Nailed - Pt 1

Now let's give Jesus King Jesus a round of applause.

Gal, whatever you want to do today, you have complete control in this place. Father, submit to the authority of you.

Many of you know that we got some younger generations here. If I were to say the name of Fanny Crosby, we know who that is. Mm. Fanny Crosby is one of the most prolific hymn writers known today.

She's probably the greatest. She's probably the goat of all hymn writers. This is real talk. Come on, now. Fanny Crosby has written over 8000 hymns. I can write one. Amen. My wife can write a couple. But Fanny Crosby wrote some songs like Blessed Assurance. Come on, Church. How about Safe in the Arms of Jesus? See, we going way back to our younger generation.

Johnny To lean into this, this, this, this tradition of hymns. See, Fanny Crosby wrote hymns like The Bright Forever, and then also saved more than life to me. Pass me not so gentle savior. Come on. I got to get one of hands waving right there. Come on. Church? Yes. Although I don't know anything about them hymns except for a couple.

I know that Fanny Crosby is probably the goat about him and the beauty about Fanny Crosby. She was six years old. She was blind and blind at the age of six. Imagine that. Now you have to be an actress. So if she's blind, how does she write so much of the prolific hymns that we sing today that is still sung in many churches today?

She was interviewed by one of the greatest one of the great theologians, Dwight Moody. I know that guy. Oh, Bible scholars. I hear you see Demy Moody after he said, Fanny, if God granted you one wish, one wish, what would that be? Fanny Crosby sat there and thought for a few seconds. Then she begins to ponder about what she will ask God for that one wish.

She said, If God were to grant me one wish, I would ask God that God would allow me to remain blind. Boy, I had to get I had to check myself real quick. Many of us are thinking about money and families and sickness and all the things, But Fanny Crosby said, You know what, Father? If I have one wish, I would wish that she would grant me to remain blind.

And m do I movies begin to begin to think about why in the world would she want to remain blind? And she said this. He said, You've been blind all your life. Why would you want to remain blind? He said This Fanny Crosby said, I've been blind all the days of my life. That's this is my Fanny Crosby voice and the first and only person I ever want to see.

Oh, is my king. Jesus. Come on, Church. If that is not your testimony, the first and only person you desire to see is King Jesus. We might need a little bit more. He may see Fanny Crossroads. So many of the songs across the world and across the globe in every song that she wrote got back to the cross.

She understood that whatever it took, whatever song she wrote had to lead back to the cross that was on Calvary. See, today we celebrate Palm Sunday and Palm Sunday is what the kids kind of came in waving palm branches and and Ravens is talking about King Jesus and Jesus coming on, coming in on a donkey. King started marching around and waving palm branches, then laid it down before our Lord and savior.

Palm Sunday recorded every one of the gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we had to see the Scriptures in life today, we would have to live to John. Chapter 12 Verses 12 through 19, I'd be reading from the King James new King James version. And this requires the triumphant entry of King Jesus coming in on Palm Sunday verse 12 says this the next day, a great multitude that had come to the feast when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him and cried out!

Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is he who key who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel, when Jesus, when he found a young donkey, sat on it. And as it is written, verse 15 says, Fear not Daughter of Zion, Behold your king is coming, sitting on a donkey's coat. His disciples do not understand these things at first, but when Jesus was glorified, but when he was glorified, but when Jesus was glorified and then they remembered that these things were written about him and that they had done these things to him.

Therefore, the people who were with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised Lazarus from the dead bore witness. For this reasons, the people also met him because they heard that he had done this sign. The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, You see there you are accompanying, accomplishing nothing. Look, the world has gone after him.

This is Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem. See, the feast that they were talking about was the Passover. We have thousands and thousands of people coming to see Jesus as he enter into Jerusalem. We're not talking about a stadium full of people. This is Palm Sunday, guys. This is the feast, the Passover, that every Jew had to go back into Jerusalem.

Come on, church. I know the Bible. Shouting out! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! The Passover. The Passover was a time for us to remember who God was and how he poured us out of slavery, how he pulled us out of bondage, how he pulled you and I out of the hands of Pharaoh. This was the Passover. I want you to put yourselves there.

Thousands, if not millions of people went back to remember how God have protected them. They went back to remember how God has saved their children from captivity. They went back to remember how God has brought them out of bondage. Let's make it personal. God has brought you out of captivity. God has brought you out of bondage. God has brought you out of the morally clay.

He allows you to encounter a Red Sea moment and let you cross it on dry ground and on dry ground. Come on, Church. We did a Red Sea series a couple of months ago. Let's go back and reflect how God brought you through the Red Sea, how he defeated Pharaoh's Army. We're talking about an army hard pressed after you with their only intent is to back me and go back and enslave you back of where you were before.

Let me make it personal. The same things that you came out of the enemy wants you to go back to drugs, Lying, cheating, stealing, fornicating. I know we all got a Ph.D. in them. Come on, now. Some of you got double doctorates, triple doctorates. I.

They had to remember that God provided manna for them, that God provided a cloud by day, fire by night. They had to go back and to Jerusalem so that way they can remember how God has set them free and not to give brand new things. We serve our God. This so good that during the Passover you have to be willing to travel 40, 50, 60, even hundreds of miles to go back to Jerusalem to offer up a sacrifice.

Guys, this wasn't a pretty sight. Passover was not pretty. Sacrifices was going on day after day after day. We're talking about blood sacrifices. We're talking about a ram, a sheep, a goat, a dove. It had to be a blood sacrifice. What do you think? Our Christ died on a cross. No other sacrifice would have done. But the blood sacrifice.

Jesus arrives on the scene and everyone is shouting, asking, Have you seen them? They're walking around. Have you seen them? Have you seen the man? Have you seen the man that we're talking about? You're bumping into people. SA Excuse me, Have you. Have you seen. I'm looking for the one line. Have you seen him? Many are asking have you seen the one church here at one church We seek the one as we serve the one and we send the one.

Our mission is to seek the one. Serve and then send. We're always seeking, serving and sending. That's the great commandment. The great Commission. All together. Guys. God has called us to seek, serve and sin. So they're here in Jerusalem asking, have you seen in in a crowd you can't confirm the presence of the Lord because just because it's a crowd doesn't mean that God is in the midst.

Just because there's a church full of people by the thousands, does that mean that God is present? You better believe. I need you to understand that. My God, God desires to have His presence here. But not everybody welcomes his presence. And just because a body can can draw a crowd does not mean that the Lord God Almighty is there.

A crowd doesn't make a church unless Jesus is in the midst. A crowd doesn't make a worship team Until the worship team is singing about Jesus, a crowd doesn't make a choir into the choir. Our teaching is singing about Jesus. A small group doesn't make a small group until we have Jesus in the middle. So many people are disciples of Jesus.

They just don't attend an event just because you are in the midst of a crowd doesn't mean that you know Jesus. I believe this. Some of the same people that were shouting, Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! On Sunday were the same people crying. Crucify them, Crucify them on Friday, the same ones we shall hosanna one day. But then we say Crucify one another.

But I want you to understand how Jesus responds as they're shouting. Hosanna verse 14 says this We go back. They took from branches of trees. They went out to meet him. He cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel, the Jesus, when you have found a young donkey, sat on it and as it was written, fear not daughter of dying, Jesus abruptly stops them and doesn't pay them any attention.

Then he chooses to sit on a donkey as they're crying now. Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Why is it? Think about it. Jesus was fulfilling prophecy. Jesus was filling, fulfilling the prophecy of Zachariah. Chapter nine, verse nine. If you were to go to Zachariah, chapter nine verse and I, this is what Scripture says, that the coming king, it says verse nine says this Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion, Shout O daughter of Jerusalem, Behold your king is coming to you.

He is just which means he is the law. He is what we measure everything by and his having salvation lowly and riding on a donkey, a coat full of a donkey. Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy that was written Zachariah. So many people came to see Jesus, but others were looking for someone else. Who were they looking for? See, in this passage of Scripture, we know that Jesus just revealed Lazarus.

Y'all looking at me like, I don't know. I'm talking about let's let's look at the scripture. Jesus. Jess Hill Lazarus, the authorized Minister Jesus is making a name for, well, Jesus name is being uplifted, it being great. He wasn't trying to make a name for himself, but his name was Ari. Being great says this verse 16 says, His disciples did not understand these things at first, but Jesus was glorified when they remembered that these things were written about him and that they had done these things to him.

Verse 17. Therefore, the people who were with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead bore witness verse 18. For this reason, the people also met him. There. There were some onlookers that came to spectate verses to experience. Many of us spectate church on Sunday. On Wednesday. But you don't want the full experience.

You don't want to have the full encounter because I promise you, once you encounter the King of Kings in the lower the laws, your life will change forever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. And it was a smoking man. Come on now. See, the crowd just wasn't there just to pick up on Jesus. Some of those were there because they heard about who is what Jesus was doing.

Now, Lazarus, everybody knew Lars was right. Lazarus had made a name for himself to see this guy walk around and then be in a tomb for multiple days based on a Jewish custom, and then to be raised up and walking again. All right. And we can keep it going. These Sunday Palm Sunday started the week that led Jesus to Calvary.

Today is the week that leads Jesus to the cross. And during that week we see that where Jesus just hill Lazarus, he curses the fig tree, Jesus walks into the temple, start flipping over tables because he began to see that they were making his temple a place to gamble and make money. He's chasing out the money exchange. He's this week.

He understands that the Jewish leaders begin to really begin to scheme and plot against him. They know that Judas begin to sell them out. This week has been a very difficult week for Jesus, but Jesus remained faithful to his calling. He remained faithful to what God has called him to do. That week, Jesus took the place to prepare.

Jesus took that entire week to have a place of preparation. Jesus prepared that entire week for Calvary. See, when the young lady anointed Jesus with his with the oil, with the perfume, that was a foreshadowing of what was going to come. We have to begin to understand that that was a foreshadowing of what was going to take place.

God, oftentimes you have to anoint the body with oils and frankincense and myrrh, just these expensive things to really embalm and take care of the body and prepare the proper way. This week takes us to his prayer in the garden of this enemy. Matthew, Chapter 26. I'll be live there versus 36 through 46. Matthew Chapter 26. Verses 36 says this.

Then Jesus came with them to a place called Jesus Enemy and said to the disciples, Sit here while I go and pray over there. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and he began to be sorrowful, deeply distressed. Then he said to them, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to the point of death.

Stay here. Watch with me. He went a little further, filling his face in, praising, Oh, my father. If it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will. Father. Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping and said to Peter, What could you now watch out for in our watch and pray least you enter into temptation.

The Spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak. Again, a second time he went away in praise, saying, Oh, my father, if this cup cannot pass away from me unless I drink it, your will be done. And he came and found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy. So he left them. He went away again and prayed.

The third time saying the same words. Then he came to his disciples and said to them, Are you still sleeping? Interesting. Behold the hour is at hand in this sun. The son of man is being betrayed into your hands of sinners. Rise. Let us be going. See, my betrayer is at hand. I tell you one of my least, like college experiences was my accounting class at Ghetto GTC.

I thought I'd try to be smart. Take it. I DTCC. See, the inverse is taking it out, you can see. But. Oh, well, didn't work out too good for me. I know we have a couple of counties in here, so I'm not going to talk about Abby and how her passion for numbers. She loved numbers. She did like the debits and the credits and how to transition things over.

I'm to I can I can look at a piano up, down, left, right and I can dissect the piano. But to put the numbers on in place, that's that's not. No, Amy, you can have that twice on Sunday, six days out the week. See, my my, my gifting was not in accounting. You had to have a special type of person to love accounting, Amy.

But it's okay. We love Amy as much. I tell you, we you need Amy's in your life. Amen. Praise God. Can I get a hallelujah? Yes. And so what I figured about accounting, you had two opposing books, and the goal was to find the missing information to make sure everything add up. So I'd have a problem with that.

I do it the first time and a second time. Maybe the third time. But after that third time, if I can get everything add up, I just turn a paper and let it be because I'm like, it's just too much, you know? You got to find a missing number and kind of find it over here and go to this ledger over here.

I'm like, this. That's just too much work. But the purpose in accounting is to take your debits and your credit and to reconcile them together to make sure everything works out the way you supposed to do. And for some of you, you think I'm still talking about accounting. I'm not talking about accounting right now. The purpose of Jesus Christ is to take his life and your life and reconcile them together.

Together. Father. See, there are some debits and credits that only Christ can add and subtract. There's some things in your life that God says, I want to remove those things from your life because it does not belong. On this ledger, there's a process of reconciliation that has to take place in accounting and in our lives that the master bookkeeper wants to put your name in.

See, there's a reconciliation that God wants to do today where he wants to align your life and his son life, where he can begin to walk with you every single day of your life. See, there's accounting taught me that I had to be prepared for what God or just life will present for me later on. This preparation and Jesus life here on Earth was preparation to redeem and reconcile.

You and I. He was preparing as he was walking towards Calvary. And as I look at this passage of Scripture in Matthew, there's three things that I want to just kind of pull out real quick that I believe that applies to everybody here today. As Jesus was reconciling our lives, that he reconciles our life. First thing we have to realize is that there some past personal pain that we have to give him, and there's some past personal pain that we need to give to our Lord a Savior.

Felicia highlighted that maybe your past personal pain, maybe molestation, maybe your past personal pain was that you were been dealing with an affair or some type of divorce or whatever pain that you may be going through. Maybe your past personal pain may be substance abuse, maybe your past personal pain may be somebody that lied and maybe your past personal pain has been that you got fired from a job.

Maybe your past personal pain may be insignificant it to someone else, but it's significant to you and to God. Jesus knew about this pain. We see this in verse 38, verse 38. He says, My soul is exceedingly sour for I mean, Jesus fell something within his his, you know. Come on, folks. Yeah, I know that moment where you feel something within your bones and you can't really describe or he can't put a finger on you be trying to tell your girlfriend or your boyfriend or your spouse or you be like, I just I there's something there.

I just I just can't put a finger on it. That's why we have to go back to the operating room, allow our maker to operate on you, allow him to go in and do surgical incisions within your life, begin to start pulling out things that he has never desired for you to carry, never desire for you to pick up.

Maybe you didn't pick it up, maybe that it was pushed upon you. And I'm sorry for that. Maybe something happened towards you that was should never happen. I'm sorry, but God to saying my son and my daughter allow me to do surgery on you. Allow me to take that out from you. See, we don't expect this from Jesus.

We don't expect Jesus to have that exceedingly sorrowful pain. But if Jesus can raise people from the dead, this is Jesus who is filled with the Holy Spirit that He gave us, the Holy Spirit. He left the Spirit to abide with this, to give us the power to do what we're supposed to be doing. But his soul is hurting.

See, the enemy makes you believe that you're okay. And that's not. That's not true. The enemy wants you to believe that everything is is okay. The guy is going to do you know they're not God, but that you know, you can walk through life carrying those wounds for God to say no, you don't have to carry those wounds mean God wants to set you free from carrying those things.

We live in a fallen world. We go through life and things happen. And I know you may say I'm blessed and highly favored. You know, I got the Christ Jesus. Your your Bible was bigger than mine. You got a D and all of that is, you know, it's okay. I get that. But can you just tell the truth for one minute and just say I'm hurting?

Like there's some things that I'm carry that I need Christ know to get me free from the some things that I've acquired along the way that I need to let go and lay it down at the foot of the cross. There's some things that I inherited through relationships I had to let go. There's some abuse that's been in my life, that there's some triggers that when when, when it hits in a certain way, that it takes me back to that place.

And only God knows what that is. God is saying, my child, you don't have to walk with that any longer. There's some heaviness that even myself, I've carry for years. And even just yesterday we talked about generational curses. We talked about that the sins of our fathers in our fathers, fathers and mothers goes back to the third and fourth generation until we begin to recognize those things that begin to pull those out like God to do surgical incision.

Yeah. Guys, we're hurting. We have to identify those things. So I understand that there's some past personal pain, but I also realize that there's failures of family and friends that are still affecting me today. And we see this when Jesus goes to his disciples. Now, remember that Jesus just walked out of Palm Sunday, thousands and thousands of people, even thousands of disciples.

We see that Jesus begin to strip down his inner circle of friends. He's now taken a thousand people to guard against the enemy. He's not even taking 12. He's only taken 11, but even two. He gets to the place where he's going to lay down, begin to pray and seek his father. He says, You know what? You stay over here.

I'm only taking three of three with me over here. He leaves eight of his only disciples over here. Take three. Peter and he takes three. He leaves eight disciples. So we have three close friends counter to blessing. If you got three wrong to die, people right now count that a blessed. Let me let me explain rotted die. That means they're like people who kind of just will go with you through thick and thin.

That's what we call a rotted die. That means that when you ready to go about about it, like don't ask any questions, like, Yo, I'm ready to go. I know right now I can call my brother B, let's roll out. He will ask me questions like I'm down, let's go. Big Dave and other Dave. I got him, you know, I got some some digging.

Some elders in here, They're ready to draw some blood for some folk. I'm just saying. Praise God. I got more than three. I was going to say something else, Valmiki That a holy man. But I'll say this. We need a practice pruning from families and friends. And that's not pretty. Sometimes some of the some of your family members, you just need to push them to the side just just a lot and be Christians, right?

Your Christmases and your Easter for families, right. Because they're there now. So wanted to know what a Chris your are you they only you only see them during Christmas and Easter but we need to practice pruning our family sometime even our friends. It's healthy. It's not saying that you can't allow them back into your space at another time, but sometimes the season that God has you in, you need to limit your association with certain people.

So Jesus leaves eight, takes three. He goes back to Peter, John and James and says, You killing pray for one hour. Come on, I've been here before, head nodding, trying to stay awake and trying to pray. Next day on one side of the bed like this, you know what I'm talking down to? What the look is I were the fall asleep praying and fall asleep sitting Peter, John and James, his home boys, his rotted dog people.

He went back and Jesus said, Look, all I need you to do is this pray for one hour. He walks back in Encounter, Peter, John and James fallen asleep. He goes back and gives them a gentle rebuke like, Bro, what's going on? Like, you guys are supposed to be my homies. But you're not. You're not. You don't have my back.

Peter. James is like, Jesus, we got you, Jesus. Come back a second time. Jesus does. And you wake them up. He goes back and talk to the Father. Sometimes you need to leave your inner circle and just leave God in the middle. Jesus tells them that I know your flesh is weak, but your spirit is willing. We can put our faith in man.

We have to trust God because God in His Scripture says that God never sleeps nor slumbers. We serve a God that serves, that operates 24 hours, 365 days a week, a year. I mean, he doesn't stop, He doesn't sleep. There's an endless contact communication that you can with God. So we have a path, personal pain. We record that we are trust or even just a failure of family and friends.

That leads me to a complete surrender to the sovereign will of God. We see that Jesus fully submitted His to the sovereign will of God. Verse 42 says This He went away in praise, saying, Oh my father, if this cup cannot pass for me unless I drink of a your will be done as our worship team make their way back up to the stage.

I want to end with that. Is that your prayer this morning? That although I want this cup to pass, that your will be done? We all carry a different cup. The cup that God has designed for you, specifically for you, where God wants to take you because He's prepare you for something. You're asking God to take and remove this cup from me, because this very cup that I'm giving you is designed for where I want to take you.

Don't prematurely let go of God's cup. Got to say, if you can just hold on just a little while longer, Calvary is coming. If you can just stay the course just a little while longer. Calvary is coming. If you can just hold on to your faith just a little while longer. Calvary is coming. If you can just stay.

Be steadfast and immovable. Just a little while longer. Calvary is coming. Whatever your cup that may be, Calvary is coming. The cup is there to help you get to a place where God wants you to do so. What? We can glorify him. Don't be that Christian that cries out Hosanna on Sunday and crucify him on Friday. Church. I believe that God has the desire to turn your situation around.

I believe as you stand today, I want to corporately sing this song because we all have something that God needs to turn around. Maybe you're walking, you know, in a space where God has not asked you to go, God to say, Turn it around. Maybe you're in a relationship that said God is saying, let that relationship go gassy.

Turn it around. Maybe you're doing some things Monday through Friday and even on Saturdays of guy. You know what? I need to turn it around. Maybe you need to give your life back to God to say, God, turn my life back around. This is my most favorite time of the year. I love Christmas. Christmas is phenomenal because it talks about the birth of Jesus Christ, which is great.

The birth is fantastic, but the death is even greater because without his death and, without his resurrection, there's no redemption. So you need the death and the resurrection to be redeemed. And what God wants to do today is for you to lay your life, to lay your burdens down, whatever that may be. Democrat, Republican, or in-between. I don't care who you are, lay down because our king is greater.


Nailed - Pt 2


Counter Church Culture - Counter Culture pt 4