We Have A Problem - Real Talk pt 8

But first first I want to say Happy Father's Day to all my fathers out there. I want to I salute every one of you, especially those that I have that I've locked arms with here in one church. Man, there's so many great dads here in this place. I mean, I'm looking at saying Jason James, you know, Brian Ryan. I mean, just so many of James. I mean, Nate. I mean, I could just go on and on and on about names. My brother Mike here. I mean, to the magnitude of being a father and to be able to walk that thing out with with you. With you guys who guys? I call my brothers those. I love you, man. I just Trey. Other Trey. I mean, all of y'all. I love you all. And I thank you all for making me a better man. A better dad. So I just flew job today. So I wasn't planning to preach today. Oh, man, you didn't give me the. I want to do other background. I mean, I seen that background. Sister's last sermon as last Miami Vice. I want to say. OK, thank you. Here you go. I said, that's all, guys. I want to preach. I want that background. And he made it happen. So I was here helping the church move a little bit yesterday. Yesterday. And then I got a text from Ron asking me if I would preach. I was not prepared I wasn't planning on preaching.

And but the spirit told me to say yes. I was like, all right, OK. So I was here. I was I responded to him right over there. And then I went back out this door and there's a sign. I'm like, God, what am I going to talk about? I mean, I have a couple of scriptures, some form, but I don't I don't know what I'm talking about.

And there's a psalm right out this door. It says, open your eyes and look at the harvest. Jesus. And I'm like, All right, you gave me something on that before. So I guess I can stay up late into the night hours and put something together. But in that moment of him telling me, I asking you to preach, to think, I learn two things. One is that you should never we should not squandered the opportunity of our gift and callings. We should never squandered the opportunity to to hone that skill, those things, those gifts, those those the calling is God has given us. We should take every at least some dawn every day to to pour into that, to seek God instead to let God mold us into would it be be you preaching or if you're teaching or if you're to be out here evangelizing whatever it is mean, whatever you get. Gift is if you're a good cook or you play music, you know that that brings people together. You should put time into that thing because you never know when you will be called a God. Called upon to to to give a word or to meet somebody right where they need you in that moment. And in that like so I said I had some sort of a scripture but if I'd be up here lying if I said I was prepared or if I was doing what I just said I should do.

So in that moment, even though I have a word for you today, I wasn't totally prepared. And God in that moment provided me a way, gave me insight, but also provided me give me a word to give to you. And then secondly, coming out of the Scripture series, these tough conversations, the real talk that one church has been doing these past couple of weeks. The enemy doesn't like that. It doesn't like that. I don't know how many. Ever since we started this, how many people I've heard has been sick or coming down with ailments or becoming through some issues the enemy sees the anointing. He sees the change in the spirit realm, sometimes some things that we don't see. So it's important for us that we make sure that we pray for our leaders.

We pray for each other, especially when we're doing doing the right thing. Because because the enemy is coming. He ain't playing. And if the enemy is going to be our flesh, we're at war on both sides with the flesh. And those in the spirit. So we got to make sure that we're praying for four for our pastors, our leaders is not a question that I pass around sick right now of the tough conversations we have on racial reconciliation, on mental health, on homosexuality, all those things that we've been talking about.

So those two things came to my mind and not do my scripture whatsoever. But but I'll share them with you. So it's Father's Day. I don't really have a Father's Day message for the men, but I guess we can say this message is if you take anything from it is an opportunity to give a present or give something to God, something that means near and dear to his heart is us giving him a Father's Day present. Now, now I know like I've been asking for a parrot hat. I'm down here I'm from Pittsburgh, and I'm trying to get one next to that. Father's asked my son. My son gives me a parrot. No saint. That's one of the best kids. So when you get one, when the God our father gets what he wants, it, he's going to be happy. So if you take anything that's good, that's the father's message for you. So so we're coming out of Matthew nine verses 35 and 38. I come out in SB. I said, OK, cool. Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in the synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. Seeing the people he felt compassion for them because they were distressed, dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.

And with that Scripture, I'd like to talk to you on the topic. Lord, we have a problem Lord is preaching time. Preach is not easy, but it's made easier by Your Holy Spirit. So I just ask a decrease, the increase and at the end you get all the honor, glory and praise in Jesus name. Amen. So we looked at this focal scripture. We see that there is a problem and, you know, just like Nasser, that if there's a problem in space, the astronaut will come on the intercom or whatever and say, Houston, we have a problem. And this one, this issue we have here is like, Lord, we have a problem. And this problem was diagnosed by Jesus himself. The problem or problems or that we have a plentiful harvest and only a few workers to harvest it and so one of one might say, I only see one problem here, too few workers, but I don't believe that to be accurate, a plentiful harvest in the context of the Scripture is as a sad and definitely problem as according to the past is this is something that burned Jesus, something that weighed heavy on God's heart, both both items, a plentiful harvest and few workers. They're both an issue in a world according to God there would be there would not be few workers but workers or disciples desiring to move in their anointing for the advancement and betterment of the kingdom.

And the harvest. So we can look at the harvest, the people, the cities, the neighborhoods would not be in the condition that they're in before, before this. And it was a scripture said Jesus was going place to place, city to city. He was preaching, teaching and healing. And as he was going, he sees the multitudes and he sees that they're distressed and dispirited.

The king jerk King James version says they were fainted and scattered abroad. They are weary they're cast off after they're thrown to the wayside. And Jesus says they're like sheep with no shepherd. Now I want you to picture that a seat with no shepherd is lost. It's it's it's struggling through the briers and thorns is it's it's it's fleece is torn. It's a sitting duck for animals that prey on it. If you see it, it was like the sheep is at its wit's end. It's wandering with no go. And and when, when when a sheep don't have no shepherd where one goes, many will follow until you have a distress at this as a spirited multitude. I paint this picture because God does not want the harvest to die. And to feel the stress of losing the harvest weighs heavy on him. What's his saying? Second, Peter, three night. But he is patient with us not wishing that anyone will perish, but for all to come to repent. And we know John 316 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God desires to have a relationship with the harvest. He loves them. He feel compassion for them because of their condition. The cities and villages that Jesus went through in this passage of Scripture is an exact replica of our cities and neighborhoods. And as I as I read this passage, I couldn't help but think about there are people in our neighbors in the cities with these these same type of issues.

They're sick, there's death, there's hopelessness, there's there's dirt and distressed or dispirited. They're lost. You know, they're at their wit's end. I mean, come on now. How much is it to get gas mammals walked here today. And I mean, but people are dying physically and spiritually. People are sick. They're hopeless. Once that thriving communities are now like they're blight they're blights of the city. And I'm not from here. I didn't grow up in a try, but I can imagine it's like where I grew up when I go back to Pittsburgh, I mean, we used to have corner stores that you could walk to. Like I said, get that penny candy and all that with no, no worries, no nothing. You ain't worried about getting hurt, shot or whatever.

Now go back. All those places are condemned. I go back. Every time I go back, there's more and more vacant lots more houses turned down in the streets that I used to roam and play and go over people's houses. The houses aren't there no more. I mean, the playgrounds would be full and now go back in the summertime, like about ten kids there. There's that. And I believe that's this. That's the same here. I'm sure that you guys have here who grew up here, you could say the same thing about the places that you grew up. You had the same stories the harvest needs to know about the kingdom of God. The harvest is in need of miracle healings, and those in our neighborhoods and cities need to be saved and come into a relationship with Jesus. They need to know who they were created, and they need to know that there are royal priesthood, part of a holy nation those burned with unforgiveness and bad issues, low self-esteem, those trust issues self a spiritual condemnation need. They need to be set free and made whole and ushered to know they need to be discipled into their purpose.

To to those of us who are considered the harvest, which I'm going to say or both unbeliever, I mean what we say, the harvest we think of the unbelievers. But I believers, believers in this harvest as well. I want to point out two things. The first thing is the press the press now. Now we see a lot of scriptures and and God calls us to seek him.

God calls us to press toward him city first the Kingdom of God, all his righteousness and all thing. So we see our seeking there. You seek me, you find me when you search me with all your heart. There's all these things that God says If you come seek me, you come find me, depart from evil, do good, seek peace, who's who's the peace, ultimate peace. You seek peace and pursue it. I mean, there's all these scriptures that call it God calls to seek the press through towards him. So prior to his passage, like if you go before Matt does now, it says he talks about miracles of healings. Jesus did, and he gave a number he gave to a number of people. So we've had the synagogue official, the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years the blind man, the man who possessed a demon.

The one thing that they had in common was they all went to press to the source of their heavenly healing, the one with the issue of blood. She pressed through the crowd and she, she went to all people just to touch him of his garment. The blind man followed Jesus and he gave to he gave them their sight. For some they had issues for a long time and I would assume they exhausted all the means to try to get healed, to no avail. They tried doing it their way, I'm sure, until they came to the realization the only way to be made whole again was to come in contact with Jesus, the one who could set them free indeed, and make them new. I knew before I met Jesus something was missing in my life. I'm keeping it I had issues. I had hurts and pains. And I still do tell you that, that I tried to even try curing them on my own, in my own power. Be if I if I were smoke weed every all the times of the day just to just to suppress those pains, those thoughts, those those those those things.

I was condemned myself. We could have been drinking or if I was just ignoring the problem, these are all the things I was doing. My own strength and my own power. To come to to be healed. But I had to realize that it wasn't there was nothing I could do, no matter what I did, my own strength of wisdom and knowledge, I could not I could not dig up the root of all those sins, of all those hurts and all those pains, and set myself free from the bondage, not into who I was at the end of me and the beginning of him.

Did I become whole and complete not until I was at the end of me and the beginning of him did I become whole complete. Let them be example to you to keep pressing. Don't start until you reach God, because in him, darkness has to retreat, pain has to go, fear has to leave. And then you find your freedom yes, the second thing I want the harvest to know is it's going get hot here. Now I want you to take off all your clothes that I just I didn't that come from me. It's just getting hot, all right? When I think of the harvest, I think of that as a good thing. I mean, you think of harvest, that that that is the fruit of your labor. It's just a reward. Now, I think the farmer is excited for harvest time, but he also known as hard for the farmer to to go harvest all that. And but that that's another sermon. So I wonder why Jesus refers to the distressed and dispirited as harvest. If God sees me as harvest, why then is my life so difficult? Why do I feel this way? Why did I go through this or that? So so let's look at this word harvest for a second. In the Greek, the word for harvest is through symbols, which means to harvest, OK?

But then it says if you look at a card, corn says, but it says this word comes from the Greek word, the rasa meaning to read. It makes sense what you harvest, OK, but it goes further. It states that the rise of comes from the Greek word theos meaning to heat summer. All right, so hold on. So, so, so this this this root this the root word of harvest. The word that this harvest is derived from comes from a from the words to heat summer hot. So tell you, I don't know when it's here, but all right, maybe next, the Greek word for harvest derived from the Greek word he summer. So you wonder why your life is so tough, why you had to go through what you went through, why there's been so much pain in your life, why no one understands you and you feel alone.

Why the haters? Hey, why this one abandons you? Why I can't seem to get ahead. Why sings no one loves you and your life feels like it's getting hot. I'm here to tell you even though it doesn't look like it even though it doesn't feel like even though you want to give up you and you at your last grass. It is getting hotter here And I implore you to stay the course Do not give up. You're right where you need to be. The heat has a purpose. It's time to reap the harvest. And God is coming to meet you right where you're at. This heat, this this harvest process. It reminds me of a time some years ago.

And just like at one church that in my old church during the holidays. We take a break and and I think I've mentioned it before, like, my church wasn't being it wasn't this many people. We had about 50 on a good day and we had 12 about 12 strong members and we had a nice sized church. And in those 12 people would do everything. I mean like we would be cleaning and serving and just and it got a lot so we so when it was these times the holidays the rest me I enjoyed that thing and maybe a little bit too much but so I remember it was a Saturday afternoon we didn't have those church duties and I was on the couch with Tunisia and she was sleeping and I was watching TV and, and I wanted to turn on a football game so bad. But if you know Tunisia, if you don't, you know, you know, she's not a sports fan at all. At all. Like that. And you should catch a quick attitude. I mean, with me, if I turn on anything that has to do with sports, I think it's because I'm a big sports fan. I watch about anything related to sports, and sometimes it's at her expense.

So anyway, I'm laying here in my head shaking, resisting to turn on the ball game like like this is so so I was like I mean, I went to the National Geographic Channel night and the program that was on was Ultimate Factories. And so this program is where they go through a whole factory process of of the making of a product. And so happened that this one was about Jack Daniels whiskey. I could do that. I mean, no, I'm just plounge OK. So I was like, that's cool. See what this is about? So I learned that one of the most important things in the process is not the aging of the spirit. OK, so I learned that the most important thing in this process is not the aging of the spirit, but the process, the barrels that hold the spirit go through.

Come on out. Hey, during the process of making of forming the barrels, they go through a process of immense heat and steam and burning before the whiskey. The spirit is put in them, stored in age for a number of years. Come on now. The wood. The wood that the barrel is made of is kind of into shape and may handle a say. It manhandle the wood goes to a grinding process so it can fit together. Come on now. I mean, is any of us going through some things? We need to fit together as one, and so it doesn't leak. It then goes to a steam shower for about 25 minutes at 150 degrees to soften up the lumber for saving it a barrel. I mean the word becomes pliable so so it can be bendy the wall bends, but it doesn't break. Come on now. Come on, Dennis. Time for the toasting. This this is just like toasting bread or roasting a marshmallow. It brings out the new unique flavor of the wood. All right, now, come on. Is he there's a purpose to this thing.

Then one of the most important parts of the process of making the barrel is the charring of the barrel. The inside of the barrel or set on fire. I mean, flames going going over eight powerful gas burners. A I mean, like, I mean, new beginnings all right. Come on, now. All right. Flames are basically going right through the barrels, charring it to the black of the color for 25 seconds. Half of the taste, the whiskey comes from the char barrel. From the minute he pressed the pressure, the messy process, the vessel that holds the spear goes through, the fruit comes of that, the good tasting whistling, the good spirit come on out. And to put it out, the fire is water sprayed on the barrel. It then is tested by filling it up with water, living water and pressure to make sure there are no leaks.

A whole Mac that make this that one I seen is so that is right. The barrel, the shale the temple us that holds the whiskey, the spirit goes through immense heat and burning process just like us. All of this pain, the suffering, the losses, the pressure building up, getting beat down is preparation and part of the process for that time. God's going to call you to have that interaction with Jesus for the best of you, the real you to be revealed oh, come on. Hey, man. All right, so that's the harvest. So I just tell you, those who are filled with distressed disparity, God loves you and one thing remains the same is love will always find you. Don't give up you will not be broken.

This is building you into the person whose God created you to be, who God called you to be. Don't give up, press. The heat has a purpose. Now, here comes the tough part to the believer of Christ the labor, the disciple of Christ. The Scripture says Jesus, seeing the people, he felt compassion for them. Because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to the disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest. Restrict things from from that piece of the passage that I want to to inform the believer. I don't know if they're going to put it out. They might. The first day Christ is showing us how to look at people. As I stated in the beginning, the harvest of Mother to Jesus saw they were weary, they're cast off, they're thrown to the wayside. That's what the word distress is the spirit of me. Jesus says they're like sheep with no shepherd and a sheep with no shepherd as loss. Would I say I painted that picture for you of them struggling through the Briers and thorn, their fleece tore. I mean, they're sitting ducks for animals that prey on a lost sheep looks at us like it's at his wit's end. It doesn't have it's his bearing it's warning with no go. And then if they don't have no shepherd one comes, there's going to be many of them wandering with no shepherd but the thing to remember we need to remember is with Christ that the outward was nothing except the symbol and manifestation of the N-word in word so with Christ was seeing on the outside what we see on our side of those who are distressed in the spirit, who don't have Christ, that's just a sister outward manifestation of what's going on in.

We're in Christ gazes toward us, is always dealing with us in our position in the heavenly realm rather than what we are. But we are where we are on Earth. He deals with the things of the heart, the inner man, and he's showing us to go beyond the outside physical presence and go deeper in our view of our fellow brothers and sisters and recognize that they they are in need of the one who has both the God and the teacher because they have Christ. They are shepherd list. If they are shepherd list, they're they are scattered like those from the Tower of Babel and either in need of the unifying spirit of Pentecost we need to look at them as Christ looks at them, not through the lenses of this world, but through the Spirit of God. So so that second point I want to show you is Christ shows us how to feel at the sight of distress and the spirit in the harvest side of Christ. I'm talking to myself, the church as a whole. It pains me to say this, but Jesus is statement is true. The laborers are few. I don't care how big you how big of a church you are, you always understand that the laborers are few.

You will have experienced that in some form or fashion every day. We come out of our houses, we go to work, to the store, to church, and we encounter someone who needs Jesus as those just facts. We encounter the harvest, but do not touch it. Sometimes we just walk around them. We're too busy. We got our own problems. We're to focus on our own growth. We're so out of tune with Jesus that we miss their cry for help. It could be a subtle hi or it could be a look. Now screams Help me and we keep on passing them by the church. Is more concerned about the numbers. How many members do we have? How big is our church more concerned about keeping the rumors going? Hey, I'm more concerned about what is going on inside the walls of the physical church than what is going right on outside the doors of the church. We act like a social club rather than a hub of love. Come on a place of refuge that's what we should be a discipline. We should be a dispensary of disciples of Christ going to and fro, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every kind of disease every kind of sickness as Jesus was doing in the focal scripture.

The harvest is plentiful because the labors are few. There are many church members, but few laborers. We have lost sight of our mission and of our purpose. Jesus said he felt compassion for them because they were distressed and dispirited, like seek without a shepherd. That is what our cities and neighborhoods look like. Where is our compassion for the harvest? How many of us have walked past the harvest and not shared the same compassion Jesus has for them? Be the first to admit it. When we leave the 90 now for just one verse first door to success. The one who says he abandoned him himself to walk in the same manner he as he walked. The one who says he abandoned him and himself to walk in the same manner his he walked, Paul says, and in Philippians 127 only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel Christ.

So that whether I come and see you remain absent. I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit with one mind, striving for the faith of the gospel what's the faith of the gospel is that it's is the reached. The last is to give the last what we have already received. And can I say that about myself? Can we say that about us? Are we conducting ourselves in the manner worthy of the Gospel Christ, or we walk in the same manner as Christ, the one we say we about in standing firm, in one spirit, with one man striving together for the faith of the Gospel, having compassion for the distressed and to the spirit. And if we were lacking in any of those above, we need to refocus and renew our minds and our objectives and get them in line with headquarters.

And we have to feel the compassion for the lost, the broken hearted, the spirit in distress we have been there. We know what it feels like. We cannot forget where we came from or where we're still at. Come on now. The only difference between us and the ones Jesus felt compassion for us is we have Jesus. We have the Shepherd leading and teaching us. We have to we have to love them as we love ourselves, usher them to Jesus, the great shepherd, so they can be given rest, heal and become disciples. And then laborers OK, point three. I think this is my last point. I want to keep you all, but Chris is showing us what to do we're called to serve in some form a capacity in the Kingdom of God.

There needs to be a commitment to the harvest the lost need. Evangelize too. The question is do we want to be a potential worker or an actual worker, a worker who is working in the anointing of God are we complacent? We're just sitting in the pews? Or do we want to be part of the few? The standout group, those laboring in the harvest, working the working in an area that brings love and healing and the Word of God out there in our families, in our communities, and at our job well, we need to do as Jesus said, the seats the Lord of the harvest to send out workers to His harvest, the seats in the Greek means to one. So you got to once you got to what the Lord of the harvest to send out as workers, send out workers for his harvest in the dictionary, beseech means urgently and fervently do something, applaud and that's what we need to do. We need to pray with an urgency, fervently, fervently trial to the Lord and send out the workers as Jesus commanded, because all because OK, it is because it is his harvest.

He wants no one left behind. God will provide, especially for those He loves. We will beseech him. If we're going to say this prayer, we better be willing to roll up our sleeves. Top are boots and labor with our sales. I remember like in the men's group, James, all we say is if you won't pray for something, you better be willing to do what you pray, what you pray for. And that's what we need to do here in a Luke version. Of this scripture right out there, Jesus says the focal scripture he sends out 70 in the cities. I mean, there had to be more followers than that, right? More than just 70 and in Matthew Ten he gives the 12 disciples the authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every kind of sickness. Do we not have that same authority? Do we not have that same? And do not do we not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit then Jesus say, everything you have given me are given them. Why don't we give Him the Great Commission? So why are not why are we not out there laboring in this authority that was given?

I gave it everything that you given me. God, I've given them this authority to heal sickness, to cast it out but we walk around here like we're powerless we can go right out. It's outside right now, fast, and we lay our hands on the hill if we believe because we have that authority so the worship team comes back up church. We're not called to sit in. And I'm speaking to me. We're not we're not called to stay inside these walls. We are first and foremost to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ. Nothing, no excuse or prayer relinquishes us from that and I'm not saying we are one church aren't doing that. I mean, we have c groups which are not only for fellowship but more importantly, importantly, is for creating disciples and laborers. If you're not participate participating in C group. I mean, I applaud you to join one man I mean, there's one for you. I'm telling you, they're very they're very helpful and intuitive and informative. And I are sharp in the air. And if you're in need of some in-depth Bible teaching to be presented in a manner where if you if you are milker me there's something for you there.

There's there's the Sunday school class that's taught by my brother James. I mean, he goes in deaf with the word. But but he but it's not it's so it's in deaf. But but it's something that if you are milk or meat that you can grass and that you will leave that, that, that class with new revelation when new when new new information deposited knowledge and was deposited into your into your spirit. I mean and it's moved 8:00. I mean, you come to church on Sunday anyway. When I come to too early, you ain't got nothing to do and then we have the varsity that's coming up and that's what this sermon is headed by our family pastor Jason. And that's just amazing to actually be out there on the front lines, meeting people, talking to people as he's doing his eyes.

They're showing us giving love on them, giving them a hug, just letting them know that that there is a body of Christ out here that loves you and that you're important and we're not. We're not only about that. We're not all about just giving you're spiritually we're about meeting your need right now as well. And so I say hard to say is that I'm not saying that one church doesn't do it. But just as I stated, one church is doing something we can surely do more in, and that's just keeping it real. So we have work to do outside. We have some harvesting to do. The numbers don't look good, but Jesus says, beseech our Lord for co laborers, he will provide our families neighborhoods and cities need more of us more than ever.

The harvest need a shepherd. Does anyone hear his voice? Rather hear the labor or the law sheep to disciple or to down? Try Jesus is calling one flock with one shepherd. We should be and have to be the leaders of change where we are part of the solution to the lack of love in our community. We are part of the solution to the racial reconciliation. We are part of the solution for immigration reform. We are part of the solution for mental health. We are the part. We are part of the solution for the plentiful harvest this takes me back to think of John Chapter Ten It's a powerful chapter. And then he says, Truly, truly. I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. He goes on to say, I'm the door. If anyone answers to me, he will be saved and go in and out and find pasture. Come on now. The harvest is looking for that. It goes on. I am the good shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. But there's more. I lay down my life for the sheep.

I have other sheep which are not others, for I must bring them also. And they will hear my voice and they will become what? One flock with one shepherd that right, dear, is what we're crazy to talk about in our focal scripture. I have other. She has a harvest out here. That's the spirit that's distress. That is crying out for help. And they're not of this fall. They're not of this food. They're not of us. I must bring them also and they will hear my voice and they will become one flock with one shepherd we are the ones he uses to bring them. Also, he is the one that assures us we're the way makers sometimes we're the only Christ that they see in their lives at all. And he said they would become one flock with one shepherd as the church stands I don't know where you fit into this scripture. I don't know if you feel like you're part of a harvest and things and your life is going tough. Maybe you don't know Christ and you don't know that, that the process, the heat, the process of the harvest is for your is for your for us to be perfecting you is too is for you to be used by God, for you to come into a relationship with Him.

I don't know if you if you if you are already a disciple of Christ, you claim you are Bible thumping bumpin Christian and there's something the scripture says, man, I could, I could do more. I could be more attentive to the spirit. I can make sure as I'm walking down the street, I'm asking God to show me people show me, show me how He sees them.And but wherever you are, I will say it is that God loves you, that God's calling you to do something. Either He's calling you to himself to set you free or he's calling you to get out there and get the work and so I don't know if you've been coming here every week, and if you don't know God, I just implore you as the worship team starts to sing the worship song. If you don't know Christ and you've been wondering, why are you being come in here, someone in your family has been dragging you here I just I implore you to come to this altar. And if you and if you hear God, he said you will hear his voice. If he's calling you right now, come to his altar, grab one of the leaders and ask them and tell them you want to know who the true a living God is.

You're tired of living this life that you've been living. You tired of been going through this alone? You've been tired of trying to do this on your own. Come to this altar. Ask them to to let you know about this guy named Jesus who say's who loves you, who wants nothing more, to give you a life more abundantly. Who wants to give you an everlasting life and don't worry about what all these people out here is doing. As Lisa said last week, was they were having a conversation after after church conversation she said, I ain't going to heaven or hell to put you in hell. I ain't got one. So I would not be worried about what these other people were saying. You come up here to give your life to Christ.

Don't let them hold you back. Don't let what you think hold you back. Don't let them keep your idea of what they're thinking of you to keep you from coming into that interaction. Because there's one thing I can tell you that the 100, 200, 150, 200 people are here. They will. If you give your life to Christ right now, they will walk with you walk is step every step of the way, will crowd with you will, will, will, will lift you up. Who will hug you? Will, will, will do whatever you need for you to walk this thing out. So if there's one I have for you to come right now, I applaud you and if maybe you want to walk to the worship, since all Psalms come up, the altar is open. Leave here as I always say, don't leave the same way you came in. This is the hospital for believers, for everybody. Come get your healing. He was burned heavily him. He will give you rest.


Ready or Not - On Guard Wk 1


LGBTQ+ and the Church - Real Talk pt 7