Sex - Counter Culture pt 2

We're talking about tithing and offering.

And last week we talked about it's beyond our ability to out give God's possibilities right? And I really believe that because God, like God's masters is not is not it's not equivalent to the world's math, Right? I mean, I just truly believe that God has just asked that we return what is rightfully his. And so tithing what we learned last week, tithing is isn't about giving.

It's about returning to what is actually God. And if God has given up 100%, he is just saying, can you just give me 10%? That's just the tie. And he said, you know, what? Would you also give an offering included in that tie? And we learned that in scripture. We saw that in Second Corinthians Chapter nine and talked about where those who so sparingly does what reap sparingly.

And he says, whosoever give, they have decided to give not reluctantly but cheerfully. Right, because God loves a cheerful giver. And so today we're not going to talk about ties and offerings. So it's okay. And let me just point out again, just to kind of bring back what we talked about last week, the scripture talks about at least one third of the Bible talks about giving, right, of the New Testament like Jesus and his teaching throughout the entire New Testament.

More than one third of his teaching was about some talk about money. And so if we were to link to truly review and walk out what scriptures is talking about, then three months out of the year we should be talking about nothing about giving in money. But we're not going do that today. Amen. And I kind of quiet on me.

It's all right. So if you have your Bibles with you, if you care. Let's turn to first Thessalonians chapter four versus one through eight First Thessalonians, Chapter four, verses one through eight. And I believe it's on the screens if you need it. Verse one says, If. As for other matters, brothers and sisters who we instructed you how to live in order to please God, Amen.

Paul What the author dissects is saying that, you know, I'm writing to you to let you know some instruction is how to please God, as in fact you're living. Now. We ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more for you know, that what instruction we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus, it is God's will that you should be sanctified, that you should avoid sexual morality, that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is wholly an honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, but do not know God, and that in this matter no one should wrong or take

advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such things as we told you and warned you before, for God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Man Come on now. Yes, to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being, but the God, the very God who gives you the Holy Spirit.

Today's sermon may challenge many of you, and this is a topic that many churches don't talk about. We can't go into this counterculture series without talking about the subject that we're going to lean into here the next few moments. And so as it may challenge some of you, others may need earplugs and possibly a defibrillator. Hey, man, I'll just let you know we have a right outside.

So today, let's talk about sex. Mm. Take it in. Just. Just breathing in real quick. Breathe it in and pairs before you get to bring it out on me. If you're children, I hear this is a great opportunity for a teaching moment. There we go. Keep it PG 13 ish. Obama. Tell it like it is, right? Because I'm sick and tired of the world teaching everyone about sex and how we should respond to sex.

Oh boy, it's going to get messy. Is going to get messy. So what do you do as a Christian with these urges that we have? Right. Because it's natural, right? To be honest, it's natural to have these feelings, these these bubbling or, you know, the fact that you. Am I right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Breathing on me. Keep it real.

Yeah. Yeah. In my house. So we Lesson six. Hey, man, we got two trophies to prove it. And more. In a way, I'm just joking. I'm just joking. But. Right, in all honesty, like, as Christians, how do we begin to to begin to deal with this issue, this natural issue about sex? See, see, my my, my spirit is really.

But my flesh is weak, right? My spirit is saying no, but my body my body is telling me, come on now, now I've been it all your life. Y'all know our Kelly, right? At some point times somebody's body is telling me yes, but my spirit is weak. Even my flesh is weaker. But we allow Oprah, Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer to begin to shape the narrative of how we as Christian believers are supposed to deal with the issue of sex.

The scripture tells us that I'm I'm a new creature, I'm a new creation. Oh, things have passed away. New things right? So we have to begin to be a church that's willing to meet people where they are, right. And love them, but then to biblically walk them closer to what God has called us to do in all areas of our life.

Yeah, not just Tyson offering, not just about serving or even worship, but in all areas about our walk in. I believe this and I know this. We will be that church without compromise about the biblical authority in all areas of what God has told us to do. Have you ever encounter a conversation or try to have a conversation?

Parents around your kids? You guys aren't talking co. I know what I'm talking about, babe. What you're doing nothing. You want to go for the laundry back in a room? You give me that look and the kids be like, Yeah, I just voted larger 20 minutes ago, right? Or you try to spell it out a babe. You want to have s e x kids like s s e s s So y'all go back to have sex.

I mean, come on now. I mean, we've been there before, right? Where we try to, you know, subliminally have that conversation with our spouses so kids can put three letters together. Why can't we do it? If kids can put three letters, get to know what we're going to do, why can't we begin to start having conversations with our children about sex?

And if you're not teaching your children about sex in an early age, I would say you're out of order and you're doing your children an injustice. We should be teaching our kids a biblical way concerning sex, but we leave it to Instagram, Tik Tok and good old fashioned Google because you can type in Google for sex and you just be amazed to see in the innocence of a child is this they're they're not they don't know what they may fall or have fallen into just by Googling the word by itself.

And innocently they're just trying to figure out what is what. But their innocence takes them to somewhere else and then plants a seed. And I see me lie dormant for 20 years. And then when they get married, they begin to surface up and cause problems in your marriage. So today we're talking about sex. You already. Come on. Now, see, sex is an issue for our community.

Sex is the one thing that is tearing the Christian and the church's community apart. Single people struggle with sex, Mary. People. Truth be told, we struggle with sex as well. Paul writes to the Church of Corinth about sex. Paul letters was were instruction is to the church itself. The churches that he started about how to handle it and where sex should be placed in a camp out of the Bible, in church and within a marriage.

This is Paul, the Saint Paul who wrote the Epistles, the Saint Paul who was without sex. Paul said that I can do more things because I don't I'm not called to be married. That's not my testimony, man. I need to be. Mary, Praise God, and many of you need to be married as well. Many of you should be married as well.

The church has failed because we don't teach on these issues. We don't talk about what it looks like to form a relationship with the opposite sex. So that way we can be rightly divide the word of truth and begin to pour into what God has called us to do about sex. Many of us stumbled over into sex the wrong way, and many of you probably stumbled over by seeking that fulfillment through porn or seeking that fulfillment through another sexual partner, or maybe even at a young age, somebody molested you, touch you inappropriately.

And I'm sorry. Someone took your innocence and I'm sorry, but God can redeem and restore that for you. God can take that and begin to really shape it in such a way that my child I'm sorry, but I have so much more for you. If you place your trust in your hope in me and me alone, don't go seeking that male or that female to fill those voice because I am the biggest voice feeling that you would ever find.

God is saying we allow me to do that. We see sex being played out throughout the Old Testament with Ahab and Jezebel. We see sex being played out through the throughout the New Testament. It's everywhere. It's talked about in the Gospels, in letters and all of that. We see it all throughout history, even if we were to go back to the sixties and seventies, where free love and birth control, abortion and porn erupted.

Right. Go back and look at the history, the sixties and seventies, where we find free love, you know, the flower child and, you know, birth control was the strategic plan by the enemy. Abortion, pornography. The porn industry makes more money than Walt Disney himself. You do whatever with whoever you want and you don't have to worry about any diseases or compromising child because we can take care of that.

Yeah, that's what the world teaches you. Like, you know, we can we can take care of that ourselves. But if you go back and just look at the studies and the stats about sex, let me just just briefly tell you some sex studies, 75% of people had sex before they got married, 75 to 7.5 out of ten people.

That's just round up 80%. Eight people out of ten has sex. Before they got married, 50% of high school students would have at least a sexual encounter of some sort before they graduate from high school. 50%. So the next time somebody say let's next licks and you tell them heaven now to the No, no, no, no. It's a YouTube video.

I'm sorry if it's a good video, but yeah, it's also reported that an average male, we have at least 26 partners. 26 partners. And ladies, I'm coming for you because you are right behind is actually racking up the more men. I'm just saying like it is 26 partners in today's term. We call it a body count for parents.

If your child is walking around like my body count, like they know dead people, I know they talking about them like, what's your body count? And you be amazed what our young adult body count is today. Y'all thought the hippies was getting it. All right, keep it going, Pastor. I'm going. The average body count for ladies is about 19 for sex.

What's the purpose of it? My first point is this Sex is a gift from God. It's a gift from God. Some say I haven't gotten a gift yet. Just wait. Wait to get married. See, we just we often tell our kids don't have sex before we get married, but we don't even tell them why. That's all you hear?

Don't. Don't have sex until you get married. Don't have sex and you get married. Tell them the why and what is used for it. How God wants us to honor him through our bodies. See, sex is a gift from God because there was God First commandment. It really was. Let me tell you, if I don't have this answer, but just turn to Genesis Chapter one.

Genesis Chapter one, Genesis is the first book of the Bible. If those who don't know, it's okay. I know we got some new believers in here, Genesis, the first book of the Bible. So if you flip to the very, very beginning, you'll find Genesis chapter one versus 27 and 28. This is where we see where sex is a gift from God.

Verse 27 seven says this So God created mankind in His own image. In the image of God, he created them both male and female. He created them, God bless them. Verse 28 and said to the male and female, which is Adam and Eve, What did he say? Be fruitful and multiply. Hey, you about plant know apple trees or orange trees?

And it's like he wants Adam and Eve to procreate and multiply. That was the very first commandment that God has given mankind. And so we have to begin to go back to the very beginning to see what the original intent for what God had us here, for this on this earth, so that when we get to the new Testament with we're living out the post New Testament, right?

The object of sex is to be fruitful and multiply. So it was a gift from God and it should honor God. Is that such way as well? Because sex is an act of worship. Like what do you mean? Scripture tells us that we should have a beer that's undefiled between a male and a female because God wants to restore and redeem.

Only if we repent and release. God wants to restore and redeem only if we repent and release those bad things, those those encounters that we had in the past. So God can restore and redeem. And that's the reason why we see in Genesis chapter two, we talked about where when a male, a man, should leave his father and their mother to unite with his wife.

Right. This is when they talk about marriage. So he told us the original plan in chapter one for for them to have sex, right. Was to procreate, to multiply the earth in chapter two, he says, You know what? Man is not good by themselves. Let me sin A help me. Let me send a helper which he created Eve out of Adam.

He took a rib out of Adam and created woman. And by there he said that just the two shall become one flesh. The two should become one flesh. Even in Mark, chapter ten, verse six is through Nice this, but at the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason, a man will leave his father and a mother be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.

So they are no longer one, no longer two, but one therefore were. God has joined together. Let no man separate him. He says that the two should be joined together as one. So let me just you know, I love illustration. So, Felicia, can you grab those papers and the tape? Come on. Was Vanna White. She said Vanna Blank, come on, say yes.

Yeah, let me put those down. You put that right there. Thank you. My first born child were Are thou. Come on up, Aston and Aston. Why you're here. Oh, my grandson. People. So don't let you know the back road you guys are not safe is equal opportunity. So I'm call on some people Aston Key. Grab Ryan, please. Yes, you I got her She like.

Oh, man. No, no, you know. Oh, okay. Can I do this? Okay, come on, Come on up here. I sketch Ryan, this is your paper, and you stand right there. Let's see. Yeah. Look scared. Oh, man. Let me see. Cast. Come on top, Julia. Come on. She got a piece of paper. She gets piece of paper. No, that's not white.

Oh, that's okay. I'm gonna let you hold the green because you can see that one. Yeah. Those were readers. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Julia, Come on. What's up? You're part of the illustration, ma'am. No, no. Let's see. Um, do do, do, do, do Kindle window. Come on. So, as a father, I should teach my son what the Scripture says about sex.

Right. Good response. Not you hear? Yes, yes, yes. And so. But he has uncles come a day, big day, Uncle Day? No, sir. Come on, Josh, you two all the reason I call Josh? Because he ruined his ugly shirt. Thank you. Let me let me let the camera see what he got and really see this mess right here in the jersey right there.

Oh, and then my brother in law to. Boy, I tell you. And so as a father, I'm supposed to be teaching my son about sex. So that right there. But because I might be absent, because we know that the breakdown of the families is most prevalent when the father is being removed. Right? Either we walked away from our responsibilities or was a one night stand.

I hit it and quit it. You know what I'm talking about. Come on now. Don't get brand new on me. So what happened is, as he comes over here to his Uncle Dave, Uncle Dave over here telling him, Look, look, I know your dad is not telling you how to do it, but let me tell you how I did in my time.

You get all that you can as much as you can before you get married, right? That's what I would tell them, right? Yeah. Don't worry about that one. You know, you that one you married? Saved that one for laugh. Okay, my. Can I. So Ashton and Ryan have been dating cameras. Put it up there. You saw Ryan. She has a white sheet preparing sheet of paper.

Right. And Ashton, he has a what color piece of tape? White. That is a symbolism of how pure they are right now. But because Uncle Dave is telling him, get all that you want his cousin Josh over here, it sound like your uncle. My dad don't know what he talking about. Let me tell you how we do it now.

Like he did it back in the day. Let's you know as well. Let me tell you how we get it now, how we get it in 2000. But at 2023. So his cousin Josh, like, look, man, I seen a girl looking at you the other day. She wants you, man. What you going to do about it? What are you gonna do about it?

Need to go ahead, Smash that. We cannot tell nobody. Get it when nobody's home. Right? That's what that's what cousins do. We look out for each other, right? Like, Yo, man, this chick last night, I was getting the man she was. What? Okay, so let me do this. Come on. I'm looking at you. You know, just joshing with you, right?

So what happened is this because Ashton is saving himself for his girl, He goes and sleeps with one that looks like her. Oh, so Ashton has an encounter. There you go. Can I have his back? Oh, because, you know, his father is raising up him to understand that the biblical understanding of what heaven looks like should be reflected on Earth.

And so he goes to a church that's multi-ethnic, multicultural right, like one church. He said, you know, I'm a go international. I want some Asian. That's right. Yeah. We need you to taste the entire world soon. So this is what this is what his cousin Jasmine tell him. Oh, you know what? Oh, no. See what you. I don't see.

Oh, son. There is there. But you don't see it. Yeah. Good. He goes down a line because. Here's another one, son. Let your mom show you how to do it. So he does this have a relationship with his own mom? And the mom doesn't mean any harm because, you know I love you. So you're my first child that I birth.

So I'm showing you out of love. So that way, when you get married, you don't have to worry about what not to do. He goes out here, sleeps with this young lady to guess what else happened. He takes advantage of his only sister because this is real stuff. This is real stuff that takes place today, not once, but another time and another time.

And in today's world, guess what happens? He goes, I even try to have relations with a man. But now. Right, Right. So look at if he goes back over there and talk to aunt and cause like, yo, been putting it down this year. I'm in college and back on campus again and the honeys under there fly these. Well, madam yoga pants are killing me.

Come on, Church. She comes in wearing these short shorts. This crop top t shirt exposing my eyes. Look. Which is I can't, I can't above. But see, I'm walking, right? And she walks right in front of me. What do you expect? All of that is playing into our emotions, our desires on can cause like, Yo, you've been put in down.

May I appreciate it. Now guess what? It's time for Ashton to give himself to his wife. Yeah, right. Because we look at Scripture when we go back and look at Genesis, when to talk about to leave and cleave. If you look at the Greek is the back and it means to to adhere, to cling to together So he goes to a rainbow she so holy raised by some great parents and she's keeping herself for the day of marriage.

And so now Ashton says I do. And for the first time he goes and sleeps with his bride. But guess what happens? There's a little bit of everyone that he slept with his sister, a friend. And then we're not even talking about how what happened with her right. His very first one. And he's like, she's like, I have to have sex to actually know, you know, we're going to get married like you do one.

Like even in my phone, I got you as the one. Oh, yeah. Tripping. Y'all know what I'm talking about. The very first one. The reason why in Old Testament, when you enter in, there's a hymen that is broken. There's a blood that is released for first time. Female Right. And it reads that because there's a covenant that takes place and there's always a blood company that Christ talks about.

So when that hymen is broken and there's blood that is released because their first interaction with each other, that is right. There's something that was taken away for the very first time and cannot be returned. And it doesn't talk about how this person has to sleep with this person. This person has leave them void in empty. There are something that she gave that she can never get back again.

Yes. Jesus goes to the aunt, his mother, and everything is still here. So how in the world can you leave and leave when you're giving yourself to every one else? Come on, Church and uncle and cousin over there, it's like, Do don't worry about that. She's going to enjoy because you got experience. You know what you're doing, right?

Let's give everybody a round of applause. Thanks so we shall see that take. There's a term in the church today that we talk about that we don't talk about, but we will be talking about more. It's called a soul tie. When we adhere and begin to sleep around 26 for the men, 19 an average for the ladies. Every person that you sleep with, you walk away with the little bit of them within you.

It could be a memory, a thought. It could be that experience. And now you're married and you're trying to figure out why am I still empty? Why am I still not being fulfilled? Because you done everything under the sun and now you have your spouse Wish it had been your only experience. And now you taking this to what is supposed to be a bed undefiled your spirit and your soul is the file.

Your spirit is weakened. The world is telling us that we should rack up with our experiences. But God is saying, trust me, God is telling you, just wait. God is saying you. I know what your future looks like and I'm trying to keep you and protect you from something that you don't even know. I've seen the future. I know what I've written out for you.

But if you will only trust me, You don't have to end up like this. I mean, first, John, Chapter two, verse 16 and 17, says this For everything in the world is the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life comes not from the father, but from the world itself. Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes does not come from the father, but from the world.

If you were given these these false narratives, you know, we're looking at Modern Family, Sex in the City, The Bachelorette, The Bachelor Scandal empire. We're looking at 50 grays of 50 Shades of Gray. You know what? Because you enjoy 50 Shades of Gray so much, you want to go a little bit dark and go 50 Shades darker. Not knowing those TV shows that we're watching is training our mind.

It's training our desires. And you think that what sex is supposed to look like, you have no idea whatsoever. God is saying, Let me show you how this is supposed to go. He says he got to say this. Stop trying to find the one and become actually seek the one. Stop trying to find that one person who's trying to fulfill your desires, your needs and your once and seek the one that can fulfill your desires, your needs and your wants.

Right? Many of us are trying to find the one that can actually make us whole. God said, No, I can only make you whole. No one else can. No male, no female, or even yourself. Come on now. I know what I'm talking about. You guys. Why are you in the bathroom for 3 hours? Ladies, Why are you taking a shower for 3 hours?

That's why I'm coming for you. Because I'm sick and tired of the world perverting what God has made Holy. I'm sick and tired of the world. Perverting the gospel and the rainbow belongs to God. And no one else is God's promise to let us know that He would never flood this earth again. But the world says this to a whole nother gender group.

Yeah, that's a whole nother topic. But I'm gonna say this even towards that gender group and many of you, some of you may not even like this. God, has Jesus die for everyone? Yes, Jesus died for every one. Yes. The saint, the sinner, the one night stand. And let me just make a point. Even the LGBTQ and Jesus died for everyone, if not me.

We have a conversation at church. I buy coffee, even two cups if you need it. First Corinthians Chapter six, verse 12, First Corinthians chapter six, verse 12 says this I have the right to do anything you say, but not everything is beneficial. I have the right to do anything, but I would not be master by anything. So you say food for the stomach and stomach for the food and God would destroy them both.

The body, however, is not meant for sexual morality, but for the Lord in the law, for the body. By His power. God raised the law from the dead and He will raise us also. Do you do do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Let me read that again. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?

Paul is writing to the Corinthian churches. He's reminded us that your body belongs to Christ. It belongs to God and everything that you do with it, you're doing unto with God and to God. And I begin to wonder, like, why does Paul begin to write food for the stomach? Like that's so misplaced, right? Like out of the blue, he's talking about sexual morality, but then he's bringing this context about food for the stomach and stomach for the food.

Like, what does that mean? So if you're hungry, what are you going to do at the time you're going to eat, right? I mean, your stomach is growling. What does that mean? You're hungry, right? So what do you do? You feed your stomach the same manner in which that if you have that desire to have sex, because this nature was governed given by God like a God radius does mean that you have to act on that desire.

So what Paul is writing here, just because you have that desire to eat and you everything that may not be beneficial for you. He's saying, however, it's not meant for sexual morality, but but for the Lord and Lord for the body, He is saying, is the act. In every desire that you have is how you fulfill those desires, is what God wants you to begin to start curbing, right?

He wants you to begin to curb those those desires because it's natural. It's okay. Some of you will be like, Well, I'm single as a Pringle. Like I'm not date anybody. I'm on the market. All my singles. Raise your hand. Anybody single up in here? All the single ladies. All the single ladies are singles. Raise your hand one more time.

Single, single thing I want you. I look around a room yakking meeting for you after church Hey, man, we can do the wedding next week. Hey, man, there's some things that we can learn from. Boaz and I resurrected this story because it's fitting for what we're talking about today. So the story of Boaz, as many of you know that you know, Naomi, Ruth and all of that, waiting for the one that she wants to get married to.

And so I want you to take some light humor from some biblical advice from Boaz. Ruth patiently waited for her, her mate Boaz, While you're waiting, don't settle for any of Boaz, his cousins or his relatives broke post line as she nears dumb ass locked up as good for nothing asked lazy ass and especially his third cousin beaten your ass.

You should wait for your Boaz, right? I wanted to put that on the screen so you don't think I'm cousin. Okay. Or some of you like, Oh, I love this church. I'm coming back next week, whatever it may be. Yeah. You're always welcome back. But the point is this Don't settle for what God has in store. Score for.

Oh, help me, Jesus. Many of us exit our relationships or been in relationships that you're no longer in because it was a drunk as a cheap as a locked the best, you know, beaten your ass. You've experienced all that before. You've exited that relationship, but you still allow access from the other person in their relationship, even though that you've walked away from that relationship used to allow access to that individual.

And the reason why Scripture is so heavy about sexual morality is this because it just doesn't come with sex. Oftentimes when we talk about sex, there are other things that's connected to sex, like lying and cheating, manipulation. Like all that is connected to sex. See, many of us are keeping our commitments to everyone else, but we're dismissing our commitments to God as our worship team make their way to the stage.

I want to remind you that God wants you to break free from sexual immorality. God has a desire that you live a life to the fullness that He designed for you, and I believe that you can break free from it Today, one of the greatest ways that you can break free from all that we talked about today, because technically this is easily a two month sermon.

Just sex. Bye. So we got to preach on it. Four days. But I want to talk about what the world is saying is right and the gospel is saying that, no, you should not do that. It is counter culture from what scriptures are telling us. And so for those who may have have that desire to to have sex and you're single, my challenge of you, of you today is this is to resist the enemy and flee from.

For those of you who may have been your innocence as were taken away from you, I'm sorry, but we serve a guy that can redeem the innocence of you. And you know what? You may not even have told your parents. Your parents may not even know that this has happened yet. I'm sorry, but we have a God who loves you, who wants to walk with you and restore you.

He wants to show you the right way. Sex is supposed to look like. And many of you may have having an account or had a relationship with somebody that is impure and is not designed for you. God can restore that to. And so if you're single, God tells us that you can do more for the gospel than anyone else because you don't have any time constraints, you're not obligated to no spouse.

So truth be told, a married person should not be outworking the gospel more than you. You have less responsibilities and you have more time. That's what Scripture tells us goes, I'll go when I go hard. I put the hours in week after week because I believe in what this gospel says. And so if you're passionate about the gospel, you pass it about people change in their lives, then do this for me.

See God, seek God. What He has for your life. Walk with God. Walk in a way with Him that will honor God with your life. Even with that temptation. But, Pastor, it's rough out here. It's rough in these streets. They keep coming at me. I get it. You know what the Bible will say about that? Get married. Scripture says if you're burning and you can't stop dropping, roll, get married.

You know what Smokey the Bear demanded, said whatever it was. If you're on fire, what's supposed to do Stop, Drop Arrow right. Stop what you're doing. That's. That's creating that. That passion and that lust inside of you. Drop to your knees and pray to God and roll yourself with the Word of God in such a way that it will come out when people will just get near you.

Because he know they know that Christ is in you. So if you're burning your fire, stop what you're doing. Stop those dreams. That locked account that's in your on your phone that nobody else know with them pictures on it. You know what I'm talking about. Delete the app better delete those friends. We got to change the Turner guys go.

We got to turn a title a bit. Guys, we are supposed to be living out the gospel before the world. Don't get caught up in it, guys. I'm not. I'm not no saint. My body counts jacked up is bad. Felicia is too.

Truth be told, some of you out. There's double in what both of us have together. Church. God is asking of you today to fully give yourself to him. If you don't have an accountability partner, get one and not talk about that one that's going to passively patch in it back like, okay, it's going to get better. No, get somebody is going to hold your butt accountable.

That's going to talk junk when you mess. No, that will pull you out of the fire and get an accountability partner. Get more than one that would tell you that your crap stinks. You mean too much to the father? You mean too much to the father?

Finally, I confess all my sins to you, Father, and I stop trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, I will confess my rebellion to the Lord, and he forgave me. And all of my guilt is gone. This is David writing in the Book of Psalms, Chapter 32. This is David, who went out on a rooftop to look at the Shiva.

He started looking at her overnight over on a rooftop where she was taking a bath, but looking to turn, to longing, to lusting and then leaning in to do what he did to sleep with her. Jeremiah tells us that I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. But because this is the year for Revival, Second Chronicles Chapter seven, verse 14 tells us this If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray and seek my faith and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will forgive your sins and heal the land that I stand today.

God wants to heal your land today. The altar is open. Some of you may be wondering like, God, can you heal a broken person like me? Guy, can you restore a broken person like me? God does the best work with broken pieces. He can restore, redeem all of that. We allow him to do that for you today. If you want to just come to the altar and say, God, you know what?

I want to rededicate my rededicate, my sexual desire and my sex life to you today. God, I will rededicate my body to you. God, I want to give you my body. I would present my body to you as a living sacrifice. God, That's what I desire to do today.

Praise God. I can have our elders come up. Just pray with these young ladies. Request God wants to restore and redeem you today. And I believe that this act of faith, God is going to do something amazing with these ladies life. Because I believe it's not only their for us, but somebody hijacked what God has meant for them.

God loves you. He loves you right where you are.


Hearing God’s Voice - Pt 2


Tithing - Counter Culture pt 1