Holy Spirit Fall - Nailed Pt 3

And last week, a segment of our ministry called Nexus had a retreat.

Oh, I love I love. And so just in talking with some of the Nexus crew, I think it's just fitting to kind of go old school for just a second. And so when we say we're going old school, this is when we're going to have testimonies service. And so let me let me give a precursor. What testimony is.

Testimony is a brief, brief synopsis of what God is doing in your life. And we, as your family want to celebrate what God is doing. And so garden move in a mighty way in our Nexus crowd. Last week, they took it to the mountains and they were just really seeking God. And we were just praying and asking God to move on their behalf.

Because Nexus is the next generation of our leaders. Right? And so I'm not can call anybody out. Olivia on and so anybody and it's just not for Nexus, but it's just for anyone who would like to just to kind of really talk about what God is doing in their life. And so I will say this if you get along when the voice is already in the Keys, he's going to play a little louder.

If you're go if you go too long, Hey, man, you got me. Because if you go longer than that, the worship team is going to start seeing you behind you. Just to let you know, there's a shift that's about to take place. A man. And if you don't hear that call, we have security in the house right now.

We will call five over here, Big Dave and everybody else to come politely escort you back to your seat. In Jesus name. Amen. A man. A man. And so I'm going to just kind of open up the space for anyone to to give a testimony on. Okay. Can call people out now. Oh, see, so not me today. And so we're just going to give God just a moment because I know sometimes intimidated to come up here and just kind of talk.

Right. And to be honest, I'm not a person who would love to be on a stage and talk a lot. That's just where God has placed me in my calling, because I'd rather sit in behind the scenes and allow God to showcase what he's doing for you. But, Miss Alisha, come on. She's going to set it off. Yes.

And just in case, if you're wondering, Alisha doesn't qualify for Nexus. Right? But. Oh, I know she would throw it at me. Right? Me. But she's definitely one of our next leaders. And so I am grateful for Alisha. Now, that's not a joke. Amen. But I was. I'm glad you had it all. I have an old soul, so I'm young.

But I was raised by older people. So I carry old soul. So, no, I'm not part of Nexus, but God is good. Amen. Hallelujah. God is awesome. He has stood out for me this week. Hallelujah. And I feel the presence of God. So I'm going to try to maintain it so that nobody plays keys or nobody comes and gets me.

And when you say that at maturity, I said, Look, I think I can take them, but you come up swinging with your cane. Don't leave me up there. So I wanted to tell this quick. He has shown himself my mighty so the last couple of months at work, just been really going through it. One out of the top customer in my department oversee the account.

And so we had a big conference call and everything was done wrong and I had to stand up and correct them. Well, we're only doing this because of what you're doing, what you're telling us, and nobody else want to say it. So I had to so just been going through we had a new procedure and immediately after the procedure was put in place, they went back to the old.

And so this week everything has been hitting and they send the email to me, I think it was Tuesday and I was on the phone with Alisha and I say, You know what? I got to go. So I'm happy and everything here. And one of our plants is in Elkhart, Indiana, and they had a meeting out there and they started talking about High Point in the things that we were doing wrong here.

So my manager called me and we had all this meeting and stuff like this. But y'all, I told up in the chair and John chapter six that I think is closer to the end of the chapter where Peter said, Lord, where do I go? You hold the keys to eternal life. So I felt like that, God, if you don't do it, nobody else can.

I can't go to somebody else. I can't go to a friend. And yes, you can pray for me, but you can't work now. Only God can do it. And so I went to him. And the only thing you. All I had was prayer, praise and faith. And so Thursday night I had to send a big email to all the owners of the group and everything.

And I knew I came in with the expectation Friday, expecting for everything to blow up. And so my prayer with God, my expectation to God was, Lord, help me get through this email, whatever it was. So I came in Friday, 8:00 came, I knew 815 they were going to come in. They want to see it. 815 and we're going to simply email.

So 815 came and went and then I'm sitting there at my desk doing my work and in my spare it I felt like the one from their team. They called her in and had a meeting with her. And shortly after I started feeling that way, she sent the email back to me and her only response was Thank you to me, that is the hallelujah To me, that is nobody but God.

To me, I could have got up and shouted in my office. It closed the door, but I just said, God, I thank you because he worked it out. Dave David had a rock, right? Dave had the stone aisle. I came up against this multimillion dollar company was a little Alisha, but I serve a big God. My expectation was him.

And so everything was coming up. He gives me and I hold the account, I processed account, I oversee the account. And so everything for the company as a whole, all the plans was coming up against Alisha, But God is awesome. He's my expectation was for him just to get me through the email, but he did so much more.

So much more. He gave me abundantly. Yes, he did. And so I just want to encourage you, if he did just that little thing, that was nothing, nothing for him to do. But what I did matter. I prayed. I praise God because I thanked him because he is God, regardless if it worked out, regardless if they come. If I came in Friday and they said, okay, Alisha, you you have to go because I know God has me.

I know he makes a way for me. And so prayer prays and faith. God bless you and wow. So no matter what you're about or if God is giving you something in your pocket, something as small as a rock, that that's that is what David had to go up against a big giant. It's a matter of where you are in your walk with Christ.

Just know that we serve a big God and He wants a big praise from you. Hey, man, I think there's another one out there. I'm afraid this is what we call. Yes. Oh, good morning. My name is Ariana. I'm not necessarily new here, but I'm also not old here. I've just been here for maybe like a month and a half, on and off.

And my heart is racing right now. I'm not really a nervous person, but I do have excited. Oh, thank God. But this week for me has been God is just so real. And I was raised in the church, so I know all about, you know, shout and whooping and hollering, you know, praising Jesus and reading your Bible, you know, knowing the scriptures, all of that.

And I didn't really start developing my relationship with God until the very beginning of college. And I was in a church and there was church heard from that. But that was my first real experience, really getting close to God transition out of that church because I felt like during COVID, God was telling me I needed to leave. And it was hard because I felt like I was so connected to that church.

But I left and ended up going to a new church, and that church been there for about two years, but a lot of stuff happened that I never thought would happen, a lot of pain that I never thought would happen from a lot of the young adults in me. It was hard and I decided I was still going to stay there.

Though things started feeling a little different. I started feeling a shift and I said, okay, I'm still going to stay here. That's just I feel like whenever there's growth, whatever you feel like God is calling you to more, you should go ahead and go forward with it. I feel like although that church was good for me, it wasn't enough.

I needed more. God was doing more in me, especially in my gifting in my colleague who I am. And so ended up kind of being in and out of that church. But I was a part of a Bible study that was on my campus and and I had been in that one for about two years as well, along with my church.

I ended up losing a friend not through death, but just a friend. We ended our friendship in that Bible study and I was dropped from the leadership group and no one told me anything. No one even explain to me why. And this was maybe two weeks ago. So I didn't even have I haven't had my car for a month.

I have back now. Praise God. You know, God made a way, but I did not have my car and I was dropped from the leadership group. So everything just felt like, God. I graduated from college back in December. I feel like I'm transitioning out of this church. What am I going to do? My relationship with you feels dead.

It feels dry. I don't know what to do. And I decided, okay, I have my I have my car. I have my car. This Wednesday, I'm going to go ahead and go to the Bible study for next. I went and God met me, know he met me and I felt like I wasn't worthy because there are so many times or God has met me and I've went back and just said, Well, God, I'm not going to pray.

Oh, God. I just I'm just feeling out of feels. I'm just going to go ahead and go back. And he met me and I'll never forget Olivia told me God was using her. And I thank you so much, Olivia. I thank you so much. And joy as mother as well. I don't know her name. Elder. Elder Elder Krista.

Okay. Her as well. She they poured into me and Olivia told me that all of this God is doing right now because he loves you. And I always know that. I'm like, I know God loves me. But something felt different about that moment, about God loving me. And so I ended up, you know, going out with the Nexus Group that evening and everything just felt like, God, you're still here.

Even through all the pain and the brokenness and even through the things that have happened and even being dropped from the leadership group and not understanding why, what happened, why is no one explaining things to me? God, God was still here. And so as they were prophesying over me, I felt the Lord telling me to also pray for over myself too.

And in that moment it was like, God, like, thank you, you know, you never left me. And so I was telling them that there's a scripture that God told me from a while back that even though my my mother and my father forsake me, the Lord will receive me. But God has been so real to me, and I'm still new here.

But I love it here. I love it here because I look out in the crowd and I see like it's not just majority white, it's not just majority black, but it looks like heaven. Thank you guys for just having me here. Thank you so much. So and not to belabor the service, but just want to let you know your season of pruning is necessary for you to grow where God wants you to be.

And so sometime God wants you to cut some things out, even that maybe family or friends or even relationships. So that way you can grow where God wants you to grow. And sometimes that pruning is not is is hard, but is necessary. Yeah, it is necessary. So ask one more person to come up and. Olivia. C'mere, please. Come on.

I believe God has something that he put into you today that. That you can speak holistically on behalf of nexus of what God did with the young adult nexus is our young adult and how he met you guys in the mountains. Because at many time, for many of them it was the season of being in a valley. But God positioned them in such a way that he said, I want you guys to have a mountaintop experience.

And that's what took place. And so what better person to speak on behalf of Nexus, religion? I'm still a trip over that. It taught so personal to not let you live in loss or fear and shame. And what she didn't tell you as well she was receiving. She was like, I need you, God. I need you, God, I need you, God, I need you.

Got in her heart just poured out and was like, Lord, let me love those who persecute me. And I know I was being like poured into Kate was being poured into and I was like, this woman is just like, wants more of God. And so I'm so blessed by you. Like that was not just for, you know, for all of us.

But I think this weekend that we went up to Tennessee, I think the biggest thing for us was washing of feet where I've never had my feet washed and it was just like, so Holy Spirit plane. And like boys started going off with where the Lord gave him. And so people just put buckets there. And then you look up and people are taking the buckets and washing each other's feet and everyone's like crying.

And I remember I was watching Breeze Fever shout out to bring the Lord so encountered were amazing. And I was watching her feet and I turned around and kind of looked at me and was like, Can I watch your feet? And I just said, No. But I have never felt more unworthy. But that's what the Lord does, is he says, No, you are I want to lavish this on you, want to wash your feet.

I want to make you new. And there's still parts of me we were talking about this week, a valley of dry bonds that he wants to revive in you, in your heart. He wants to revive parts of you that you thought can never be revived, whether it's unworthiness or you're dirty or I'll never conceive a child or that my marriage can't be fixed or our relationships can't be made whole because of drama.

But I just remember my feet being washed and feeling like the fear of the Lord of I'm so unworthy. But God has come so that I can have my feet washed every day. And knowing that I'm pure and just hearing testimonies of everyone has just been amazing. But I think the Lord's all about glory. The glory, the glory.

And he wants abundantly more. And my favorite verse in me comes to kill. Still enjoyable words coming up, life and life to the full. So I declare life over this room, over your relationships, over health, over mental health. That anxiety and fear is a lie. Depression is a lie. And when you say the name Jesus, it leaves. It cannot.

So we break the legal agreement of depression and anxiety, of hopelessness, of fearless, of being fearful. We break the agreement and we replace it with hope. A hope that he died on the cross, that you could live, that he died so you could live and have it to the full. So we thank you for what you're doing and next to me.

Thank you what you're doing in this church. Got it. Thank you. That it's a home here. Thank you, Jesus. That it's a home. Thank you for next is God. Thank you for what you're doing. Even I don't see it. You're working. Thank you, God, that it's about faith. It's not by sight. Thank you, God, that my £3 brain can't comprehend you.

Thank you, God. Thank you, God, that you're so good. And I thank you for just what you're doing in Texas. And I pray that you just increase it. Increase the hunger increase, just what you want to do. God, Thank you. That we're going to be a generation that's not like any other and that the lies spoken against us are not going to prosper.

The weapon may be formed of y'all are just going to be lukewarm. But no, we're going to be on fire for God. We're going to be on fire for God Signs miracles and wonders in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. I swear I'm laying down every burning every ground. This is my surrender. This is my surrender. Here is where I lay it down.

Every lie and every doubt. This is my submit to make room. So you said you have a you want to do it ever. You want and I will make room for you to do whatever you want to do, whatever you want. Oh, here is where I lay down every bird in every crown. This is my surrender. This is my bed.

Here is where I live now. Every and every round. This is my made up. I'm to make you to do whatever you want to do, whatever you want. And I will let you sing. You have you. I've do whatever you want. I will make room I will make you want to do whatever you want to do whatever you want.

And I will make room for you to do whatever you want to do, whatever you want me way, way, way means surrender. Have you. Have you.

Have you ever shake up the crowd of all my teams and break down the walls of all? I'm scared. Always scared of off the ground, down the wall. All My God, Can you stay on the ground?

Break down. Oh, my God. What is that? That said. Oh, my God. Right now. No, I. My is sitting on the ground on my table right now. La la la la la la la la la. Yeah. Shake on the ground. La, la la la la. Doing what you want to do. Whatever he wants. I like your you eyes on holy ground.

Take your eyes wherever you are. Eyes. I will lay. Have your eyes. I have your eyes. You can say This is my this is my school. Back here is where I picked out You are of chain. See now this is my to this is my and chasing after chasing after you, Chasing after you. No matter what I have to do Chase after you long chase after me.

Oh, yes. We were sitting back there. I was thinking about somebody or some people in this room are thinking, Why is that me? Why can I not get a hold of God's honest? And I was thinking about when I was in college, somebody told me about the gifts of the spirit. I was at the service and they said, if you want the gift of the spirit, come down and we'll pray for you.

And I sat there begging God, begging God to give me something. And it never happened. And I left that service and I thought, I'm not worthy. That's why. And God told me, when you take the focus off of what you need and what I can give you, and you just look at me and you give me praise and you give me glory and you just focus on my goodness, my strength, my grace, my perfect plan for you.

When you do that, I will give you everything that you can imagine. So all I can think of is, as we're praising the Lord, don't make it a bag for you, for what God can do for you, for how God can change your circumstances. He's trying to be real to you. Raise up your hands and say, God, I don't understand.

I don't know how, but you do it. You're amazing. Your plans are so much better than ours. Me and my husband say this every day. God, you. When will we realize that your plans are better than ours? So today I just encourage everybody to not worry about your circumstances. Whether you think you're good enough. Because God is worthy.

And when we focus on how worthy and how amazing he is and we just lift up praises to how amazing he is to us and his realness, he's going to come down, he's going to change you, he's going to feel you. He's going to give you that joy that you wish you see and others that you could experience.

That's what he wants for us today. So I just encourage everybody, just praise him, praise him, like it doesn't matter who's in the room because he is so worthy of it. We all thank you, God. Thank you, God, that your perfect love can take you God. That we don't have to earn your love. Thank you, God. How big is that?

I should I, sir? Road to every baby high. So somebody told. We told him to be withholding nothing. Hi. Hi. So great to so to everything. Everything I did to know with all the and was holding up in high school when I went off to everything I need to be home because we hold and just withhold and nothing was a warning.

Nothing's told to tell me what's holding us in the head of not making No God don't have no kids. His own eyes on the care, not knowing they care about, you know, the care that I give you. All I care if you love me, I give you all of me I give you love me I give you all met you I love you.

But he say all your eyes he said But every single man today what he said Your man today what he said Oh, he's a people. I said, Go to heaven. I get all that. I give you all Oh, give me 50i give you all of me I give you all over me Oh 90 3000i have a man May God he said your man take what he said Go.

Oh, well, let me see a little piece. What happened, man? Take what he said. Go and say, God, listen. Go on and say what he said. Go and pray God, I hear you fine. I hear you. I know you love me, but was my little man today by my line. I know I. I listened. I saw all to you.

Every single key and every thing I did to. I sold into walls. I gave everything Every day I surrender. I surrender all to you. Jesus, I, I to cry down. I give it all to you. These guys every day I guy not give. I give it all. I give it all I surrender I try to have everything I see right here And I surrender I surrender I my service call to be everything I needed.

Everything I did to home with holy with to impress me with rose and company holding nothing close is nothing Jesus told us now Navy cable not how they can know that. No, my kid is not know making films. I've got, you know, making it or not. Jesus, need, you know, you rebuilt me.

Have you. Have you ever had you ever have your. We saw in all we saw Jesus. We saw it to you, Jesus. We surrender all to you, Jesus. We surrender all to you, Jesus. We surrender all to you, Jesus. We surrender all to you. Jesus We surrender. Wrote a eulogy for shooting. We'll stay right there. Oftentimes we wait to the end of service to have an altar call.

But I believe God is saying the time is right for right now. And so we're not going to wait to the end of service to give it all to God. Right now, if you carry some things into this service today, God is saying lay it down before me right now, whatever it may be, be bold enough to come before the throne of grace and say, God, I'll lay it all down to you right now.

And that's what he wants. He wants you're all. And so my prayer is that you're willing to give God your all. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans, You said, I beseech you, brother, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice. It is a reasonable service, is an act of worship. And so whatever that you carry in here today, just lay it down.

You're not withholding anything. You're let it all go. And so, Father, in this moment, we surrender all that we are God, We give it all to you and God. We we apologize for picking it back up. But God, we desire to give it to you in such a way, God, that you have already died under cross board. The God when we pick it back, you're saying that your blood is not worthy enough, that you have cared for us.

It is because of your blood that you have paid the price for everything that we have to you. And we're withholding nothing, Father. We give it to you. You can have it with holding nothing. God, withholding nothing. Father. Father, We are letting it go this morning. That depression. We're letting it go. That condemnation. God, we're letting it go.

The judgment. We're letting it go, the guilt that we're walking in, we're letting it go. That shame that we walked in with this morning. God, we're letting it go. God, that relationship that you told us to let it down. God, we are letting it go. God, that addiction that we've been walking it for years, God, we're letting it go.

We got that spirit that we've been carrying God from generation to generation. God, We're letting it go. Right now for though the law died to the law so that I may have life in Christ, I've been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me, the life that I now live in the body. I live by faith.

The faith of the Son of God who love me, getting himself for me now, set aside the grace of God for righteousness, could not be gained through the law. Christ died for nothing. Father. It is in our obedience, God. The sacrifices are made for God. We walk in obedience to you. God. We're grateful for what you're doing in this space.

This morning. God take our agenda and we lay our agenda at your feet. Right now. Holy Spirit, you have your way, Father. You speak to those who have the desire to hear you. Your word tells us that you that your spirit draws all men and let our response be a responsible obedience. Withholding nothing. Father or consider that the suffering of this present time you are not worthy to can be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of their creation eagerly wait the revealing of those sons to God, even we ourselves grown within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption and the redemption of our body.

For we were saved in this hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. For what does one still hope for? Waiting to see What if we hope for what we do not see? We eagerly wait for those who, with perseverance. Father, have your way this morning. Redeem and restore and your way. Holy Spirit, Do we God? I know.

Put in my heart is it's going to sound harsh, but with all the love. Today's your day. Today's the day that the Lord has given you to look into yourself. Look deep into your heart and see, truly see if you are truly, truly sure that you are right with God. This could be your last day. The Lord will now force anyone but as your sister and Christ.

I'm telling you, if you know deep inside of your heart that you are not walking the way that you should walk, come to the altar. We are all sinners here. No one is perfect. But we must show humility and actually say, Laura, I need a savior. I need you because it will be extremely sad that you know, in the word and you are to die and you did not do what God asked you to do.

Your soul will be lost. So take a moment right where you are at, scrutinized yourself. Because a lot of times we show a facade and so in God is not that. So take this moment to truly look into yourself as if you are looking at a mirror and and tell God, show me, show me, take me, take me right up there if I need to go.

But surely with a humbleness with that once because it will be really sad. If this were your last day and the call to repentance or the call to say, Lord, I have I have fallen. The word says that seven times made the righteous four but the Lord will lift him up. Yeah. So seven times may you fall. But if you really are seeking the one, if you are really needing the one, he will lift you up again.

He may. Some reason I feel in my spirit our lesson that we took place last Sunday were preached on about doubt, where we see in John chapter 20, where it's three stories where the disciples doubted their belief in Christ, even to the place where they walked in worship and saw the signs and the wonders and the miracles of Christ.

They were a part of those miracles, but yet they still doubted. And there may be some people here today where you're like the father and Mark, where he says, I do believe, but father helped my unbelief. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm praised as a match. God's presence in my life. And that might be your story, But even in your doubt, Christ came back for the one we saw when Doubting Thomas.

We talked about who Thomas was, and we talked about how church people, the church itself put names and labels on people because nowhere in Scripture we saw that where Thomas was called Doubting Thomas. But believers, Christians called him that. They called him by his fall four floors, but not by his faith. But even in his doubt, he said, Unless I'm able to see his hand and see the wounds and touch his side, I won't believe in Jesus came back for him to restore his faith in Him.

And I believe that sometimes when life has his way with you, that the restoration of our faith is needed. Because I believe I've been beaten down, I've been I've been at the lowest of the low, even in my faith. Walk. I've doubted why and how and how come God. But he's always will come back for the one and some.

Be honest with you, I'm struggling right now. Oh, my God. Do I preach or do I just begin to just talk about what God is doing in the midst of our church and how God is just doing some amazing things. Because the lesson for today is very simple. He's going to talk about the helper, and the helper that I'm talking about is what Jesus talked with His disciples in John chapter 14 in John 16, where even though after he was going to go get nailed on a cross, he said I'm not going to leave you offer a sacred alma, send an advocate and helper to help you walk through your trials and tribulations and the

things that you read as believers that we deal with because he knew that he had to leave his disciples. But even in leaving his disciples, Christ said, You know what? I am not going to leave you because I'm a sin. Another, another. The same kind. And the Hebrew talks about it's the exact same. So the helper that I'm talking about is the Holy Spirit.

That's the advocate that we can lean into. That's the advocate that we have that was promised. And so I just believe this, that if Jesus promised it, it's going to happen. If my God said he's going to do it, he said, in three days, I would destroy this temple, but it's going to rise up again. So just in case you don't know, he got to come on church The God that we got up in three days.

And so the Pharisees did not even recognize who was standing before him. You can destroy this temple, but in three days he got to. And just to give you some backing in the scriptures, you know, like Pastor Ron, you don't know what you're talking about. The promises of, my God and your God are creating. Isaiah 5511 says this So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth.

It should not return to me void. But oh, I love buts in the Bible man. In like a good old Jesus. But he said but is shall accomplish what I please not only accomplish but it says this shall prosper. So this and promises that we have in his word right here that would not return. Boy. So Jesus said that he's going to send an advocate, which means that helper, a sustainer, to help you walk this walk out by yourself.

When you said he would never leave, you know, forsake you. You have to understand that we have an advocate. We have a helper that's walking with us. So even though that you may feel like you're alone, just know that you are not alone. There has to be for somebody today. Because in my loneliest days, you even have to be married for 21 years being say for 25 years, I still have down doubt, creed, sin, and I begin to question God, what are you going to do?

I'll see this. God would often use a problem to make us seek His presence to remind us. Let me say that one more time. God will often send us, you and I, some trials and tribulations, some valleys that we have to walk through to make us seek his presence. Because you won't do it any other way. You won't seek him by yourself.

So he has a sin. A lot of trouble along your way to say, You know what? Seek my face daily to remind us of his promises. And even in that we are in a season of Pentecost and Pentecost season is basically after Jesus resurrected from the dead. There's seven weeks that will make its way to Pentecost, Pentecost Sundays in a few weeks.

That's when he returns and makes himself known. And Pentecost son is basically when we receive the the gifting and the power, the anointed, the Holy Spirit. That's when we see in Acts Chapter one and actually chapter two. If you go to chapter three, that's when this the second of glory, the power of Jesus Christ Himself, the Holy Spirit's of falls upon Pentecost.

The power of the Holy Spirit was ushered in and people begin to speak an unknown tongues for the very purpose is to be a witness. It says that which you go to be a witness in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, and then through the other ends of the world. So whatever your Judea may be, whatever your Jerusalem may be, whatever your Samaria may be, it's there to equip you to be a witness.

So as we are in a season of Pentecost, there's a season of waiting that God has placed before us. But my prayer is that my waiting is greater than my weakness, that you're waiting on Christ to do. Whatever he's going to do in your life is greater than your weakness. It's in our waiting season that many of us prematurely leave.

Regardless, sustain. You'll remember a few weeks ago when I talk about sitting at the red light where God has you had a red light. He gives you a green light, but you're still there waiting. But in a season of waiting, the season of Pentecost, God is trying to do something in your life. And it's amazing that it's seven weeks right?

He can chose three weeks. He could. He came back the week after, but he said, No, I'm away for seven weeks to reveal myself and to my people because seven is a number of completion. So there are some things that God wants to complete in your life today. There are some things that God is not finished in your life, but my prayer is that you're waiting is greater than your weakness because you have to begin to recognize the value of just waiting.

Just wait. Just wait. The reason why we wait because we're trying to get still before God. You're waiting to be still. You're not moving. You're not saying anything, but you're waiting. You're waiting to hear from our Creator. Sometimes our waiting process is difficult. It's because this your agenda is not God's agenda. Come off of your agenda and align it with God's.

So your ceasing of waiting is actually developing you in such a way that God is removing some things in you that He does not desire you to take in your next season of your life. That's why we wait. Stop rushing him. Just wait. If you told the disciples to wait for the helper, if you knew that Jesus is going to show up and all you had to do is just wait.

You just witnessed the resurrection of our Savior. And he said, Just wait. You witness dream is being cast out, blind, man being hill, the dead being raised. And he said, Just wait. I don't know about you, but for me, if I saw that Jesus, I will wait. But truth be told, Scripture talks about, I believe is in First Corinthians that over 500 witnesses saw Christ and heard that commission to wait.

But when it happened, when the glory of God with the Holy Spirit dropped on Earth, 380 of them felt that they had to go. Only 120 witness Why didn't they wait? Why aren't you waiting? Once you realize the power of the Holy Spirit and what is the purpose is for us on this Earth? You're tapping to it. The Holy Spirit is the agent that God sent forth to operate here on Earth.

I want you to get that the Holy Spirit is the agent God sent to accomplish the work here in Earth. And I believe this, that if God is sending you an upgrade, why not take it right? We want upgrades everywhere else in life, right? You want to get the next new iPhone? Okay, That's an upgrade. You want to purchase a car with upgrades in it.

But you know what? You're now you don't mind waiting for that. But if you have access to the upgrade upgrade, why not receive it? I can go through and give you scripture upon Scripture about the benefits of the Holy Spirit. I can say that the Holy Spirit is there to equip you to pray even more, to pray even stronger, because it talks about where Scripture tells us that when you don't know what to pray, the Holy Spirit that's in you prays for you.

There's a belief in there right? I can talk about how the Holy Spirit anointed you to the Hill to prophesy. I can tell you about how the Holy Spirit is the teacher. It teaches you all things. There's benefit after benefit of knowing who the Holy Spirit is. I want you to recognize I'm saying who He is because the Holy Spirit is not a fiend.

The Holy Spirit is a person. Stop treating the Holy Spirit like you can purchase it off of a shelf because you can. He wants a relationship with you in church. My prayer is that we will be so Holy Spirit filled that demon would tremble and that will be holy, Holy so Holy Spirit filled that people would be healed by your presence, by your touch.

It would be so Holy Spirit filled that you're witness will beyond reproach the people as you begin to talk about who Christ is in your life. People says, I want that. What must I do to be saved? I want you to walk in that power and that anointing of the Holy Spirit, because it's just not for me, it's just not for the worship team is for everybody.

So today, as we wrap up, I'm not even going to Miami or preach. As we wrap up today, my prayer is that you crave the Holy Spirit more than you crave anything. A thirst after righteousness shall be filled. Now it can be or will be is as shall be filled. That is the promise for more is singing with holding nothing that I surrender.

All that was you emptying yourself of you to be filled with something greater than you. And so we're going to allow you to empty yourself this morning so that we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. And we're going to close out this song today with What better Ways? Holy Spirit. You're welcome. Here. Come fill this place. Come, welcome.

Soon this atmosphere. Please tap into it. So let us stand this morning Heavenly fathers, we close out the service today God, you can say more with your Holy Spirit than I can say with 10,000 words. I just pray, Father today that you will consume this place suffocate us with your Holy Spirit. That you will have your way. I pray, God, that you will set the captives free.

God that you would give them. Give us a new praise for you. Got to pray that we will worship you in a way God that we have never done before. God, that you would do what only you can do. Heavenly Father, I just pray God, if those who are here today, they may have been backslid and they've kind of straight away from who you are.

They may not even know who you are. God, I pray that they will come to the altar to give your their life to you. Today in God. For those who have backslid God, I just pray that they will come before the altar so we can pray with them and encourage our brothers and sisters in the faith to remind them that their story does not end there.

But God, there you are writing a new chapter in their lives. The chapter says that they are redeemed and God, that they are restored and that you die for them. Father, have your way today because we give you all the glory and the honor we love you and we thank you, Father. Do what you only can do.


Be a Barnabas - Matt Leroy


Nailed - Pt 2