The Name of Jesus - Week 2

This is the end of our mini series about the names of God in. I promise you there will be a part two because there's so much that that God has given me just for this, this, this segment, but just to be honorable of our time that we stand before you today. If you have your Bibles, let's turn to the Book of John Chapter six.

00:50:32:42 - 00:50:58:37

Speaker 2

The Book of John is in the New Testament. It's in the the synoptic gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, then John will be elevating Chapter six verses one through 14 today. I just want to remind you today, if you are a first time guest, we have a connection card. If you did not get one, please see one of our ushers.

00:50:59:04 - 00:51:19:30

Speaker 2

This is a way that we can just pray for you, lift you up in prayer. Are our leaders and ministry leaders, our leadership team, our deacons, our elders. We take time to that we set aside to just to lift up those individuals in prayer. We just want to pray with you. We just want to let you know what's going on with the life of the church and how God is moving in this area.

00:51:20:03 - 00:51:39:47

Speaker 2

I'm excited about love our city. Love our city. Let's give a shout out for love our city. It's an opportunity where we get to love. On a city of high points. I don't think high points are ready. This is just a small taste of what we did last year and God is going to do some amazing things and thank you just for pressing your way in this morning.

00:51:40:34 - 00:52:07:41

Speaker 2

I don't know about you. I feel like sleeping in this morning. Anybody feel like sleeping in bed? Who is going to preach? I don't know, Reverend Smooth and I don't know. You'll catch that in a minute, man. Uh, I wanted to sleep in, but Guy said no. There's something that's in me that even just studying and reviewing this whole weekend, I pray that it blesses you just as much.

00:52:08:06 - 00:52:31:09

Speaker 2

And bless me, because that's all scripture in a different light. This weekend I've read this scripture for for a number of times, and as we dove in, you'll see what God has been revealing to me this week. So John, chapter six verses one through four. Tell me go, always come and go. King Jimmy. Hey, man. King James. So this endows an artists and all of those.

00:52:31:59 - 00:52:58:23

Speaker 2

Yes. And so verse one, after these things, Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberius, and a great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles, which he did on them. That was the disease, verse three, and Jesus went into the mountain, and there He sat with His disciples. In the Passover, a feast of the Jews was nigh.

00:52:58:48 - 00:53:26:58

Speaker 2

That's when those King James was right there. When Jesus they field looked at his his eyes and saw great company coming to him. He's saying unto Philip, which shall we by bread that we may eat? And this is said to prove him for himself knew what he would do. Amen. Then we serve a God who only knows what he's going to do.

00:53:28:09 - 00:53:55:23

Speaker 2

So whatever your problem, as you may have this morning, Jesus already worked it out. You just have to figure it out. A man, a man. Go here to eat Dairy Queen. Let me give my. Give me a second, Philip. Answer him. 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little one of his disciples.

00:53:55:23 - 00:54:46:01

Speaker 2

Andrew Simon, Peter's brother, say unto him, there's laid here which have barley loaves and two small fishes. He says, Fishes, hopefully here. But what are they among so many? And Jesus said, Make them, make them men. Sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down and the number about 5000 and Jesus took the loaves and when he had given things, he distributed in to the disciples and the disciples to them were set down and likewise to the fishes as much as they could, as much as they would when they were filled.

00:54:46:01 - 00:55:23:39

Speaker 2

He said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered them together and filled 12 baskets with fragments of the five barley loaves which remained over and above a meal. Let's just thank God for the overflow over and above unto them that he had eaten. Then those men who they had seen, the miracle that Jesus just said This is of truth, that the profit that should come into this world today.

00:55:23:39 - 00:55:54:35

Speaker 2

My tide of my message is Jehovah Gira God is my provider, disembodied provider. This morning I know about you, but I know about me. Hey, man, I tell you, we dropped off Canada school yesterday and we needed more than just a provider. We need Jehovah Shalom, the God of Peace, Joe Biden. I mean, it's just. Just that feeling of dropping your children off to school and knowing that you're you're placing them into the just in a in a company of other people.

00:55:54:35 - 00:56:13:09

Speaker 2

But we're so grateful to know that God is going to be doing some amazing things, not only through her life, but through the lives of everybody that's here today. We think about God is your provider. You have to go back and look at the stories in the accounts throughout all of scripture. Right. Let's listen. Let's begin to think about it.

00:56:13:09 - 00:56:44:17

Speaker 2

Right. Let's let's think about Abraham. Abraham, we're gonna set a rail in the bush where he took his only his first born son, Isaac, who's beginning to begin to slay him and kill him for an offering. Jehovah JIRA is my provider. What about what about young David when he began to take a rock in and begin to kill the Philistine Giant known as David and Goliath?

00:56:44:17 - 00:57:03:27

Speaker 2

And in the lesson, we know that God is asking, What do you have in your hands? What do you have at your disposal that I can use? What is that? What did you have in your disposal that God wants to use? What about Moses? When Moses was leading out the children of Israel, he began to part the Red Sea.

00:57:04:59 - 00:57:27:20

Speaker 2

He took a staff and he began to really part the Red Sea. What about Elijah at the point where he had to be fed by the Ravens? God is our provider. God is come on church. He is your provider to this story. Listeners know that God is my provider, that He is our Redeemer, that he's mine and he's yours, that he's everyone's way maker.

00:57:27:20 - 00:58:01:20

Speaker 2

Miracle worker, promise keeper. Light into darkness. God is a God who God is providing that if we only trust God with the looter that we have in place it in His hands, the hands of God, and begin to really give Thanksgiving that God can do anything that you give him. Right? Why should I say that? God can do anything that you give him, right?

00:58:01:27 - 00:58:29:26

Speaker 2

So that's an active response in your part that you had to be willing to let go of yourself and begin to give it to God and let Him do what He says He can do. Do you church? Church? Do you trust God today? And do you truly trust God today? Right? Do you trust him to supply all of your needs according to his riches and his glory?

00:58:30:58 - 00:58:54:26

Speaker 2

So this is one of the very few stories that we see in Scripture where all of the the apostles, the Matthew Mark, Luke John records it in Scripture analysis, know that this particular passage of Scripture is important. Now, I've read this Scripture countless times, you know, we've read it. We heard about when we were little kids, you know, take the five pieces of bread and two fish.

00:58:54:26 - 00:59:20:35

Speaker 2

That's the first a man fry fish combo sandwich you get forget McDonald's number seven, right. Jesus had the number seven on lockdown. Eight, man, you go to McDonald's, you know, number seven like tomato sauce, extra cheese. Give me an extra large fry with the Coke Man Church. That's how you're supposed to have it, right? Jesus was the first person that had a brown bag lunch.

00:59:20:35 - 00:59:47:03

Speaker 2

But watch this. God is not asking you to figure it out. He's asking you to trust him that he's already figured it out, and that he's not asking you to figure it out for yourself. He's asking you to trust him. He's already made a way for you that he's already done that you have to meet him where he is.

00:59:47:03 - 01:00:13:05

Speaker 2

God doesn't want you to figure it out because you know that you're going to mess it up. God, God wants you to trust him even when it's hard. Come on, church. I notice that's difficult sometimes to truly trust our God in the most difficult times of our lives. In the times where you're faced with adversity, that the times you don't know what to do at the times where you are at your last in God is asking, Will you trust him?

01:00:14:51 - 01:00:43:34

Speaker 2

God is asking, will you trust him? So so let me just begin to lay some background about John Chapter six. See, Jesus is building a name for himself. Well, he's not really building. The name is already being built. People are hearing, they're tweeting the Snapchatting, they're Instagramming. I made up a word. That's because I'm Baptist. I mean, I can do that.

01:00:43:34 - 01:01:27:38

Speaker 2

They're tweeting their demon. They're doing all of that. They're saying, I heard about this man. He turned water into wine. Well, well, when he do it, he calls and his first disciples, Jesus goes into the temples. They begin to flip over tables. He begins to chase out the money exchanges with the whip. You know, in our context, we know Jesus flipping tables that he was flipping the systems, his flipping the systems that they were making money off of the people that was coming into the temple.

01:01:28:50 - 01:01:52:23

Speaker 2

And John chapter four Jesus meets the woman at the will. Come on now that's a plug for the ladies Jesus meet the woman at the world begin to radically change her life. So, ladies, if you want your life to be radically changed, I challenge you. Come out this coming Friday, man. There's a women's gathering. There's a gathering at the well, there's a gathering at this place.

01:01:52:32 - 01:02:16:20

Speaker 2

I'm not going to preach because it's going to happen next week. But this is a place that God wants to meet you in your dry season and give you a taste of living water and he want to meet you at a place where people have counted you out, where people have dismissed you, where people have looked down at you.

01:02:17:30 - 01:02:45:38

Speaker 2

This is what he was doing with the woman at the well. Jesus Hills is Rome S.A. sent by the just by his faith. So he said, master, just speak healing over his name because I know that I command men, thousands of men. All I have to say is do what they do. So, Father, all you have to say speak that he is healed and my son would be healed.

01:02:45:38 - 01:03:25:38

Speaker 2

Jesus is making a name for himself. He heals as a lay man by the pool of Bethesda. He tells you to pick up his men and he's healed. This is all that Jesus was doing in his ministry. Jesus was making a name for himself. See the apostle Mark? Right in Mark Chapter six. He records them because so many people were coming out and going that they did not even have a chance to eat.

01:03:26:51 - 01:04:03:22

Speaker 2

Jesus tells his disciples, Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place. Come and get some rest. This let's, let's remove ourselves from ministry for a season so that way we can find rest. Because all of the work that we've been doing, we need to rest. Jesus provided a way of an escape for the disciples. He knew at that point their ministry, that he knew that they needed a place to begin to rest.

01:04:04:29 - 01:04:26:14

Speaker 2

Verse 32 and Mark, chapter six says, So they went away by themselves in a boat, in a solitary place. But many who saw them leave me recognize him, and they begin to run on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them. Think about that. During a sea of Galilee, in a boat trying to get to the other side, trying to get away from the crowd.

01:04:26:33 - 01:05:06:09

Speaker 2

After doing ministry and many of them begin to run a foot ahead of them. Boy, they must have been running. They were going. So my first point is this, that God can provide you a way of an escape. God provides you a way of escape. God has already prepared the way He's preparing you. He's preparing you through the way that He's preparing, the way of the escape.

01:05:06:09 - 01:05:36:00

Speaker 2

He was preparing them to rest. He was preparing them to begin to get restore. He was preparing them to get reconnected to the father. Even with life challenges, he's preparing you a way of escape. And think about it. God always preparing and we mimic what God is doing if we know that we need rest, that he's preparing a way for that opportunity for you to get rest.

01:05:36:40 - 01:05:59:32

Speaker 2

That's the reason why hospitals have visitation hours. Amen. So you jokers don't go up there when people need a rest. That's just a simple explain. I don't know the precise easy, but even in that God is preparing a way of escape, even for our flesh. What do you mean? Pastor Ryan, the apostle Paul writes in First Corinthians Chapter ten, verse 13 says this.

01:06:00:40 - 01:06:27:38

Speaker 2

But when you are tempted, God will also give you a way of escape. To flee from that temptation. Hmm. Jehovah Jara see my smile thinking always God, you always. You're my provider, right? You're you. I want you to provide for me financially. That's where I've always kind of really thought about God providing for me. But God to say no, like I provide for you for every aspect of your life.

01:06:28:43 - 01:07:02:44

Speaker 2

And what God is reminding me is that that He can provide a way of escape for temptation. Jehovah that the law provides for each. Now we teach our kids, our children asked and again like, don't take the bait, right? Don't drink the Kool-Aid, don't drink the sweet tea, whatever your choice of drink is, don't take the bait. Paul further writes in Corinthians in Chapter seven, says This, and he's really talking about the confines of marriage.

01:07:02:44 - 01:07:21:24

Speaker 2

Right. So he's he's talking about marriage and what Amir's kind of with the marriage supposed to be. But then he further say this in verse seven, he said, I wish everyone could be like me, but God has given each person a different ability. He makes some able to live one way and others to live in a different way.

01:07:22:14 - 01:07:45:15

Speaker 2

Now, for those who are married in for widows, I say this, it is good for you to stay single like me. But if you can't control you control your body, control yourself, then you should get married. He says it's better to marry than to burn with sexual desires. All right. Hmm. So what do you say? He passed away?

01:07:45:15 - 01:08:18:02

Speaker 2

If you can't keep yourself wholly set apart, then get married. Amen. Right is quiet. You know what I'm saying? Type. But it's what is right. People don't want to hear this right. If God has gifted man and woman to have procreation, a man think that's the reason why we're all here today? Because of procreation. Good. A word later on if you don't know what it means.

01:08:18:02 - 01:08:48:56

Speaker 2

So what God wants us to do is to procreate. But if we're not able to procreate in the confines of marriage, then we should not be taking the benefits of procreation. And so what God wants us to do is this, that if at some point where God's believing been there, done that, got six bestselling books, actually got two bestsellers books and a Kindle, top sellers, you know, sold out of the shelves.

01:08:48:56 - 01:09:01:39

Speaker 2

The point is, this became a point in my life where I wasn't able to keep myself from withstanding from sexual temptation. So I put a ring on it. Right. If you love it.

01:09:01:46 - 01:09:01:56

Speaker 3


01:09:05:35 - 01:09:30:08

Speaker 2

Come on, ya, ya know, Beyonce, if you love it better put a ring on it. The verses is in. I remember growing up in school, our elementary school teachers always talked about Smokey the Bear and Smokey the Bear. We should tell you, if you're a fire, what are you supposed to do? Stop, drop and roll for? My next point is this.

01:09:31:34 - 01:10:02:19

Speaker 2

If you have sexual desires, stop what you're doing. Drop on your knees and roll yourself in the Word of God. A man is because God desires us that He gives us a way of an escape. Same thing with David, right? David left with what I call butt cheeks and elbows that he'd left run in and all. You saw a bunch of guys.

01:10:02:19 - 01:10:41:17

Speaker 2

I said, I don't film. That's real. Don't don't worry about. All we saw was David running from temptation. If you have to run from temptation, run from temptation. All right, let me keep it going. Jesus was providing a way escape for the disciples because he recognized and understood the demand of ministry. God always provides way. I'm an escape in every aspect, whatever that temptation may be.

01:10:42:17 - 01:11:07:29

Speaker 2

If that if it's an accountability part, if it's a person where you know that you're struggling with drugs or alcohol or, you know, or lying or cheating or whatever the case may be, whatever your struggles may be, God always provides you with a way of escape. And I say this Don't go back to the thing that you had to pray yourself out of you.

01:11:09:17 - 01:11:24:47

Speaker 2

Don't go back to the very thing that you had that you've been praying, that you've been praying for, to get out of guys. You know, I've been there. I lead the club like, God, I promise I won't do that any more if I just get home safe now, I promise I'm going to do this.

01:11:25:37 - 01:11:25:49

Speaker 3


01:11:26:25 - 01:11:38:30

Speaker 2

And I'll find myself right back in the same thing again, leaving some female selves. God, I'm so sorry. God, please don't let x, y, z happen because I promise God, come on, y'all.

01:11:39:31 - 01:11:40:02

Speaker 3

That's why you.

01:11:40:58 - 01:12:03:58

Speaker 2

That's. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, I've been here before. Yeah. Don't go back to that very thing that you've been praying about, and God gives you an out, and then you find yourself back in the same situation because you now safeguard and put boundaries in place. That way you won't find yourself back in the same place again.

01:12:05:55 - 01:12:27:53

Speaker 2

Okay, John, chapter six. Right this door. This door is more about the two fish and five loaves of bread. See this? This miracle identifies how we should give onto God. As I begin to read this story, God begin to show me that this story is not only about how God provides that He's He's a He provides us through all of this.

01:12:27:53 - 01:12:57:29

Speaker 2

But this story is about giving the stories about tithing security, locked the doors and letting out. Just make sure of this season. This story is about giving. What do you mean? Pastor Ryan? Let's let's really look at this. We limit what God is able to do in our lives, but how we handle what God has already given us.

01:12:59:07 - 01:13:16:38

Speaker 2

We limit what God is able to do in our lives by how we begin to manage and handle what God has given us. I'm gonna bring this together for you. Let me paraphrase this story. People are following Jesus because they know who He is. They, Big Jesus, begin to make a name for himself that he's going for a city.

01:13:16:38 - 01:13:44:32

Speaker 2

This city. He's here. He's he's casting out demons. He's he's healing the sick. He's providing wine. He's doing all these different things. And people begin to hear about Jesus. Verse six Is that a great multitude begin to follow him because they saw the miracles that was taking place. Jesus says, that is getting late and the disciples tell Jesus Jesus getting late and these people are getting hungry, but they're getting hungry.

01:13:44:32 - 01:14:17:57

Speaker 2

They're getting to a point where they need something to eat. So I begin to believe this. They make an observation that the 5000 men, which equates to 15 to 20000 people, because you have to count women and children. And we know that is roughly 3 to 1, every maybe even 4 to 1, from woman to children. How in the world does 5000 men leave their home with no food?

01:14:17:57 - 01:14:58:20

Speaker 2

Think about it. 5000 people left, 5000 men left without food. And it's not because they didn't have the food. They have left because they chose that they did not want to bring it. 5000 men anxious to see Jesus because they wanted him to for something that they had a need for. So they left their house hastily seeking the provider.

01:14:58:20 - 01:15:38:16

Speaker 2

How many times we left our houses or our cars and left our phones in the car? They came empty handed. Let's think about that. How many of us come into hand before God? Better yet, how many of us worship empty handed before God? See, we save up with a new pair of Jordans. We save up for that new pocketbook, we save up for that new car, we save up for those vacation.

01:15:38:16 - 01:16:13:43

Speaker 2

But we come empty handed to the house of God. We prioritize everything else but what God tells us that we should do. I would no longer come empty handed to my Savior because both of his hands outstretched wide was paid with the price for you and me and the disciples go out because Jesus says, Go out, go out and tell me what you can find in the disciples.

01:16:13:43 - 01:16:58:25

Speaker 2

Like, what do you say, Jesus? So Jesus tells the disciples to go out and find God provides resources for Jesus, tells them You go feed them. Jesus looks at His disciples, you feed them, they come back with what, five loaves of bread and two fish? You mean to tell me? Out of 20,000 people, all you can find is five loaves of bread and two fish.

01:16:59:10 - 01:17:42:38

Speaker 2

Come on, church. Five loaves of bread and two fish. And I believe this. We know how disciples are, right? I believe that disciples went out, encounter others who had the capacity to give. But they did not. So we come into church with the capacity to give, but we do not. We come in to a place of worship to give, but we don't.

01:17:44:32 - 01:18:08:44

Speaker 2

So the disciples go to another person. I believe this. This is these. These are some of the reasons why they did not give. Well, I only have enough for me. My family. In other words, let me put it 21st century. I have bills and more bills. I have to take care of my household. I don't have enough to take care of my household given to the church as well.

01:18:10:43 - 01:18:41:41

Speaker 2

Okay. How about this? Well, my little bit won't matter. The little that I have would not matter. Okay, that's enough. Excuse number two. Well, that's. That's not my cup of tea, so I'm not going to contribute. And they don't they don't manage that the proper way. Sorry. You mean tell me. Out of 20,000 people, all they can find was five loaves of bread and two fish.

01:18:41:41 - 01:19:12:38

Speaker 2

The faith of a child, he says, Here, take what I have. I give it freely without a child, give and paves the way. I never saw this in this particular passage. I always saw it for what it was. It it was the miracle. How Jesus fed over 20,000 people with with two and five loaves of bread. But then God began to show me, said, right, you know, there's so much more in this pass.

01:19:12:38 - 01:19:42:55

Speaker 2

This has more to do about not only how I was providential providing for them, but also where their hearts were. Because, you know, we're a church. We don't talk about giving the lot in his church. And so we do have we don't do very often. But is this our lack is God's abundance in our lack that we bring to God?

01:19:42:55 - 01:20:10:18

Speaker 2

Is God's abundant? What about the widow? She came in with two we call the widow my. She came to two pieces to two pennies, two dimes, whatever. $2 by the Pharisees. And a sad disease was taken out. The big was and he dropping the money into the offering plate and being so full, holding up in the hands and and showing everybody but the widow with her heart, her posture of giving.

01:20:10:18 - 01:20:36:02

Speaker 2

She said, You know what? This is all that I have. I'll give it freely. God did more with her, too, than what she with everyone else. They brought it to the plate. Our lack is God's abundance. God uses the imagery of bread all throughout Scripture. Yeah. And I begin to think about God. Why is it that you use this?

01:20:36:42 - 01:21:00:24

Speaker 2

You know, you're the bread of life. And then I remember the story where Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by Satan. Satan begins to look down at these rocks and he tells Jesus to do what turns these stones into bread. Jesus response was that man should not live on bread and bread alone. But then we had this young boy.

01:21:00:24 - 01:21:24:43

Speaker 2

He said, All I have is five pieces of bread and two fish. I would give it to you. This is what I want you to understand. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness with the with Satan, he saw what he could do. But he didn't do what he. No, he could do. What do you mean? Jesus saw that he.

01:21:24:44 - 01:21:59:28

Speaker 2

He had all power and authority to turn those stones into bread. But because it was not given to him, it was not a releasing of ourselves that God was not transferring those stones into bread. It wasn't until Jesus received the bread that the young boy gave freely of Himself that God began to multiply, that what was given from what you begin to understand is this when you give yourself to God, freely give yourself to God gave begin to multiply and blessed.

01:21:59:28 - 01:22:26:53

Speaker 2

God knows your need, He knows your situation. But the problem is that you're not giving it to him. And if you are giving it to him, you're holding on to it. God is saying, let it go. It's not about the size of your offering. It's about the sacrifice. It's not about what you give and how much you give.

01:22:26:53 - 01:23:09:46

Speaker 2

It's about the sacrifice that God wants to do in and through you. So size doesn't matter. Church Hey, man, come on now. I believe this. God is not testing you. God is trusting you. God is not testing you. He is trusting you with what He's already given you. And everybody's context is different, that he's trusting you, that you're going to do what you know that he should do, that he's you, that you're going to begin to make a way out of.

01:23:09:46 - 01:23:49:25

Speaker 2

No way that he's trusting you, that you're going to lay it down and he's trusting you, that you can begin to really manage your books properly the proper way. I begin to close up on the turn of Genesis Chapter 22. Genesis, Chapter 22, verses two says this. Then God said, Take your son. He's talking to Abraham, your only son whom you love, Isaac, and go to the region a more I.

01:23:49:25 - 01:24:27:37

Speaker 2

God is asking for you to take the things that you love and sacrifice. For some of us, it's our jobs. Some of us it's our identity. For some of us, it's it is monetary. But he's saying take the thing that you love to a place that I've called you to go to the church that I've called you to be to and place there a sacrifice for him as a burnt offering on the mountain, which I will show you early the next morning, Abraham got up and loaded his donkey.

01:24:27:37 - 01:24:57:46

Speaker 2

He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he cut enough for the burnt offering, he set out for the place. God, I told him. On a third day, Abraham looked up and saw the place in a distance. He said to his service, Stay here while I in the boy. Go over there. We will worship and then we will come back, he says.

01:24:57:46 - 01:25:26:30

Speaker 2

We will worship. God wants you to worship him. Abraham took the wood and the burnt offering and placed it on his sons, Isaac and himself, and carry the fire in the knife as the two then went on together, Isaac spoke up and said, Father Abraham? Yes, my son Abraham replied, The fire is here, the wood is here, said, But where's the land?

01:25:26:30 - 01:25:55:43

Speaker 2

Where's it? Where's the where's the land for the burnt offering, he said, Where's the lamb? That's a foreshadowing. Where's the lamb for the burnt offering? Abraham answer and said, God himself will provide a lamb for the burnt offer. My son and the two of them went on together. When they reached the place. God told them about Abraham, built an altar and arranged the wood on it.

01:25:55:43 - 01:26:21:33

Speaker 2

Then he began to bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar in, the top of the wood. Then he reached out of his hand and took a knife, begin to slay his hand. But at that moment, an angel of the lure called and said, Abraham, Abraham, wait. Do not lay hand in the boy. Do not do anything because God is going to provide for you.

01:26:22:02 - 01:27:01:18

Speaker 2

I mean, Abraham looks up and in a thicket, a ram in the bush. Abraham sacrifice a ram. But let me tell you about a lamb that was sacrificed for you for over 2000 years ago. Abraham, sacrifice the ram in the bush, but the only lamb did without spot. Rico has been slave for you and I. His blood was shed for you and I.

01:27:02:48 - 01:27:40:07

Speaker 2

So, Abraham, call that place. The place where he's going to sacrifice his only son. The Lord will provide into this day on top of that mountain, we call it the Lord shall provide Jehovah Gira as the worship team, make their way back up. I don't know what you're seeking God to provide for you today. Now many of us have encountered so many different things that life is having his way.

01:27:41:23 - 01:28:12:46

Speaker 2

But you can't begin to believe how God is going to make a way out of no way that you've been dealing with things for years, for months and for ages. But I'm here to remind you, if did it before, he'll do it again. That God will provide for you.


Be An Encounter-er - Women’s Gathering


The Name of Jesus - Week 1