The Name of Jesus - Week 1

So we're in a new series. The new series that we're talking about. We're talking about the names of God. And we've been just really kind of walking through. People ask, how do you begin to grow in Christ? And we we're actually going through the names of God and names of what God identifies. If you want to go deeper, one of the best ways to go deeper in your relationship, go deeper as as a believer, we believe this that you have to begin to identify who Christ is.

00:00:39:45 - 00:00:57:09

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And we know that Jesus is all that we need, right? We don't need anything else. Jesus is the alpha and omega. He's the beginning. In the end, you know, we have our assurance in our peace, in our in our and our salvation lies in Jesus Christ. But I'll say this, there's so much more about Jesus that we don't know.

00:00:58:17 - 00:01:14:49

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And so forth. Last week we begin to really talk about begin to identify the names of Jesus Christ and the power of the name of Jesus Christ. And so we're going to continue in that today. And so we know that when we say the Lord's Prayer on Earth as it is in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Why are we saying that Holy is God's name?

00:01:14:51 - 00:01:35:20

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Why are we saying because his name is set apart from everyone else? He's a God that is set apart from everyone else. He's better than Buddha, he's better than Muhammad and all of that. So, you know, we believe in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation, but why our name is so important. We talked about that. Lastly, like why our names are so important.

00:01:36:43 - 00:01:53:27

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We believe that the names of God just even just names are important because they give a historical reference. Last week they talked about being a person of color. If I can just be transferred, being a black person, I mean, you know, news flash, I'm black. I mean, it's okay. Felicia has the best thing next to index the sliced bread, which is me.

00:01:53:27 - 00:02:25:57

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Chocolate milk gave me half of me again. That's right. The call on his name. Yes, ma'am. And so what we have to believe is this why our name is so important. We talked about this last week. We're growing up and we begin to know and I just a history of slavery. Right and we talked about slavery when when slaves begin to have the emancipation of their their their slave or being be emancipated, the names of free men and new men was secured.

00:02:25:57 - 00:02:45:28

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And we talked about last week when they said free men slaves took them. This the traditionally the slaves took the names of the slave masters. But when the emancipation of them being free slaves, they took the name freemen. And so when you see a person from Free Men, a new man we talked about last week, this is where the history of the names came in, came to place.

00:02:45:28 - 00:03:12:21

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We talked about the names of Isaiah and Jeremiah and Joseph and all of those different names that we begin to talk about the critical importance of why names are so important when we just kind of talk about it again. Today we talked about how names are, reveal who God is and what God desires for us to become. Even if we talked about the names, meaning an experience of who Christ is by himself, we talked about Jehovah, Niecy, the Lord is my refuge.

00:03:12:57 - 00:03:33:57

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We talked about how Jehovah, Jairus, the Lord, my provider. We talked about Jehovah, Rafa, the God is able to heal you. These are just some of the names that we begin to identify who Christ is, what God wants us to begin to really begin to lean into who He is. And judge is chapter six versus 23 and 24.

00:03:34:04 - 00:04:20:16

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The scripture says this in the Lord said unto him, peace be unto the fear not thou shall not die. Verse 24 says this. Then Gideon built an altar there into the lower end called a Jehovah Shalom. This is one of the first places that we see in Scripture where we see the word God calls himself Jehovah Shalom. And why is it if we look at judges and taught on this a few weeks back, when we looked at judges, Gideon was a mighty warrior that God has called upon him to really lead the Israelites into into war and to battle and then begin action.

00:04:20:16 - 00:04:44:09

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So why did why did God give Gideon this name? Why did he reveal themselves so much to the point that he says, I am the Lord, the God of peace? Gideon was challenged to remind the Israelites, the Israelites, about the God who brought them out of Egypt, because the Israelites begin to get beside themselves. You know, God brought them out, took them through the wilderness.

00:04:44:09 - 00:05:02:33

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They took he he took my he delivered them out in his of a pharaoh. And then the Israelites began worship in other gods and got to say, have you lost your my have you forgotten what I've done for you? And so Gideon was challenged to go say, Look, this is what I need you to do. This is what I need you to remember.

00:05:04:31 - 00:05:33:07

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Let me let me let me say this. This is a picture that's on a on a projector. Quick. I want to pop that up. You'll see it. You'll know the story. Right. Matthew, the disciples are in a boat with Jesus. Jesus is knocked down like just sleep right. He's gone. He's in a good, good sleep. And the disciples are about to lose their mind because they're like, Jesus, oh my gosh, you know, this is stormy.

00:05:33:07 - 00:05:52:15

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We're about to crash about you know, we're about to be we are about to die. Now, keep in mind, these disciples, some of the many of them were fishermen. So they've seen a storm before. So this storm had to be so evasive to the point where they thought they're going to lose their life. But what happened? They forgot.

00:05:53:18 - 00:06:14:09

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They forgot what Jesus had done all the way through Chapter eight of Matthew in chapter four of Mark, they forgot about how Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount. They they forgot that Jesus just healed a man with leprosy. They forgot that Jesus just just healed another person through a romance. And he said, Just speak the word about healing.

00:06:14:09 - 00:06:35:51

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And then that person would be healed. They forgot about how Jesus just got through casting out fears just moments ago. Jesus tells the disciples that we have to go to the other side, so we have to get in a boat to go to the other side. They encounter a storm and they lose their minds. So why is that important?

00:06:36:16 - 00:06:54:09

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Many of us have forgotten what God has told us that He's going to do. And we're losing our mind. We're losing our hope, we're losing our peace. And most importantly, we forgot who Jesus is.

00:06:56:49 - 00:06:59:02

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What did Jesus say to that storm?

00:07:02:06 - 00:07:29:45

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He said, Peace be still and is so important as this. Let's not read the script. It's so fast that we forget those those the word, those very intimate words, he said. Peace be still. Jesus wanted to remind the disciples that the giver, a peace is among you, even in the presence of a storm, even to the point where you think your life is going to be taken.

00:07:30:10 - 00:07:51:27

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He said, Peace be still and this is just a bonus. Yeah. Many of us, when we sleep at night and there's a storm that's going through and you wake up the next morning, some of the best rest you ever have, right? Amen. Why is it that we can get some of the best sleep, best rested in the presence of a storm?

00:07:51:27 - 00:08:16:39

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Come on, church. In the presence of a storm. You're telling me that you can wake up being refreshed in the presence of a storm? You tell him that you can come back and see God. You have. You have given me just enough. Enough what I need to carry on. The next day, God wants to remind you that even in the midst of a storm, that peace you can have.

00:08:16:48 - 00:08:27:45

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So if you don't know already, the title of my message is The God of Peace. The God of Peace.

00:08:29:47 - 00:08:57:28

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There's an aspect of our peace, I believe, that is connected to our hope. Think about it. There's an aspect of our peace that is connected to the hope that we have in Christ. And what do you mean? You show me somebody who doesn't have peace, and I tell them where they don't have hope. You tell me or give me someone who's who's struggling to walk in a posture of peace.

00:08:58:44 - 00:09:32:09

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Now I can tell you where they've lost hope. So I believe this. Now, hope is not piece by piece as an element of hope. How quick do we forgive what God has brought us through this? It's really laid the foundation for our lesson today. Well, I want to turn to Luke, chapter 24, and we're going to lift up verses 13 through 30 to Luke Chapter 24, verses 13 through 32 in our hit pages.

00:09:32:09 - 00:09:57:46

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Turn it on and give you a second to to get there. This is a very familiar story, and this is probably one of my favorite stories in the Bible. This particular story is only accounted through. I call him Pastor Luke. Uncle Luke, Bishop, Luke, whatever you want to call them. This is a powerful Luke, Luke, chapter 24, verses 13 through 32.

00:09:57:54 - 00:10:27:10

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And this is an account where Luke is recording a journey to the role of a meth. That same day, two of Jesus followers were going to a town named a meth is about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were where they were. They were talking everything that had happened the day before it. While they were talking and discussing these things, Jesus himself came near and walked with them.

00:10:28:04 - 00:10:51:03

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But the two men were not allowed to recognize Jesus. He asked them, What's the hour here? You discussing with each other as you walk? The two men stopped. Their faces were looking very sad. The one Daily Open said, You must be the only person in Jerusalem who who does not know what just happened here. Jesus said, What are you talking about?

00:10:51:46 - 00:11:16:31

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This it's about Jesus, the one from Nazareth to the God and all the people who was a great prophet, he said. And there are many powerful things, but our leaders in the leading priests handed him over to be judged and killed. There were nailed him to a cross. We were hoping that he would be the one to free Israel.

00:11:17:20 - 00:11:39:59

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But then all of this happened and now something else. It has been three days since he was killed. But today some of our woman told us an amazing thing early this morning. They went to when they went to the tomb where the body of Jesus really. But they did not find his body there. They came and told us they had seen some angels in a vision.

00:11:40:40 - 00:12:07:04

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The angels told them Jesus was alive. Verse 24 So some of our group went to the tomb. It was just as the woman said, they saw the team, but they did not see Jesus. And I must stop right there. So let me just prayer paraphrase. What this story is talking about. You have two men walking down a road, let's say just Main Street and High Point.

00:12:07:04 - 00:12:26:43

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If you're in Greensboro, it's Main Street in Greensboro. If you're a Thomasville with Main Street in Thomasville, every street, every city has a main street, a man. So these two men are walking down the street and they're talking about what's just taking place. And I can hear, you know, they're talking about the baptism and different things. And so, like Jesus was baptized doing this and doing that.

00:12:27:43 - 00:12:54:25

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And I can hear them doing this and they're debating about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Think about a church. They're debating if the resurrection really took place. See, we can debate everything else in Christianity. We can debate about speaking in tongues. We can debate about baptism is a full immersion, is a sprinkle sprinkle. Whatever you need to do.

00:12:55:04 - 00:13:17:52

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We can talk about what colors you want to paint the church. We can debate about that. We can debate about if women should wear dresses or pants in church. If it's not allow, we can even debate about if women should wear makeup in church. Personally, I think it's a sin not to. But I may. I'm just joking. I'm just joking.

00:13:17:52 - 00:13:52:37

Speaker 2

Keep it, holy pastor. Keep it holy. The point is this they're debating about the resurrection. Jesus Christ. Come on, Church. That's one thing we don't have to debate about. That's one thing that we should never debate about as believers, that we know that our faith lies solely in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's that's that's that's right. All day long.

00:13:52:37 - 00:14:16:05

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Twice on Sunday, six times throughout the week. Every day of the week, 365 days a year. We know that salvation alone sits with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And as they're walking seven miles there, they're having this conversation, as you know, with Jesus. You know, they're talking to Jesus. Jesus walks up in them like He's talking to Jesus, like you're talking about me, but I'll let you finish talking about me.

00:14:17:26 - 00:14:42:11

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They're like, Yeah, Jesus was this guy who raised the dead. He walked in water. He fed 5000 men, which makes about 20,000 people. He he you know, he was crucified by pilot. And, you know, they're talking about what just took place in even Judas. Judas sold him out. His boy Peter ran off and he left them hanging. This is the conversation that they're having down the street talking about Jesus himself and Jesus allows them to talk about it.

00:14:43:53 - 00:15:14:02

Speaker 2

But with startling is in verse 21, it says this We were hoping that he would be the one to set Israel free. We were hoping we were hoping that he was the one that he was the one that the Old Testament talked about. So let me let me make it personal then. We had hope when we became Christians that you know what I mean, stopped drinking.

00:15:15:16 - 00:15:28:39

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I was hoping that when I became a Christian, I won't have that struggle anymore. I was hoping when I became a Christian that life would be a little bit easier. I was hoping that when I gave my life to Christ that that serving in the Kingdom of God would be a lot easier. But, you know, it was harder.

00:15:29:06 - 00:15:55:19

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Yeah, I was hoping that serving God servant Jesus would allow me to find the person that I want to marry. I was hoping that the struggles that I face every day, day to day out there, that I would no longer have to struggle with that anymore. But yet I am still struggling. I was hoping that giving my life to Christ was set me free from this addiction.

00:15:55:19 - 00:16:24:45

Speaker 2

We were hoping that He was the one. Jeremiah, 17, says this Blessed in the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lord. Hebrews, chapter six, verse 19, says that the hope we have is the anchor of our soul, the hope that we had the peace that we have is the very anchor of our soul.

00:16:26:13 - 00:17:03:03

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First, Peter tells us in Chapter three that we should be be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us, the hope that you have of Jesus Christ, that we should be able to to tell the Word about who Jesus is. We were hoping he was the one, truth be told that all of us someday will have a walk on the road of a may is that we were hoping that the Jesus, this is what is going to take place that Jesus said this.

00:17:03:48 - 00:17:57:07

Speaker 2

This is what life look like as being a believer. That's why Luke does not name but one person on this journey. Think about it any time you read scripture and the name is not told, the rider intentionally puts that there. So that way you can place your name in a space. Scripture says that Kloppers and another we're walking down the road of a maze Kelly office and Mark Kelly opens saying Felicia Clovis and Duane quit the office and Nancy Clovis and Ryan, whatever your name may be, put your name in that place where Clovis was walking down the road of a maze, having hope and still yet have doubt right?

00:17:57:07 - 00:18:44:29

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We had a hope. He was the one. And guess what happens? Jesus shows up right when the whole was lost. When Jesus shows up, right when you need that piece. Jesus wanted to remind him, Diane, that I am Jehovah Shalom, the God, the Lord, the deliver, the giver of peace. So you may be asking, how can I, how can obtain this this peace?

00:18:45:44 - 00:19:29:00

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I tell you how. Let's turn to Philippians chapter four, Philippians chapter four, verses six in verse seven, it says, Do not be anxious about anything. But in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, present your request to God in the peace of God, which transcends all understanding what guard your heart and your mind in Christ. Jesus. It says, be anxious for nothing.

00:19:30:25 - 00:19:47:56

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In other words, don't stress. Don't stress about it. God has a plan already mapped out for you. You have to walk in it. He's telling you, don't even don't even worry about what's taking place today. Because I have today figured out, you know what I got tomorrow. Figure it out, too. You know what? I have the day after that taking care of as well.

00:19:47:56 - 00:20:02:27

Speaker 2

I have your next year taking care for you as well. So stop trying to worry. How are you going to have a six year plan? A ten year plan? Ryan, come on, now, George, y'all know me. I'm so much of a type A that I had to have a plan A marking it out like I'm a 20 year plan person.

00:20:02:44 - 00:20:28:39

Speaker 2

Fleeces be asking me why I'm so far down the road because I'm a visionary. But yet God has already mapped out a plan early this week. Sometimes I moonlight at one of my friend's hotels and I serve there as a guest service representative of the country of the nations of Hampton Inn by Greensboro Airport Shadow Hampton Inn. Quick plugged any room for your family members?

00:20:28:39 - 00:20:55:37

Speaker 2

Just come out. We get you some good rates. I may. In this past week I was reminded by a young lady by the name of simmering and simmer man, just the bundle of joy that she's the man. She comes into the hotel skipping and hopping and jumping and just she don't have a stress in the world and a simmer reminded me of the slogan of Toys R US.

00:20:56:56 - 00:21:19:06

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Y'all remember that slogan, right? Yeah. I don't want to grow up. I'm a toys R rescued. Yeah, yeah, I remember that. And this this is what it says. From bikes to trains to video games is the biggest toy store there is. I don't want to grow up because baby, if I did, I couldn't be a Toys R US Kids.

00:21:19:48 - 00:21:53:15

Speaker 2

More games, more toys. Oh, boy. I want to be a Toys R rescued in that moment, simmering reminded me that we shouldn't stress about life out of a babe. She taught me to lay everything down that my tomorrow is already taken care of and my yesterdays is already And in yesterday's stress will cause you to lose your peace.

00:21:53:27 - 00:22:31:59

Speaker 2

Scripture says to to be anxious for anything. For nothing. And in the Greek, the word anything. What's this? It says is anything man or woman? Some of us need to write some people off. This is real talk because your stress is coming from other people. That's. Yeah, it says don't be stressing about anybody, anyone or anything, but in every situation by prayer.

00:22:33:27 - 00:23:03:27

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So let me let me let me give you this. We need to pause and pray, right? And God wants us to pause and pray to be anxious for nothing. But in every situation, every situation that you may find yourself in, God is asking you, did you have you pause and pray? I need you to be still and pray.

00:23:04:41 - 00:23:40:41

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I need you to take a break from that person, that individual, that thing, and pray. I need you to stand still in that moment and praying. I need you to cease what you're doing and position yourself in front of me and pray. But he says this as well. He says In every situation, by prayer and petition, Jesus wants us to ask for what He wants, what you desires, so he can give it to you.

00:23:40:41 - 00:24:05:58

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James tells us this You have not because you ask no and you do not receive it because you were wrong. You asked wrong, Lisa. Your motives were wrong. You said, because what you're asking for, you just want to fulfill your flesh versus my kingdom and my purpose. So when you lie, you're asking my provisions were mobilized things for you to move my my my kingdom forward.

00:24:07:42 - 00:24:47:31

Speaker 2

So if you haven't caught on this already, there's a formula to having this hope and this peace, it says, to be anxious for nothing but in prayer, plus petitioning, plus Thanksgiving equals peace. You'll see that if you don't believe me. Let me read the scripture one more time. Do and do not be anxious for anything. But in every situation, by prayer and petitioning with Thanksgiving, we present your request to God and the peace of God.

00:24:47:31 - 00:25:35:20

Speaker 2

The cellphone of God, which is all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. So prayer petitioning plus Thanksgiving will equal your peace. So let me live this plane over quick. I want you to write this down. The perfect peace is found and patiently waiting. Perfect peace is found and patiently waiting. Or we can say this Patiently abiding in Christ.

00:25:35:20 - 00:26:13:03

Speaker 2

Let me let me let me finish up this story in Luke chapter. Chapter 24. Luke says this The same day two of Jesus followers was going to a town named Amay. Yes, it is about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking about everything that happened. We were hoping that he would be the one to set Israel free. It says this early this morning they went to the tomb where they found the body that was laid, but they did not find a body there.

00:26:14:17 - 00:26:49:53

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What happened? They left the place where Jesus had told them to wait. Oh, you are missing it earlier. Before, before Jesus got crucified, he was in the upper room with his disciples, and he told his disciples for them to wait and that He will send another. Oh, I'm at a piece together. Come on, church. They have left the place where Jesus has told them to wait.

00:26:50:32 - 00:27:35:26

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They have left Jerusalem and they left Jerusalem when things got ugly, they left Jerusalem. When confrontation began, the disciples got fume. The people started calling them and asking them, Why are you still there when conflict comes to to you? Where meet you? At the dead, at your doorstep. Do you abide and wait or do you retreat and leave me find out where I'm a Pentecostal Baptist folk watch this.

00:27:37:14 - 00:27:55:12

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Verse 21 says this We were hoping that he would be the one to sit is a referee. But then all of this happened and now something. Now it has been three days since he was killed.

00:27:57:14 - 00:28:41:28

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It had been three days now missing. It had been three days. CHURCH That's one Baptist person over there. They left on the third day. CHURCH We don't quit on the third day because we know that Jesus was crucified on Friday and then they put him in a bower tomb that evening. He laid down Friday night he lay down Friday and Saturday, but a third day come on church.

00:28:43:12 - 00:29:48:16

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He got up. The disciples left. On the third day. The disciples did not want to wait. You are missing it. Perfect. Peace is found in patiently waiting. So let me say one more time that on the third day when they left, they left the promise, they left the resurrection. Because on the third day, our Savior got on that Sunday morning with all power, with authority in his hands, perfect peace is found in abiding, patiently waiting for Jesus is the only time God, yes, he is.

00:29:48:16 - 00:30:31:03

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He may not come when you want him, but he's always on time. As our worship team makes their way up front. I want to just remind us today, as we look at the lesson from Luke and Jeremiah and all the scriptures that we had today, John Rice and John Chapter 14, this but the help, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you.

00:30:32:20 - 00:31:03:31

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He says, Peace, I'll leave you my peace. I give to you not as the world gives, but as I give. Many of us trying to find our peace in other people. Many of us trying to find our peace in other things. Many of us trying to find our peace in the next booth, translator, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever you want to call him or her.

00:31:03:31 - 00:31:48:34

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We trying to find our peace in something as substituted, but there's only one author of Peace and a peace is Jesus. So as we stand, we're going to close out with the song to remind you today, to wait on the Lord that you're willing to wait, that whatever God has for you, I promise you, you can tap into it that God wants us to pause and pray.

00:31:48:34 - 00:31:58:02

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He wants you to present your petition, be thankful, but also trust him and trust this time.

00:32:00:36 - 00:32:17:17


The Name of Jesus - Week 2


Power in the Name of Jesus - On Guard Wk 5