No Strings Attached - Real Talk pt 5

Thank you, worship team. We are now may not know Chris to just preach my whole sermon so we've been in a sermon series called Real Talk, and for the past four weeks, we've been talking about just just just real things that we are faced with as believers. The first week we talked to a priest on a retort on the Jesus is still in the business of flipping tables. Right and in that, we begin to really lay out what the call of one church is and what God is calling us to do to flip tables, which is we begin to address the systems that the money changers was making money. That's this of Jesus flipping tables. Jeff is our social justice platform for our church because we know that biblical justice is social justice, right?

That's what we taught him. And for our church to begin to really recognize three different things that we are really focused on as a church, among other things. But we're giving our energy to which is human trafficking, racial reconciliation, immigration reform. And so we talked about that then for Mother's Day, I'll let a sermon call it. I get it from my mama.

You know, we talked about how my persevere is me pressing in and all of that. But my mom's showcase, that's where I got it from. I got it from my mama. And many things that we get from our parents, we get it from a mother or a father then after that, Trey preached a sermon where he began to really he challenged us to say, you know what, we should embrace the other side, right? We should embrace the other side where we are called to repent, to listen, to pray, and then obey what God is calling us to do. And last week, Pastor Vanessa York, she talked about mental health, which, you know, we don't talk about mental health in a church. Right. That's one of those those things that we don't really talk about. We push it to the side and we just we don't address it. Right. But she said last week that anxiety and depression is not a sin that if you are in a position where you are anxious or you are in or you're depressed, that is not a sin. That is a feeling that we have in this human body.

But I'm reminded by the great prophet Jeremiah, Jeremiah said, I will restore your health in our Heal Your Wounds, declares the Lord that's what Jeremiah said. So today, if you have your Bibles with you, let's turn to Psalm Chapter 139. We'll lift up passages one through 14, and I'll be reading from the New Living Translation Psalms Chapter 139. If you're thinking there's 139 chapters of Psalms. Yep. There you're correct because there is there's more if you can't get to songs, just open up your Bible and just get it in the middle. And that's pretty much where Psalms is. Just go to the left or to the right Psalms 139 verses one through 14 and as I said, today is family Sunday. So if your child is making noise or crying, it's OK, we'll love on and we want you guys to know that we embrace our youth and our kids and so Mama, Daddy, don't beat them. Amen. Right? Don't give them that. They're just thinking that you know me, get them. You know that. Momma, Daddy, when you look at them like you don't see now y'all know what I'm talking about. Songs 139 versus one through 14 verse one. Oh, Lord, you have examined my heart and you know everything about me. You know, when I sit down or stand up, you know my thoughts. Even when I'm far away, you see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything that I do kids, God knows everything that you do was done in the dark.

Will be shown in the light you know what I am going to say? You know, even before I say it, Lord, you go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my hand. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. Too great for me to understand. I can never escape yours from your spirit. I can never get away from your presence. If I go to heaven, you are there. If I go down to the grave, you are there as well. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans even there your hand will guide me and your strength will support me. I could ask the darkness to hide me in the light around me to become night. But even in the darkness I cannot hide from you to you The night shines as bright as the day Darkness and light are the same to you You may me on all the delicate inner parts of my body and near me together my mother's womb Thank you for making me so wonderful complex your workmanship is marvelous How will I know it?

Imagine it sounds 39 basically saying that God, he created us that you we can't outrun we can't hide from God that he knows exactly where we are. He know the things that you're dealing with, the things that you are challenged with. He knows exactly your financial situation. He knows everything about you, your highs and your lows, the things that you try to hide from him. But he knows everything. So today, if I had to give him a sermon title, it would be called No Strings Attached.

No Strings Attached, No Kids, Youth, and middle aged people. I'm not talking about the phrase with benefits, not the type of strings attached. So for the older generation, the NSA or no strings attached is a connotation that people use in this day and age where we talk about let's just hook up and there won't be any strings attached. And we know that if we are connected to anybody, there's always going to be strings attached and how we surround ourselves with other people, how we align ourselves with other people, how we connect with families and friends we definitely tell us who we are. Even our alignment with companies, the businesses that we work for, the corporations that we set up under shapes and modes, who we are.

So your family, your friends, even the work that you do shapes and mode. You just know that this year we are called to go deeper. Deeper is the word that God has given our church, that we have been call to go deeper in Christ right we have to begin to get out of the shallow waters if we have to go deeper. And I believe this, we can't go deeper if we're connected to strings you can't go deeper where God wants you to be. If you're if you're still holding on to the strings that God is saying to let go see, we have to allow God to fix our brokenness, then and only then can we live out our best lives then.

And only then can we live out our best lives. There's a saying that I live by. And is this that God does his best work with broken pieces? I believe that because we're a broken generation, we're broken, we're messed up, we're jacked, we're just hope for the flow of writing re our generation of people that if God allows us to be broken in such a way that He can bless us, it's an to break it down to who we are, isn't it breaking down what we think we are, what God has called us to do, and all of that, that he breaks down, he picks back up, but he begins to put it back on to the paths where he begins to shape it in mode in such a way that he can use this for his glory. So even in your worst position, in your worst self, the gospel can use you but he's telling you to let go of those strings, to let go of those things that you're holding to so closely, to you guys know, our family makes up who we are, our background, our friends, and we know that we have some crazy family members right everybody got that one crazy uncle, right?

Y'all know who dealt with every family reunion, every cookout, every family gathering. They're all here. Come, Uncle Pete. Is their Uncle Pete in the house today? All right. Just wanna make sure y'all know that that crazy uncle would just, you know, get alleged gang lingo. Like, at least explain he growing up. You know, I'm a byproduct of, like, the nineties, right? I'm a seventies baby born in 77. Just turned 45 this year. I know. I don't look praise God. Thank you. Black no crack. Amen.

Oh man let me stay on task faster. But growing up in the nineties, there's some amazing TV shows that we grew up to watch in the eighties and nineties. One of my favorite TV shows used to be called The Brady Bunch. Yeah, I remember that, man. This was a model family, right? Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. You know, I remember that show. OK, OK, cool. Also growing up, you know, we used to watch one of my favorite shows, despite his recent activities is The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. This is pre slapping, OK? This is before this is before we'll start getting kind of, you know, whatever you want, whatever you're but, you know, hey, that was that was the family right?

You have Uncle Phil who was a doctor. He was a lawyer. Then the wife was a what? What was she? She was an attorney, too, I believe, or something like that. But brother sister cousin, his uncle, he moved out from the from the ghetto to the to Bel Air. And Carlton had his little, you know, little dance and stuff like that. Yeah, I remember that show. Yo, he's rocking the White House with penny loafers. Superman. You can definitely rock that. See, these shows kind of shaped who we are. I began to look at the model perfect family. This was what I considered to be the picture perfect family. And then the nineties came around, and then we saw The Simpsons, and that this is what we knew. TV shows have just gone away.

Because this opened up a whole nother Pandora's box of what family life looked like. You know, I believe this was probably the first dysfunctional cartoon because we had The Jetsons, you know, the cartoons Scooby Doo. But, you know, this was the dysfunctional family here where it definitely wasn't PG then. If we fast forward to today, many of us or some of you all watch this next one, the family guy and you guys know just the content and the character of those families and how they just begin to interact. And we even the point is this what we watch and what we listen to shape who we are in the shape of who we are. We begin to live it out and then begin to wonder, how did I get to the place I'm at today? Then you have to go back and reflect way back when, when you begin to watch things that God said.

This may not be may not be perfect for you. And I believe this, that the family function for the purpose of a family unit, one of the oldest institutions that's known to man, this is what we see in Genesis where God created the institution of the family. And that's where we get our culture. Our values are morals, our principles from even our authority that we begin to walk into we begin to shape our beliefs and our conviction. This is what the family unit does for us. Even our actions this is what a family unit does. We learn how to respond to stress. We learn how to respond to disappointments. We learn how to respond to loss and gains in our families. You guys know Christmas. She quoted the scripture. Proverbs 22, four, six train up the child in the way that he should go when he gets old.

He will not depart from it. But what if but but what if the things that you learn from your family are unhealthy right? What are the things that you learned from your family are unhealthy habits. You don't really know that their own health and so they begin to become exposed. They become unhealthy behaviors even by omission. Because you begin to acquire those traits and those personalities strings that you're attached to how you live, how you love and how you lead is all learned I want you to get that. How you live, how you love and how you lead is all learned. Through your family and your social settings as well. Right? Who taught you how to love TV shows? Your family, your friends, that fraternity, that gang what if you learned in a such an unhealthy way? What do you mean, pass around? OK, cool. Let me just let me just throw it out there. You grew up. Your father was always angry. He began to do punch walls, right? And you watched that.

You see it over and over again. They begin to understand and wonder why? Why am I punching walls now? It's because you saw your father, your mother do it, or maybe an uncle or a cousin. And now you're not punching walls. You're punching people. You're not only punching people. You punch in your spouse because don't get it twisted, ladies. You can beat up on your husband to domestic violence, domestic violence. Either way, that's something that you saw and that you learn to begin to figure out, like, where did that come from? And when you become sad, what do you do? You go eat some chocolate ice cream right? What's your go to you? Or you might smoke. You might want to roll up or do something right what about if you're lonely you begin to look at media, you get to look at your social threads, your your your DMS and your IGs and all of the other social media outlets where you begin to think about well, let me just send somebody a quick DM request so that way we can get up and chill, right?

Netflix and chill because you don't like being by yourself. Then you find yourself one female, then another female, then another female than another female. It's all because you're lonely and you're yearning for somebody to fill that void. And it all started when you were seven years old. It all started when you're six years old. We begin to watch your mother, your father or your grandmother, your aunt, uncle, whoever it may be. That is that social impression that you begin to receive from your family unit, your friends. You begin to wonder, where did I where did it come from? You picked it up at a young age and now it's being expressed as your 18 is 16 and 25. And 35 and 45 is all those attachments is getting hold of you and you're trying to figure out where did this come from? But we serve a God who desires to set us free. We serve a God who stepped out of heaven, down on earth, walked into humanity. To set us free from the sins of bondage.

Satan would do everything in his power to tear down the walls, the spiritual protection around us, and those who love he would do everything he can to dismantle, to discredit, to disrupt everything. All of that protection that God has placed around you. He's trying to pull you away from the church. He's trying to pull you away from your social church settings. He's trying to pull you away from your church family. Or even just your spiritual groups like you know, where you don't need to be there that you don't even deserve to be there because you're you're doing things that God is not calling you to do. But I will encourage you to do this. Lean in, lean into that very thing that God is that the enemy is trying to pull you away from leaning where God wants you to be, even when it gets hard, because God is trying to produce perseverance and all the other things that come out of you laying staying in a posture where God wants you to be despite everything else that's around.

So today we have to make a decision that we're going to step into the ring and begin to fight not only for our lives, but those lives that we're connected to. So many of us are dealing with the things from our past that is affecting our present. What ultimately will affect our future? You guys heard me say that before. So many things that we're dealing with today we haven't dealt with in the past that surface and if present tense that will ultimately affect your future I believe this what gets repeated gets replicated what gets repeated gets replicated. So I'm always going to remind you that God does his best work with broken pieces. I'm always going to remind you that it's in the presence of the Lord, that you have the fullness of joy. I'm always going to remind you that you have a calling, a purpose in your life. But yet at some point we need to begin to identify those areas that we are still attached to. We still have to begin to identify those areas that God has called us to walk out from. We still have to identify those things that God is telling us to walk away from, those things that we are connected to that got us saying Let go because identification precedes transformation.

You have to begin to identify the things that are seeing your life, begin to call those things out so God can begin to transform you God will not transfer things in your life that you're not willing to point out yourself. He will not begin to transform the things in your life that you're now willing to admit where you're at Right. It's in confessing the recognition of who not only he is, but those things that you're that you're dealing with or begin to think about, like, why am I why am I in a position of being depressed or anxiety? Because what is that connected to? Why am I struggling like, why do I have anger issues?

I remember the prodigal son, right Luke Chapter 15. You know the story, your prodigal son. There's two sons, right? One son left the house because the dad give me all my money and give me all my inheritance and I'm gonna just give it a deuces. I'm a walk out. I want to go live my best life. Right. So what does the father do? He gives his son his entire inheritance. The son goes out and party and to have fun, he's just living the best life. And then, well, guess what? The money's gone. Then the prodigal senses. I guess I need to return home, because at least the servants at my father's house is eating better than I'm eating right now. All this time, the other son was still at the house. Someone flipped the table a little bit. I'm going to take the position of the other son. Right? If I was the other son in this. This joker. My brother left the house where he left his father's house and where he had all the opportunities to even begin to grow and develop. And I'm still at home where he's out party, and I'm thinking of Dad, like, what's going on, right?

Like, why is he going out partying? He comes home, gets well. What happens when he comes home? The father goes out, he grabs this mink coat, this fur coat, puts it on him. Giving him a ring which talks about the signet of the family. The family crest throws a bangin party for him. Hayes Hayes machine smoke lights and all of that great stuff. I mean, they party four days. I'm the other son, like dad. What's up? Like, really? I've been here four years. You haven't throwing a party. You haven't really put no ribs on a grill, right? Come on. Church I've been eating beans and rice for three months. Can a brother get a steak? Right. The other brothers in his feelings. I know I would be this joker gone. Go home, come back to the house. You go. Let him come back into this house. After you spend all of his money you never threw a party for me, Dad.

But what about when you're that person where you live in your father's house, honored your father's rules Heavenly Father, not biological father. Honor his rules. And you don't get what you deserve. You let me rephrase that. You don't get what you think you deserve. Right? Because the other son is still alive. Why in the world am I not getting anything? Would it set in with the other son? Bitterness, resentment, anger, frustration, jealousy. For years, he's working the fields. Why? The brother is out partying. He's shoveling, man like this. You take this two man job but I'm doing one man. You know, just one job. One person doing it. He's cleaning the house. Years of bitterness and my dad never threw me a party some years ago. You guys heard me tell the story. Felicia and I, we had at another church, we were serving it. We had this thing where we call it a family retreat. And this family retreat allowed us to kind of really just go into a campsite where we rented out for two and a half days in, you know, for Fleet.

Now, we never had a really, really good relationship with our fathers. We're both raised out of a single payer home. And, you know, there's some things that I was dealing with as a young man. You guys heard my story a little bit. And I said, Felice, you know, we need to call our fathers and reconcile our relationship because, you know, reconciliation works on both sides, just not the person who was offended, but also the offender who actually was the offense taking place. So we call our dads and we begin to have them come up and say, Dad, you know, can you guys come up to North Carolina? Her dad was in Florida. My dad was in Ohio. They came in to North Carolina and we and they met. And and this process during that retreat, we reconciled our relationship with our father that was the very first time I told my dad, you're the reason why that I struggle with pornography for such a young age.

Imagine hearing that from a son how God has set me free from that but I had to tell my dad, like, you left my mom when I was like four, three years old. I do, like, let my mom raise four kids there was a resentment there, right? I saw my mom struggle and so begin to talk with my father. Now we're you know, we have an amazing relationship. We talk on a regular basis. I think this he needed to know that I loved him and I forgave him. Because for me, that was a string that I was attached to from years ago that did not let go until that day of that retreat.

Is with my confessing of my mouth with my father, the things that I was dealing with for years and I want you guys to begin to think about what are some things that you've been holding on to? What are some things that you've been holding on to with your with your family members or your friends or or other people that you've been holding to that God is saying let go, that you need to begin to maybe your biological father, mother, friend, person, whatever those strings that has you captive to help you there has you in bondage. Maybe they're not living today. Confessed to your father, confessed to your heavenly father because you may not have that opportunity no strings attached.

And what I wanted to do begin to break this, the generational cycle that was taking place in my family. So that's the reason why I wanted to preach this sermon today because as our kids are here today, I want you guys to begin to understand the importance of knowing your family history and the things that your mother, your father, your aunt, your grandma, your meanwhile you pop out that they've dealt with. And why is that? Why is it because Romans chapter five, verse 12, says this when Adam said the entire world was affected, that sin entered into a human experience and death was the result and so death followed this sin, casting a shadow over all humanity because of one person who sin why is that important?

Because Numbers Chapter 14 tells us this Why is it important for us to know our genealogy, our history, the things that your mother, your father, that your family's been dealing with? Why is that I'm going to tell you why. Numbers chapter 14 verse 18 says this The Lord lays the sins of the parents upon their children. Let me go back. The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiveness and sin and rebellion. Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished. He punishes the children for the sin of the parents, goes to the third and fourth generation. Let me just translate the teen, the sins of the mothers and the father reaches the third and fourth generation do you get that that's four generations long.

That's your grandmother, great grandmother. Great great grandmother. Those are the things that they begin to deal with. All right, if you don't believe it, let's this just give you a highlight of just this history in the scriptures. So this is of the great, great, great grandmother. Grandfather is knocking at our door. Right. So Abraham, right, the father of many nations, right? The father of the Abraham was who was the father of the nation, was the deceiver. He lied about his wife twice to out of fear in self preservation, been there, done that right Abraham lied about his wife twice. Hey, I'm not gonna lie about my wife. Hey, I see my wife. You know, that's my baby momma. That's my boo. That's my three thing. Actually, I'm married. I'm married. I'm married to Felicia. Right? I'm not gonna lie about that, but watch this.

Abraham was the deceiver. He lied about his wife and said that he was. She was his sister. He had a son out of wedlock because he didn't want to wait for his. For his Isaac. Right. He had Ishmael Isaac marry Rebecca. That's drama for you, Mama. Two sons. They had Esau and Jacob, right? Esau was more the manly man. Jacob was the mama's boy. Right. Esau sales his birthright to his brother, God to Isaac. His older son was served. The younger and says, no, he begins to work against God's plan. So Jacob's name means trickster. Jacob steals the birthright right from Esau East. I guess Chase chases Jacob. So they run it from dysfunction, from dysfunction, from dysfunction, from dysfunction. Start with Abraham. And it goes down to Esau and Jacob but doesn't stop there. Jacob loved Rachel so much because she was just she, you know, coke bottle shaped fine here. All of it Jacob worked seven extra years to get his wife so let me let me let me put it like this.

So the title of my sermon is what? No Strings Attached. So because my mother birth me, I'm connected to my mom, right? So what happens? That the sins of my mother, my father follows to the third and fourth generation and so the things that she's dealing with means that I may be faced with as well. And so my mother, you know, she lived as much she she worked two and three jobs trying to provide for her family. And so the reason why I work as hard as I do that I try to make sure that I honor what my mother has given me and what she's sacrificed for. Right. Because my desire is to make sure that the next generation that comes after me, which is my C, which is kin don't ask, and that they have the opportunity to go to the next level.

Right. That's what parents want for their kids. And so I'm not going to let this sacrifice of what she has made for years go to waste. Because I made it up in my mind that I'm consciously walking towards and away from those things that they dealt with historically speaking, most people of color come from a place of lack of less. Right. Just just historically speaking. Right. Generally speaking. And so the things that my mother's dealing with and now I have I get married and this lady right here, so I'm connected to her, walk back and walk for it. Go back that way.

Sometimes the things that we're dealing with, we deal with those who are closest to us the strings that we are connected to people hurt us the most that are the closest but yet I'm dealing with things from a far away as well. And what God is trying to do. He's trying to free me up in such a way where I can raise and hallelujah for him. But yet there's things that I'm dealing with with my wife and my spouse that we haven't had resolve about. But yet there's generational things from the third and fourth generation that I'm still dealing with today. Mr. Jim, I'm asking you to back up just a little bit keep going back, Mr. Jim. I'm 45 years old.

And this is just a multiethnic observation, OK? I'm 45 years old. I worked in corporate America trying to get ahead, trying to provide for my family. But my experience with the white man, quote unquote, right is a bad one. So my experiences as a young male with the older white male has tarnished and shaped my mind in such a way that I'm carrying this this offense from way back when when I was ten years old. Then I'm still dealing with it. Then I begin to faint shape and fast in my mind with one experience. But this one white male that happened years ago, the lives that I'm wearing and watching then I'm trying to protect my kids from this, from that one bad experience come on, church, let's keep your real name maybe you're white and then there's a black middle comes across.

You know, maybe he wants a date. Date? Your daughter and that experience that you have with that one black male dating a white girl has shaped your impression of a person of color for years and you're still holding on to it. Now, Mr. Jeffrey, he's my father. Right. And the absence of a father and a black house or better yet, anyhow, so is gone because the absence of my father, who was who did not raise me, I saw my mother struggle. He wasn't there to provide I saw him sleep with woman after woman after woman now what happens? I'm older.

He guess what I'm doing. I'm sleeping with woman after woman after woman. Even based on our social context today, I like guys to a man because I saw what my father did. Even when he was away, even when they were divorced. Every summer I will go to Ohio or let's say California and North Dakota. Every year, a different girl a different step mom and every family. You and I have another brother and other sisters that I get to meet. Now I'm dealing with brother sister number 16 outside of the four that I have with my mom.

I'm so connected to that now. My wife and I, we get married I have my first born son and I'm trying to raise my son to be a man of God. Is safe from my absent father, they say, from a white male person who who disrespected me, who called me out my name, who did so many other things the generation speaking three to four years in stuff I'm dealing with now. I have a daughter I'm trying to raise a daughter praying for pray that she makes the right decisions, praying that they begin to do the right things. That's what we do for us parents, right as we want our sons and daughters. But then something happens in their lives. There's a shift in our relationship. Police now we're not in good terms. So the way that I'm talking to acting towards her is because I learned it from my dad and my mom and their boyfriends and girlfriends the way that I'm disrespecting her. And guess what? Both of them are watching it they begin to see the fashion is she. This is how our family functions.

Some dealing with all of this stuff. And I'm trying to get closer to the word. I can't get to the word I'm trying to get to a place where God wants me to be. But I can't because there's something holding me back. There's something a God saying, you have to let go and then this amazing thing happens God sends his only begotten son to sinful world to set me free, to set you free Jose, commit, please I'm just letting the back road know you're not safely back either. Jesus Christ dwelt on this earth for 33 years. God sent his only son to this world so I could have a relationship with him and got all this time he say, right, you're not equipped, you're not qualified, that you're you're not supposed to be beholden to these strings, these things that's holding you back then I get to hear God calls in my life. Jesus comes around and says, Ryan, I die for that. He takes everything that was holding me back for the homes and he holds it for me. Come on, church not I want you to miss this today. Whatever you're holding on, whatever you've been holding on to for years, for generations, for decades. God wants to break you right now.

He wants to take the strings. It's been holding you back. He wants you to draw closer to him. He wants to set you free. But you may say, God, I'm afraid he's OK. I don't give you the spirit of fear. You may be saying, God, I'm not qualified to go where you call me to go. Said I never qualified you anyways, but I called you you may say got him under resourced to say I have a father who who has a thousand cattle and hills so. God, where do you want me to go? I'll go whatever you want me to do, I'll do. Because my son has already paid the price for you. Worship him as you make your way back to the stage. Thank you, guys.

Thank you asked God wants you to know this whatever strings that you've been holding on to, whatever things that that you've been been held bondage and captive in today's your day today is your day to say God, no more tears I want you begin to really go hey, go home and have conversation with your families and begin to say dad, mom, uncle, aunty, grandmother, grandfather. What are some things that we need to be praying for? Families pray over your children because it's not too late Galatians Chapter five is this verse one. So crisis truly set us free make sure that you stay free. Then it says this and don't get tied up into the slavery law again. When God sets you free, I want you to walk in that freedom, whatever that may look like for you. Many of you may be carrying some things for a while, some things that happened to you in the past, some things that's happened to you in the prison. Some things will happen to you in the future. But whatever that may look like, you know that God is so blessing. You don't carry that weight, don't carry that shame, don't carry that guilt because you're not designed to carry it.

Only crisis and so today we're going to close out with a song called A Blessing and I don't know if this is even possible. Some would call a slight audible I'm ask the worship team to kind of go back and sing a couple of verses a break every chain, because I want you to begin to start breaking the chains that you've been thinking about over this this past 35, 40 minutes. Then we can go from breaking the chain to the blessing, because I want you to begin to break the chains has been on your life break the chains has been over your family and then begin to walk into the blessing that God is calling you to a church. Come on, let's let us stand so, father, today Gauri. Thank you, God, for the opportunity.

Got together as brothers and sisters in Christ if I know that there are some chains that you want to break in his place, so, father, even at the sound of my voice, God, there may be individuals that as they worship God, the worst is leading to worship. That they may just come to the altar of God to begin to lay down things has happened to them in the past.

Got things that that they're still carrying with them. God, the guilt and the shame, the weight of that sin God that they lay down right now, you guys, they lay it down. God, that the laid at the altar of your feet and God is my prayer. God, that they would not go back and pick it up again.

And got Goddess in the laying down of their sin. That regret, the hurt, that pain that they begin to walk into the blessing that you've called him to the father. We thank you, God, just for the opportunity to gather in God. We recognize God that you are the way maker, that you are the miracle worker, that yes, you are the promise keeper and guy that you break every chain that hold us captive, that we will no longer be attached to the strings of oppression, of anxiety, of depression, God of even just generation of poverty, God that we begin to reshape our minds gathered to begin to do something new and fresh in our lives. Father and God, we going to walk out with freedom. God, we love you and we, all of us in Christ Jesus that we say amen.


Church Hurt - Real Talk pt 6


Mental Health - Real Talk pt 4