. So who does he call? He call his homeboy. Paul used to be called Saul and say, Paul, look, can you ride out with me to go check on these churches that we have that's been growing and exploding? So that way we can just make sure that they are growing healthy. Paul said, Cool, let's go out. We're going to do this. Paul and Barnabas send support to Jerusalem. They saw the need that there was need to support the church in Jerusalem. Paul and Barnabas are on assignment during this ministry. They connect with John Mark and John Mark helps them to preach and teach the gospel. So here we have Barnabas, Paul and Mark going out and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. And then Acts 13 happens in ACT Chapter 13, we see that Paul of Barnabas and John, they're actually going out there preaching, teaching the gospel, but they encounter a sorcerer by the name of Elemis. And what happens, of course, Paul and Barnabas and Mark, they do what they need to do because they are operating the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.

And by God, they beat down Elemis. Mark says, You know what? This is too much for me. I'm out. I didn't sign up for this. I wasn't ready for this level of ministry. I wasn't ready for this type of content. I wasn't ready for this type of kickback pushback in ministry. So Mark says, I'm done. He leaves Paul and Barnabas and goes back to where he came from. So here we have a Chapter 15 that we see Barnabas and Paul says, You know what? We're going to have to separate because they argue about if we should take Mark back with us. So let me let me tell you this. Shortly after the Holy Spirit tells Paul Barnabas to go back to Jerusalem, see how the gospel is going, Paul, do not forget what Paul did. Not forget how Mark left them hanging in ministry in Acts Chapter seven, Chapter 13. So Paul gets in his feelings. He still rehashing the church, hurt from someone leaving him where he was needed the most. Do you see that? Does that make sense? I want to make sure I walk this out for you guys. Trying to build it out.

Paul and Barnabas argue they split ways. Paul has not forgiven Mark. And I'll say this, forgiveness is not about keeping score. Forgiveness is about losing count. Debt forgiveness is not about keeping score. Good. True forgiveness is about losing count or what happened in the past. You know, I try to for the to you know, all of this stuff, you know, is about forgiving and losing count. And I would even say this forgiveness does not always means reconciliation is very true. We can have forgiveness does not mean that you will be reconciled back with that individual again. Good is Baptist where we we used to say, may the Lord watch between me and while we're absent one from another, amen. I must say that again from my non Baptist people. So I'm Baptist in a castle, nondenominational love of everything. So I'm hit. I'll hit it all. True forgiveness means losing count. What happened in the past. And oftentimes forgiveness is not always means that we will be reconciled with that brother or sister. I mean, and this is pretty sad because we see here that Paul and Mark are writers of the New Testament.

They are Christians, too. Christians are fighting and they can't reconcile. That's the kingdom loss. Paul wrote most of the New Testament. He wrote more books in the New Testament or anything else. Mark We read Mark. We're reading Mark right now. They wrote Scripture, but they weren't able to reconcile their differences. So that way they can go back and do ministry. And I believe this. I believe that it's possible that they weren't even meant for this one assignment. I believe that Paul and Mark was not meant for that one particular assignment that God sent them on. How do you know where Pastor Ryan Let's look to accept a 13 x 13 says this verse two verse reverse five. So after more fasting in praying, the men lay their hands on them and sent them on their way.

So Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit, who was sent out Barnabas. And so they went down to the seaport. So who's here? And then they sell for the island of Cyprus. They're in the town of Linnaeus. They went to the Jewish synagogues and preach the word of God. And John Mark went with them as their assistant, the jackass that, verse four says, is that Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit. Verse five At the very end. John Mark, say, let me tag along with you how to do ministry. I heard a pastor say this. There's some people that God has assigned to you and there's others that you allow to come into you. Right? There's certain people that God has assigned to you for a time in a season. And then there's others that you allow to come into your life.

Your ministry will say your ministry, your ministry, focus of who you are and what you're doing. God has called you to do that. God has not appointed for them at that particular time. Stood on your right reach. As my elder Christou has said, No, your assignment. Forgiveness is not about keeping score. True forgiveness is about losing count. So we see here that we have church hurt with Christians. And then in Mark we saw church hurt with the nonbeliever. I don't know where you fit along today, where that sits with you, either a believer or nonbeliever, but church hurt may come to you. So I couldn't. I can't stand here before you and I give you a recipe to deal with church. So there's three, three steps to heal from church or step number one, recognize, release and receive three steps to heal from church. Hurt, recognize, release and receive, recognize the hurt, the pain, the trauma that has been taking place. You need to identify it. You need to begin to call it out, begin to see what it is. And remember from our lesson from last week to go for, sometimes we have to go back to that place where we experienced that hurt. Don't dwell there, but recognize, admit and then move on from there. Release the offender. Walk in forgiveness. We've been called to release them. To release them of the hurt, of the pain, the torture that they have caused you, the mental stress. Colossians 313 says this. It says to make allowances for each other faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember that the Lord forgave you. So you must forgive others, not how about this even when you don't know that the offense has taken place, I have a scripture for it.

Luke. Chapter 23, verse 34 says this Father forgive them for they do not what they do. He was releasing the offense for those who was walking and just it just ignorance of how they crucified our Lord and say, this is one of Jesus Christ last things. As He was stretched out on the cross, he said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. So when your brothers and sisters sinned against you and they are holding something against you, forgive them, for they know not what they have done after you have recognized, after you have released. Lastly, receive restoration from God. God love you. Give us things in exchange for our pain. In other words, there's always purpose in that pain. All things work together. The pain that you experience, that joker who walked out on your life, left you at the altar. He left your mom, your dad, your wife, whatever that case may be, whatever that joker who is forgiven receive what God has for you as our worship team.

\Make their way to the stage. Isaiah 61 and three says this and it talks about the restoration that we receive. 61 verse three verse forces this those in Zion. I bestow upon them a crown of beauty instead of ashes. That means you may have been burnt one time, but God has a crown for you. There's oil of joy instead of mourning. There's a garment of praise that he wants to put on you. Instead of a spirit of despair. There's something that God has for you. There's no hope of righteousness. Verse forces that He will rebuild, restore and renew. Come on church and God will rebuild. He will restore and he will renew. Come on, church energy grip on you figure will rebuild, you will restore and he will renew. There are some things that God wants to rebuild in your life.

You want some things that He wants to restore. There are some things that he wants to renew. I need you to get this wherever you are in your journey of your faith, hurt as a part of life. But our God, our Lord, our Savior has so much more for you. And there's some good news in this story. There's I'm not fun now. I'm not done yet. But watch this. Don't rush. Reconciliation while restoring a relationship. Don't rush the reconciliation. There's a time there's a time that God wants to do to heal you, to restore, to renew you as you're restoring that forgiveness and that relationship. And the beauty of this story is that the apostle Paul in his latter days makes a request even after being hurt by Mark. Watch this. The second Timothy. Timothy is a son of two Apostle Paul. So a father's writing to his son in the ministry. And he says, Timothy, I beg you, I beseech you to come as soon as you can, but do this for me. Bring Mark with me. Bring Mark with you when you come. The person that we ostracized, the person that we marginalized, the person that I wrote off, he says, Bring that person with me.

So if you wrote somebody off today, go back and revisit it. He says this bring Mark with you because he is helpful to me. In my ministry, the person that you have probably been written off for years, go back and visit them because they could be helpful for your ministry. Church I want you to get that. So I encourage you to stop managing your pain and manage his promises and his promises. Ah, ah, yes. And amen. He tells us that the word that comes out of his mouth will go back in a conference, things that he said he would do. So dig into his word, begin to lean into his promises. Whatever you, wherever you are in you, walk with God, wherever you are in the season, God, wherever that you may be fairly experiencing pain, just know that God was the restored redeem and renew as we close today, there's a firm foundation that we believe that God has forth.


Love Our City pt 4


Love Hurts - Love Our City pt 1