Red Sea - Pt 2. This Little BIG Light of Mine

Sometimes it's as simple as that. You rain, you rain, You rain forevermore. How many of you know that he raised forevermore? Not just yesterday, Not just today, but forevermore. Thank you, Lord. Reminds me is the justice is written as he says. The Romans eight. For your sake, we are being put to death all day long. We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.

Come on, now. Somebody should cheer for that. When all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us and reigns forevermore. For I, I'm convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor days to come, nor powers, nor height, nor death, nor any other created, they will be able to separate us from what? The love of God, which is in Christ. Jesus. All Lord. Come on now, sir. God gave a shout right now. If you don't know, not now. Know that you know that nothing can separate us from his love. Nothing. Because he raised forevermore. Hallelujah. Why? Come on, now. Good for three. As we remain standing. Hunter, where you are. Can you come up here?

And when you come, grab that Mike right there in that first chair. I run into this, this young man all the time. And he always gives me an update on what's going on in his life. Athletics, academics. And one thing I'm never sure he knows is that he touches me every time because he's a he'll say something that that quickens my spirit.

He says something that that gives me an adult who I feel and I'm seasoned in Christ to to look at things that I'm doing wrong and impart them in my life. So I just know that his parents are training him up in the ways of the law. So I give them a shout out. I was talking to him this morning and he was telling me about wrestling. He just got over a concussion and he was like he said, you know, he said, I went into this thing. I said, I prayed to God, said, I want God, you know, my will. He said, you know what I want to do? He said, But I also know that you have a plan for me. And he said, I want your plan over my plan.

I was just like, Man, I said, This young man has it. So I asked him to just to the leader sent the leader service and to worship and meet because this is what we got to do. We got this show. We got to train these young men up, young men like Hunter and build them up and let them know they're just as important as we are. We need them just as much as they do. Sometimes they see the things that we don't see. Right. So, Hunter, if you can lead us in prayer, I mean, in the service today, I appreciate it. And Lord.

I pray for protection over everyone. Lord, I pray for transformation. Lord, I pray for restoration. Lord, over everyone in this room today I pray to just make your presence known and do your thing. Lord. Even get it. Yeah. Thank you. I like the Second Amendment. Thank you. Good morning. One, sir, It's a pleasure to be before you again is, as I listen to the worship team sing, you know, atmosphere change shift now change be broken. It, it reminds me, is that as much as I want to prepare, I see that God prepares the way.

I just want you to remember those words as I go through my sermon today. Because I'm telling you touched on everything that that I would plan on talking about this morning. But first, I want to talk about something, another announcement. We get it out that one church, we will be doing a fast, a 40 day fast. And it is going to be from this February 18th, Wednesday to the end of I mean, January 18th to the end of February.

Now, as you know, fast so important and it's a godly principle that, you know, that that we should incorporate in our lives. Now, I know in the beginning years we see most churches, a lot of churches look at us as well. They will begin the year with a fast and, you know, is to to prepare the way for what God wants to do in our life, to move to whatever its purpose is so that it comes forth. And, you know, you can pray fast for many things. It could be for ministry, grief, wisdom, repentance, protection, guidance, you know, even a worship to God. And but what will press around want me to to say is that that we just don't want to do this one time a year and that's it. We want this to be a godly principle that we that we instill in our in our walks, that we take this for not just from January 18th to February 28th, but throughout the year.

Yes. Collectively as one as God gives to the leadership, but also of God speaking to you and your life. And you need something to move. You need to change to be broke. You need atmosphere to shift then fast. So so we want to we want to take this out. So when you leave here today, I believe on the welcome tables or you see a connections person there, there will be a sheet that has all the particulars about it. So I'll just give you a brief. What it is, is the primary fasting items we're fasting during this time is meat, sweets, soft drinks, coffee and tea. Now there's optional fasting items because we know some of you have medical conditions and we're not telling you to disregard what your doctor says. But if you feel this is something you want to do, speak to your doctor, see what you can do or what you can't do, because really fast things about the heart and what are you willing to give up to to get back in line with God?

What are you willing to give up to, to get this degree, draw closer to God, become more intimate with Him? So there are some optional fasting items as social media, secular music, TV shows, gaming unit. The internet kicked up my daughters for that, but now, now we are implementing some grace days. Friday or Saturday or Saturday or Sunday.

You're able to eat whatever you want. But I mean, if you I mean, if you really want to not use those grace days, that be great too. I'm sure God will move mightily in your life, but you do whatever you want. It's all about your heart. You know, you're able to eat and drink 100% now to juice, water, fruits and vegetables. And I now also say is let's try to get our children to do that as well. You know, now let's let's start to build that up and Nim to set down Foundation and Nim, it doesn't got to be hardcore like that because we know they go to school, they have lunches and things like that. But how about limiting their YouTube time or ticktock time or Internet time or TV time and explaining, sitting down, explaining to them the importance of this.

And I'm telling you, you do that and you continue to do you'll see growth. I'll just use my daughter, man, like we've told you the story before, but we dedicated our daughter to God. Because of what? Because of how she came to the miracle that she was in. And we are still hearing about things like that, man. I'm telling you, man, this young lady prays better than me, man. I mean, she'd be praying Zachariah to 5 to 5 come down and and and the angels, Psalms 9111. It's well, I'm like, come on now. I'm telling you. But so so let's get this. So. So we ask that you join us together as one let's do this fast one because this is because when God gave random word of revival and if we want revivals, we'll start now in this fasting, what are we willing to give up to show God that we love him in his in his will, His way is more important than ours.

So again, just pick up those sheets outside when you leave. And and we look to be joining like in hand in hand on this endeavor of this year of revival all forever. Okay. So with that being said, all the housekeeping stuff is out the way. Let's get into the word. So I'm going to be coming out of Matthew chapter five. Verse 14 is 16. Now we are still in our sermon series at the Red Sea, but this is the focal scripture that I was given by God. So Matthew, Chapter five, verses 14 to 16. And if you got to just let me know that you have it. Thank you, Lord. So it says You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden, nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket. But on the lamp stand and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your God in heaven. Lord is preaching time.

Preach is not easy, but it is made easier by your Holy Spirit. I ask that I decrease and that you increase, and in the end you get all honor, glory and praise. In Jesus name, Amen. And with that Scripture, man, I'm want to speak to you today on this little big light of mine. This little big light of mine. Now we're continuing our sermon series on the Red Sea Rules, where we're looking at how we can navigate our risky moments and count on God to make a way for those things in our lives that look insurmountable. Last week, Pastor Santos brought a word. I mean, he brought a word from God. I mean, I don't know about you, but I had that stuck with me through the whole week. That was a word. And he spoke on three rules we can pull from God's unwavering love for us that we see in the real story. The first rule was realize that God means realize that God means for you to be where you are. And Pastor Sante showed us through his own experience going through multiple weather catastrophes that even though you are feeling the effects of the storm, you are right where God wants you to be.

The rule number two, he said, was be more concerned for God's glory than for your relief. He said, Let us know that God's glory is more important in getting relief from that storm we are going through. It's all about him. And the third one was Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord. We should acknowledge the enemy who was ever so present.

But keep our eyes state on the one who guarantees victory over all things. So today I'm going to continue the series by focusing on two in a possible more roles. Now, not Dan here, but Deacon, James and Crystal know. I know all about two in a possible as a little space joke that they're not here to dismiss it just goes over but I'll be picking up on rule three that passive static gave us last week and it's not because he missed anything. But as I was praying this week, God was telling me to continue what he started with passive saying. He said on rule number three, to that to to acknowledge I was acknowledge to any but keep your eyes on the lower God said if one church was coming out of the deep in which we were in last year and going into a year revival, then we need to double down on rule three.

We need to acknowledge the enemy, but keep our eyes on him. Because if we think the enemy is going to sit back and let revival happen without a fight, we are mistaken. So I will pick up our Rule three. And so out of the message today, my prayer is that we receive tangible, God given ways we can glean from the rare see story that will give us something to hold on to that will prayerfully star our spirit, no matter the tribe we face, no matter to any behind us or in front of us, no matter the sin we are partaking in the stronghold on our life.

The fleshly desires we so desperately are trying to resist something that gives us the confidence in Christ, the confidence in who He is in us, the confidence I stated in my last story. And when God says just as I was with Moses, I will be there with you. The confidence and he who makes it way out of no way, no matter the mountain or sea, be it your financial issues, sickness, anger, addiction, whatever your thing is, that same wants to put it in our path. So we look at my focus scripture Matthew five verses fit mean verses 14 through 16 I'm sure is familiar to you. Jesus said it right after the blessed are statements. You know, I am also sure some of you wondering how does this fit into the Red Sea story? What are two points I'll be focused on come from the Israelites.

They're being pursued by Pharaoh, an Egyptian army through the Red Sea and Exodus 14. I'll be using Matthew Chapter five, verses 14 and 16 as a means to action. The power to fuel the rules. I will mention, don't worry, I'm sure it's going to be clear and understandable. God willing. I mean, so I'm. Amy sounded good when I when he was giving me the word. So. Hey, man, as I'm sure everyone knows, I'm from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I mean, anybody comes across, I tell you. Woo, woo. That's right. Oh, thank you from Pittsburgh. But I'll take you. Yeah, we live there. I live there the first 42 years of my life until me, Tanisha, we decided to pack up and move to the great city of High Point, North Carolina.

If you know anything about Pittsburgh besides our great sports history and being known for the Steel City, we're also known for, like, three rivers, our many bridges and hills. And when you go to one place, when you come to Pittsburgh, one place you've got to visit, it's called Mount Washington, Right? And on Mount Washington, you get the full views of the city. You can see the you see the three rivers. You see all the bridges, see all of buildings. You see the sports stadiums. I mean, you can see for miles, right? So a lot of times at night when I would be driving through town, going home and I would come down Grant Street that's coming out of downtown Pittsburgh and hit Second Avenue, First Avenue, that's along the river. You come up and you look up in Mount Washington, you will see this beautiful, beautiful big church all lit up, a Catholic church called St Mary on the Mount. I don't know if they put it up on the screen, but it's a beautiful church and I think it is scripture. Every time I would drive past it at night, this church all lit up and remind me the scripted church looking like the light of the world, a city set on a hill where it can't be hidden light.

So in just as that church on top of Mount Washington all lit up, not not hitting, no matter the vantage point. So as God's church, you and I, we ought to be in the scriptures. Jesus said, We are the light of the world, like a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. The hill was translated as mountain into Greek. So we as believers in Christ, those for whom the Holy Spirit is within, need to stop thinking small. In our position where God has us in our viewpoint and in any and in our viewpoint of our sales, we are sitting on a mountain that cannot be hidden and cannot means no way, no how. There is nothing anyone can do to hide that little big light of ours.

So what is this light that Jesus is calling us? The light Jesus uses here means in a Greek fayose it means light daylight. It also is the same Greek word as veno. To bring light, to bring to light to cause, to appear. Now don't forget those two things to bring, to light, to cause, to appear. Our light is like daylight. It brings things to light and causes things to appear. The light is him. Jesus, He's the light. The light we receive when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, our God, our law, the light that transforms us into light itself. How do I notice? Because this light that Jesus called us is also the same word for the light in the Scriptures that are used to describe Jesus himself. Don't miss that. The whenever says Jesus is this light, this is the same light He used for us to say that we're to light a world. You won't believe me. You won't believe me. I'm telling I got a lot of scripture here so you can write them down. I'll put some of them up. But I'm bringing this right straight from the Bible.

And John, Chapter one verses one, four, five and nine. Verse one says, In the beginning was the word in the words was God. Now I'm just establishing that chapter. One of John is talking about Jesus. Verse four in him was life, and the life was the light of men. When we accept Jesus, we receive life. In that life is the light of men making us the light of the world. Verse five says The light shines in the darkness in a darkness did not comprehended. Verse nine says There was the truth. There was the true light which coming into the world and lions every man. It's all the same light. We can go again. John Chapter eight, verse 12. Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world.

He who follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life. So we see here, Jesus says He is the light of world. So overall, Jesus says He's a light, a world. In a matthew five, he says, We are the light of the world. Come on now. If you think he was lying when he said to the father, I have given them everything you have given me, you're sadly mistaken. You better start using what your father has given you. And also we see here Jesus, the light in the source of our light multiple times in John 17, he says he is in us verse ten. I've been glorified in them, verse 23 I in them, you and me. Now again heard some more to describe the light. First John, Chapter one, verse five Man, this John character knew a lot about God, man.

Plus he has a good name around, man. I love that name in the first John chapter one, verse five, he says, This is the message we have heard from him and announce to you, God is light and in Him is no darkness. At all. Come on now. All right, one more. I'm giving you one more. Now. I said Ephesians chapter five, verses eight and nine in 13, verse eight four, we formerly were darkness with who we were, what we were formerly darkness. But now you are the light in the law. Walk as children of the light verse name for the fruit of the lake, assist in all goodness and righteousness and truth. Come on now your light better be produced in that verse 13. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light. For everything that becomes visible is light. Trust me, this verse is going to come together soon. So what do I see? So what do we see here? The light, The source of the light. Our light is Jesus. It cannot be hidden. Why not? Because nothing can contain God. The word, the alpha and omega. And this light is supposed to expose. This light cannot be hidden and expose the light exposes things and expose light exposes things. Remember, the definition of this light is daylight to bring to light a cause to appear things in and of the dark need to be exposed. It calls out and puts a spotlight on the demons that terminus and our communities. The light exposes. Our sin, then removes the darkness because the darkness cannot be the life in it. So I want to pick up on rule number three Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord.

Be to be the light of the world is good. The reason why it is so important to understand we are the light of the world and cannot be hidden. And I took time to define what and who the light is and does is because we need that light to acknowledge, expose, and then cause the enemy in our lives to flee. Yes, those enemies that we encounter in order to see moments where we have an enemy, enemy pursuing us from the back and what looks like to our natural and understanding know where to go in front of us. At the end of the my favorite one of my favorite cartoons with GI Joe and at the end of the every GI Joe cartoon, they always say knowing is half the battle and we cannot defeat and expose the enemy and overcome the sins, the struggles, the trials, the sickness that the enemy causes.

Unless we know who we are fighting and keeping our eyes on God, staying connected to the power of our life, source. A lot of times we speak to the symptoms, to the sadness, to the lack of self-worth, to the fear and to the addiction, but not to the root cause of the ailment. So since we do not accurately expose the enemy and shine a light on the enemy for who they are, we continue to go through the same struggles and and they women of darkness do not flee.

And Exodus Chapter 14 Verses 5 to 9. We have Moses and the Israelites fleeing Pharaoh and his army. Pharaoh is passive. Passive, Santis told us, is Come in with the mighty Army 600. So his chair he is in all the churches of Egypt with a captain on every one of them, and they were moving fast. Pharaoh was like Satan in the powers and principalities, attacking us each and every every one of us today. Sometimes they are direct and front, but in other times they're they're they're wily and convert. And a lot of their attacks in tactics, they're conniving to send traps for us playing golf, our sinful tendencies, our words and our actions waiting to devour us. We must not be fooled into thinking that Satan is not real like he's the only mythical being in the Bible.

No, he and his army are very real, unified on the battlefield, attacking us multiple times a day. We must truly understand that for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. That's Ephesians 612 and Satan and the powers and principles he has set over our lives, our family. This church will stop at nothing to derail us from shining our light, from knowing the will of God, and especially from having a year of revival being an untimely temptation, be it through one of your family members, playing to your fears, whispering to your unbelief, using that church member to frustrate and anger you, you best believe saying his army were behind it.

You see, man, as believers know that that our time on earth is short, but we don't take it seriously saying I have tomorrow or I'm a work in progress. We should be praying Psalms 9012. So teach us the number of our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Come on now. Because you know who is not foolish and know his time is short and is activated by Satan in the powers and principalities in the rules. The darkness of the world is no killer waster of time and forget good of the in singing stop said nothing to maintain his kingdom, distrust the people of God and to dishonor the name of Christ. His time is short and he treated as such the shortness of our time to do the will of God to stir our hearts.

We're not even hast or most of the time, if if devils feel great hatred, why don't we feel great love? How is it that they are more eager to destroy than we are to save? Is it if that they are alive? And where do did? Come on now. The problem is too many times we neglect to give the enemy his just due for the reason for the attacks The saints in the trials in our lives. Throughout Paul's letter he stay he stay laying blame at Satan's feet. Pastor Santis told us last week that Paul only mentions Satan and the devil total 16 times. And each time Paul lay blame at Satan's feet. AX 1310. When talking to the magician, hindering his manager, he said, Who are you who are full of deceit and fraud? You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness?

Come on now, Acts 2618. When describing that, what Jesus has said to him is as at his conversion to open their eyes. So they they may turn from the darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan of God. ROMANS 1617 to 20, he stated, saying was a source was a source of those causing the sentence, dissension and hindrance to the teaching. Ephesians 426 and 27 Don't go to bed angry. Don't get the devil that sort of foothold. First Corinthians ten 2321 Gentiles, they were worshiping idols and he said demons were behind it. Man, I can listen, I can go list the other nine, but I think we get the picture. Satan, the powers and principalities, the demons, they're all working in unison on one accord with one mission to man, See, steal, kill and destroy.

Yeah. We have to begin to take this seriously and lay the blame for these things. Our lives at the foot of saying the time is now. We can't continue to waste the time allotted to us by God to bring forth His will on Earth. Well, if we want our children, our communities, our coworkers to. To be brought to Christ, we need to have the urgent urgency to show them the way to He who turned a wretch like us into its echo ears. Because every second we are, we are wasting. The enemy is not. And if we're doing what we're supposed to expect, saying to be most busy against us. Come on now. I believe saying doesn't know more about God's elect than we do, but He does have more experience to form a more accurate judgment of us, as well as seeing how we act in private.

He looks us up and down, left and right and knows this person's thing is less that once prior. That was quick to anger. That one has no self-worth. And of course, justice, of course, is just as we are to judge each other by their fruits. He knows them all too well, or the lack thereof where he cannot destroy. He plants seeds of doubt, worrying a fear where you had your sin in secret from your brothers and sisters in Christ. You can not hide it from your worst enemy. Thomas Spencer. He was this religious leader who had a bunch of inspiring spiritual quotes, said this Satan and his inferior spirits. Spirits are like chameleons, turning themselves into the shapes we least fear incest before as such, objects of temptation, as are most agreeable to our natures, So they may sooner draw us into their net.

So you analyze your child, there's that place to wound you. Your spouse could be used as one of the things Eros, our joys, our positions or habits are sorrows. All can be used as attacks. I say this, I say all this say not to scare discourage us. But as my hope to impart wisdom for for us to use this information to guard ourselves, we must understand. For though we walk in the flesh, we don't walk according to the flesh, For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. Second Corinthians ten, verses three or four Don't play around with the enemy. Do not let him linger. If he shows his face, get him out right away.

Let the enemy be cast out immediately with Divine grace. Acknowledge the enemy, but keep your eyes on God. That is where our light comes in being and operating as the light of the world, as Jesus call us, is a weapon of warfare, not of the flesh, but of the valley. Power. Your light shining through the gifts and calling God has given you whatever it is. Teaching, preaching, good steward over finances, compassion for others, speaking in tongues, whatever it is. Remember, Scripture says light shines in the darkness. In a darkness did not comprehended in the light. There is what No darkness at all. Only Jesus can do that in his light In us that divine power causing us to be the light of the world, does that to the enemy?

Yes. In Exodus 14, after a states Pharaoh and his army were pursuing the Israelites, we see the Israel Israelites start complaining and getting fearful. As army was getting closer, they were focused on the enemy and not God. So they were like this to Moses. You should have left us in Egypt to die. You going bring us to the wilderness and die? How many of us do that when we're being pursued by the enemy under the oppressive our sin? We look at the enemy. We get scared. We get ashamed, we get discouraged. And not once look to God for help. We don't plug into the power of our light source and expose the enemy for who he is and magufuli nor stone sound or light and confuse them as the Scripture states.

Do we not remember what He's promised us? The enemy is already defeated. No weapon formed against me shell prosper unless I allow it. Do not dread the coming of greater opposition from throughout history, man or Biblical. The hour of triumph of Evil is the hour of his doom. The climax of his of of evil is the frequently its end. Let me say that again Do not dread the coming of greater opposition For throughout history, the hour of Triumph of Evil is the hour of his doom. So when you're in the midst of that storm and it feels heavy, you feel all the waves crashing down on you. It's the worst ever feeling your life. You're getting no relief.

Remember, that's the that's the that's the peak of it. On Joy comes in the morning. Is that what the script says? So don't get discouraged, continue to endure, continue to press through. Because as we look at our story, we see that that same concept there. No. And in a moses in Israelites, no straw given to to make bricks. Moses used by God to deliver the Israelites Pharaoh with all those might try to put his yoke back on the Israelites. That was the man they were. They were scared. They were crying. That was that was the peak of the triumph. And then what happened? The real reality was used as God's vengeance. Or how about David and Goliath?

The men in a men's group? We're talking about Goliath flexes his might, he punks and defies the armies that Israel's they don't see no winning. They they're accepting defeat. Then what happened, David, with a stone in a sling, lays down a jab. Come on, now. How about this, Amos 312 It talks about a shepherd snatching from the lion's mouth a couple of legs and a piece of an ear. You best believe our good shepherd can pull us out of the lion's mouth and make us whole again, no matter our condition. Remember, we are the light of the world like a city set on a hill that cannot be here. But I get it. But I get it. Let's be honest. And I'm talking about me. That little big light of mine.

Stay on Delmar, Angola. There are some seas, and it seems I'm in a valley with no access to a power source. I mean, if I'm keeping it all the way through, I have access to a power source, but I don't plug into it. Come on, now. I don't know about you. I was speaking about me. Satan is coming at me from all angles, and I feel like I'm at the banks of the river. See the Jewel River City lake with nowhere to go. I need to depart. I need my light to shine and not be hidden under a basket. So let's go back. So Matthew five, Chapter 15, says this Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket. But on the last stand and it gives light to all who are in the house.

So Jesus proceeded verse 15 and 14 say, Standing our light is the is the weary. The light of world is like a city on a hill that can't be hidden. Then he goes on to say, Nor does anyone put a light under the basket to cover it. I think Jesus knew us as men. As humans, we cover our light, which in lions brings to light. Our sin causes the enemy to flee and confuses them. I think he knew that depression attacks that enemy would be difficult for us. I think he knew that because of our human nature we would shrink in height instead of going to him. Every day there seems to be a basket. There's a problem, an obstacle, an issue. I mean, with our kids, young adults with disagreements with their parents, a battle with our flesh, you name it.

Any one time we could be we could have multiple issues or baskets suppressing our light. And some of these are generational and have been hindering hindrances to us for years. I am. I grew up with both my parents. I got two brothers. I mean, I've got a brother and a sister. I'm the oldest and I'm not going to get to it because I don't want to hurt anybody, feelings or anything. But when I was younger, I felt there was a need for me to I felt I lacked acceptance right? I didn't get the love that I felt that I deserved, that maybe others got. And there was a good reason if I opened it up to you, you as you could probably understand it. But because of that, my, my desire for acceptance.

I did. I took the route where some kids will act out just to get any type of acceptance. I decided to do whatever they wanted me to do, even if I didn't like it. Do this. Yes, ma'am. We go to school. Yes, ma'am. Straight A's. Yes, I did it all. That's what I did for it. For the love that that that I desire from them. This this desire for acceptance. As I grew older, led into a fear of failure. Because of all because of me always wanting to please everybody. When I failed, it killed me. Or if I seen to disappoint in my failure to them, it killed me. So I continually tried to please everyone and I don't want to fail. And in his in his late into my life of Christ now, where I'm at a point I have is this desire for acceptance and his fear of failure.

And it keeps me stuck. It's a basket over my life. So I'm asked to do some. I got an intel processor in my brain. I'll come up with 50 different solutions to a to an issue or to a job I have or to a confrontation. Oh, if I say this, they're going to say that. So if they say that and I'll say this, but at time I miss God's hand in my life.

He does move. He's moved on. So as I say, it all says we pick up and allow these baskets to cover our lives minus my in A has B version says basket. We think of a basket seems small, too small to cover the light of God, right? I think a basket gives us this idea that the covering the thing covering our light is small is not that big of a deal.

That the problem the stronghold, the spiritual warfare, the addiction, the unforgiveness, the idolatry, whatever our basket covering our light is doesn't deserve our immediate and intentional attention to get removed. But I like the King James version. You can always count all English. It says bushel. I like bushel because it measures volume, and that unit's volume is the amount of space that a substance or object occupy has or date is enclosed with the container, especially when that thing is enclosing is great, which is the light of Jesus in the Latin word for bushel.

Morelos is a measure. How fitting? Because our bushel definitely is dry. Things we deal with in dry season. In dry places, a bushel is more accurate depiction because just imagine for a second how big, how much volume has to cover a light of Jesus to keep it from shining out onto an into the world. So when we look at the basket, the bushel we put over our lamp, we need to understand that it is no small thing. Yes, we cannot look at it or determine that this bushel is an insignificant thing, that it is some minor issue or stronghold that we can move for with our lives with this huge and powerful oppressive force. Put on us by the powers and principalities over our lives, which is working in conjunction with our flesh, it is dimming and in sometimes shutting off the light of God in us.

God's grace is sufficient and He is merciful. But the truth of the matter is, you will not be able to carry out God's will in His fullness with this bushel covering your light. This also goes for us whose light is shining and not him. Those of us discipling and loving on others, we can't take lightly the dim light coming from our brothers and sisters.

If God is calling us to that person or putting them in our path, it is our responsibility to assist them in removing that bushel. We need to recognize whatever suppressing their their light is big, even if it may seem small to us. Understanding their thing has a lot of history with them. Many years of being a stronghold. We need to be prepared to walk that thing out with them until their light breaks through and shines bright. The bushels in that manner that sins in that manner, that pains not matter, that hurts in that matter, that isolation is not mine or that lust is not mine or that gossip is not mine. That the visions not matter, that pull your eyes, not minor, It is not something we can continue to live with or act as if this is normal.

Understand? At the bushel has to be removed, has to be put to death. It's going to be difficult. It may hurt. It's going to take some work. It's going to feel awkward. You may even feel naked. But isn't that where we really want? Is that isn't that our real desire to be naked, to be back in that place where being naked didn't matter to us?

That place where a relationship with God was like He created it to be that place in position where God wants us to be Well, well, in order for us to get there, to get where we say we all want to be, we must remove the bushel. And there's many ways we can go about doing that. There's no one surefire way to remove a bushel. We can study better take on the word. We can allow those whom God put in our lives to assist us in battle while standing on God's promises of how we are more than over comers. But I want to focus on this one thing that's in our toolbox that will not only remove our bushel, free our light, bring forth God will for the church and cause man to see his good works and glorify our Father Heaven.

So lead us to the next rule of navigating overcome in the rear see moments. And that's pray, pray. Exodus 1410 says as Pharaoh drew near, the Sons of Israel looked and behold, the Egyptians were marching after him and they became very frightened. So the Sons of Israel crowd out to the Lord. Here we have the Israelites there filling the presence of the enemy. The enemy is very present, makes them look at the army, coming after them, brings about fear, and then a cry to the Lord in this moment of a fast approaching enemy from the rear and a fast approaching rear, see in front of them. They're our only option in this panic was to cry out to God. This wasn't that normal.

Every day, like clockwork, same time, same place, every morning prayer. This was one of those. I need you now, God. Prayers that the prayers of the right is a is much one of those. I've been doing things my way. But this situation right here, please forgive me. I repent. If you give me to this, I will do anything you ask me to do my prayers. Those the earnest prayers of a righteous person has great power and prudence produces wonderful results. Type James 516 Prayer Just like the Israelites here we had those moments, those times we're at a crossroads under attack from every angle. And our only option is to get on our face and pray. Maybe it's one of those all night prayers. Or maybe it's just a short but full of power and authority prayers.

Is it funny how these type of risky moments with our back against the wall, our sins raging while our lives are countless is low, our fears higher, and we are angry with God that we finally see clearly that our only option was to seek God. When I'm in these moments, I probably panic just about as many times as I pray, especially in the past.

But what we need to remember in these situations in order to remove our bushels and release our lying to the world, that there is life and death in the part of town you want to activate change for the better. Speaking in prayer, you need something to die, change to be broken. Speaking in prayer. We have power in our tongues. You wonder why you feel trapped, condemned, weak, stuck, stopped coming in agreement with those things in your life. Everything that came to be was spoken into the existence by God. Let there be light. Let us create them in our image, in our likeness. God was showing us from the beginning that these created in His image and likeness have power in our tongues.

Prayer is powerful when in prayer speak with authority and power given to you by God, whatever you battle, Earth will be bowed in heaven. Whatever you lose on Earth will be loosed in heaven. God wants nothing more to hear from you. Prayer is how we communicate to our Father. You asked your answers already been sent to you before you even ask. You just need to activate in a natural and humble yourselves and pray, cursing all anxiety on him because he cares for you. Those are the prayers that are naked, real and unfiltered. That is the conversation that God desires with us, praying until he answers, praying his promises back to him. That is why he continues to show up and show out in those moments as those answers prayers like the words of Jeremiah Lamentations, 30 Lamentations.

That's the Book of Lord Christ, and that's what Israel did here in the Scriptures of Exodus 1410, Jeremiah wrote limitations, describing the anguish over Jerusalem for them, receiving God's judgment for unrepentant sin. And the first thing that that I want to bring from like Lamentations, is first realizing Lamentations. 339 Why should any living moral or any man offer complaint in a view of a sin? Come on now. A lot of things that were crown of the God. But we're not looking at ourselves. We're not looking at that, that we didn't trust in God. But we were trusting in ourselves. We didn't lean on God, but we lean in on man. Know those things that we're allowing the enemy to impart on our lives and we nerve to say, offer a complaint because we're going through it.

I mean, it starts with us. I would say, look at yourself in the mirror. Why any living moral or any man offer complaining of you have a sin and that sin is separation from God. Anything that we do is not of God as sin. It's not this the normal loss. Hey, Anger said unbelief is sin. Not trusting in God is sin ye of little faith Sin which are normal reactions in rare sin moments. Those are normal reactions. But guess what? In Lamentations chapter three, it also states these verses for us to remember in prayer to God to deliver us from our current situations and remove our bushels versus 21 through 25. Verse 21 says this Our record of our man. Therefore, I have hope when he recalled to his man verse 22, that the Lord's loving can indeed never cease for his compassion, never fails.

Did you get that? Did you catch two absolutes? Never. I love absolutes when were in my favor. But when they when it's. But you sit. Oh no, I have problems with those ones. But these ones right here, these ones he said. What did he say. The Lord. He said, he said the Lord's loving kindness indeed never cease. So I mean, his love and kindness is continual for his compassion. What never what fails? Come on. His love for you never fails. No matter what you do, never fails. Remember this. Why you're in your store. Then he says this. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. Oh, hold on. This, this, this, this loving kindness that never fails. I mean this loving kindness that never ceases in his compassion, never fails is new every morning, man.

So I'm getting continual newness of never failing things I don't know about you. And I'm not trying to flex here, but I remember the last time me and my wife had a car for three years. I mean, every time, every year we rap has a lot. We end up almost going to getting a new life. I mean, we just like new things. We don't like new things, but I like new love and kindness that never fails. Every day I like new compassion that never fails Every day. Great is your faithfulness. You have to recognize who you're talking to. Great is your faithfulness. First 24. The Lord is my portion, says my soul. Therefore I hope in Him. Come on now. Is that in your soul?

Is that deep down when you're down there praying on your face, you see, Can God lure the Lord? You are my portion. I don't need nothing else. You're my portion. You're to turkey, to ham, to roast beef, the green beans, the macaroni. You're all that. You're my portion. Keep that in your. And it says in my soul. Not here, not just in my soul. Right. Therefore, I have hope in hell. Verse 25. The lure is good to those who wait on him, to the person who seeks him. Any of us waiting for him to part always see and swollen enemies. If you're praying to God, you're seeking him. And if you're seeking him, he's there for you. Yes. We've all been in this place where a crowd to God is our last resort.

Our only hope is sometimes, as the first rule stated, and that Santis gave us where God wanted us and needed us to be. Maybe we weren't listening to him. Maybe we're doing things our own way. Whatever the reason God brought to us, brought us to this moment, just to have a conversation with us, to show us that we need him. But what if But what if we didn't wait for those moments to crowd to God? What if we didn't wait for the moment where something has to break? That's my. That's my audition. What if we wait for the moment where something has to break? Come on, now, what if we prayed like this in the good times, the times of peace, The times we're just.

We're. We just want to talk with full transparency, openness, nakedness. Like, how was your day? God, Just imagine how you asking God how his day was. It didn't expect the answer. Well, you know, no gym over in California. He was cutting up a little bit. But, you know but you know, I showed up and showed out in this situation. Come on. That's what you need to expect when you talk to go ask him how his day is going. I'm telling you, we're. How about when you like God? Well, you know, you know, my day was it was just okay, you know, it was was blah, you know, you know, or, you know, it's like, you know, man. Keith, one or two says some crazy. But but it sounded like it was from you. God, you know what I mean? What if when we pray, we speak His promise of protection from the battles we know are coming? Come on, now. How. How about you be proactive? How about you be proactive? If he would have been a down times, peaceful times, we work out our line of communications with him.

What if we when we pray, we speak his promise of protection from the battles we know are coming? That's that's the place of intimacy. Yes. That's what God seeks in or prayer practice in how to get in his presence, setting the atmosphere, praising and worship him before we go in and say, I want this, I need this. Come on now. Ask him how his day is. We could think this is corny or not corny, but basic or trivial. But I bet if we exercised this before to really see those last resort moments at the first sign of trouble and at the first sign of enemy will pray and not entertain the enemy until it's too late. Once Jesus says, and your 1416 and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may buy with you forever.

And in these difficult times, Bush removals. Our prayers should be the same that he comforts and remains with us until glory. Now, I say, or I had to, in a possible here's my possible along with prayer. This is not one of the rules, but this is what God gave me. Prayer and fast. Now, when Jesus, Peter and John and James were coming back from the Mount of Transfiguration, they came back to a crowd and this guy came to them and said, You have the disciples. Your other disciples couldn't cast out the demon. And my son. So I had to stop because I was thinking about when I was telling about my fear of failure. Right. And in this moment, in this moment right here, God's game, in this moment when John James and Jesus came down from the Mount Transfiguration, there was nine other disciples down here trying to cast out this demon, and they didn't do it.

They did not do it. But they we hear that those disciples stop walking with God, that we hear that they gave up. I believe they kept on going, right? They kept on going. Their failure did not define them. Their failure did not mean that they were useless or worthless. They're what they realized in this moment was that guess what? Now I know what to do. What I can do. They know who I am or what I am. They know what I should do, what I shouldn't do. So I'm sorry about that rabbi who just came to me. But. But so. But what did they do, though? Even those now disciples went after the after Jesus did what He did. What did they say? They said, Why can we cast out the demon? If you fail, seek out leadership, seek out those who you're accountability for. Say, Hey, we could have done better. Do not be ashamed. Do not go to a hole. Do not dim your light. Go seek the answer that you need for it so you can walk this thing out just like those disciples did.

Why can we cast out the demon? Because these things only come out in prayer. Fasting. And that's the other tool. Fasting prayer is our audible voice. I like to say fasting is our prayer in action form, in motion, in a through sacrifice, in reverence to God. Because what I'm about to show you in the Scripture to remove that bushel. So you're like a shine bright and not only acknowledge the enemy and not only drive them out, but also get us to a place where individually and more important collectively in unity, we're bringing out a revival where only God gets the glory, Jesus says. And John 430 for me is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.

And that's revival. You don't believe me? Let's turn to Isaiah chapter 58. I think they'll put on the screen. All right. Now we're going to go to this verses one through 12. We're going to break down the scripture. I'm telling you, we get through this. We're going to see all that. We're going to see the removing under a bushel. We're going will see God delivering us to the Red Sea moments to bring his glory to his people. And we're going to see revival. So if you don't know if you're looking in your Bible, what is the title of this is observance of Fast. So verse one says, and it's God speaking. Isaiah, cry loudly, Do not hold back.

Raise your voice like a trumpet and declare to my people their transgression and to the house of Jacob. They're saints. So God saying, Look, Isaiah, you need to go out here and tell my people that about their transgressions and declare to them like a trumpet loud. Let them know they ain't doing what they supposed to be doing. All right, So verse two, it says, Yet they seek me day by day in the light to know my ways is a nation that has done righteous and has not forsaken the orders of their God.

They ask for just decisions they delight in the nearness of God hold up. So in verse one, he says, Tell them the transgressions. But here, verse two, it sounds like they're doing what they supposed to do. They're seeking him day by day to delighting in those ways. They're a nation as the righteousness. They haven't forsaken the orders of their God, and they ask for just decisions and are delighting in the nearest him. So I'm kind of confused here what's going on? So then in verse three to first have it, we see that the Israelites, the people of God, they ask him, God, why have we fasted? And you do not see why we humbled ourselves and you do not notice. Again, I'm confused because because in verse two said they were doing what they were supposed to be doing, but they're not hear from him.

God is silent. They're saying they're fasting and are humbling themselves. So here we go. Then God says this Behold, on the day of your fast, you find desires and drive heart. All your workers behold you fast for continuing to strive and to strike with a wicked fist. You don't fast like you do today to make your voice heard or higher. So hello. So okay, now we get that now starting to come more clear. God said this in verses three and four eight. He said, You're fasting. We're a religious formalism that manifests itself in improper fasting. He's saying you're half hearted, you're hypocritical. Your results were contentious in arguing you're giving a fake repentance as an outward ritual. So so that's that's why you're not here for me.

But but look but what he said, though, he said or is that okay? Here we go. Okay. He said, behold. He said, you do not fast like you do today to make your voice heard. No. How how many times how many of us do that? So that correlates that back to the second verse where you say they were doing everything right. A lot of times we do things half heartedly. We do like, like the like the Israelites were fake with it. We have religious formalism, but then we hear from God and we really need him. Now we get perfect. Now we do it the right way. Now we cry out now, not now. There's no fakeness about him because we need him right now.

But God try, I tell you. Guess what? I hear you because I see you. I know you're fake. You're giving me fake love. Oh, yeah, yeah. So. But I'm telling you, it's all correlate to my scriptures and correlate with telling you there's going to go. Here we go. It's about to get juicy here. So he said, So this is this is God says say, is it a fast like which I choose a day for a man to be humble to humble self Is it for by was here like a re and and for spreading out? Sackhoff would ask Is a beer will you call this a fast even acceptable dates of law. So so this this this idea what we have fast God saying is this is this this is a fast this is a fast acceptable to me you being fake. You going through the process, you're going through the rituals, but you ain't you ain't truly seeking me.

You actually seek him my heart. You ain't seeking my desire. You're not seeking me to move. You're doing it for show. All right, here we go. Is this not the fast which I choose? Now I want everybody to start listening because we are doing this this fast for 40 days. And we know what happens of 40 days in the wilderness with Jesus. You know, he he resist the enemy. He commune with the angels and he came out the wilderness with power. Yeah. So I'm not I'm not talking against what we're doing. We need to do that, especially individually and corporately. But guess what? I want us to add this to our face as a church. If we were about to go out here and revival and not just revive our sales and revive our communities, our families and everyone connect to, you need to pay attention right now because is this not the fast which I choose to loosen the bonds of wickedness?

Come now to undo the bands of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke. That's what we're called to do as a church. I don't care what you say. We can come do this. We can do the praise and we're honest. But if we ain't out here as a proper fast God said that I choose, He said, it's the fast I choose. If you want to sacrifice some love others. How many times in the Bible do we hear Jesus talk the talk to the to 1010 Commandments tournament to love God with all your heart, man. So it was the second which was like the first. Love others If you love yourself, love one another. Jesus says that all the time. God don't care about me.

He cares about us, but he cares about what we're going to do for him. Are we going to are we going to give our hand out to our brothers? Are we going to loosen the bonds of wickedness? Are we going to undo the bands and a yo are we going to let the oppressed go free and break every yo? Come on now, Are you going to let your light stand in the world to break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and to bring the homeless poor into the house when you see the naked cover him and not to hide yourself from your own flesh. A fast is not about us. If you want to truly sacrifice for God, give to others. If you see a hungry person, give them food homeless, bring your poor, bring them to your house. You see them naked, cover them, don't walk past on any guest. So for us, don't hide your flesh, don't have from your flesh. Face it because guess what now written about us like this. What happens then in verse eight? Then you're like, We'll break out like the dawn.

So you want that. You want to remove the bush over you. You want to remove the bush over the light of that God. And you you want you like you want to become the light of the world and you're free to oppress. Break every you feed the hungry, bring the homeless into your house, because then what happens? Then your light breaks out like the dawn you ever come outside the door, you drive driving in the sun right there in the morning. Your face does. That's what the light of God is. That's the light that's going to break down. When you love others, When you do for others, will you sacrifice your own desires for you, for those who God cares about and then you will cover. And then your recovery was speedily spring forth. I don't know how many prayers I've heard, especially in this church, where we need speedily recovery.

Yeah, we need speedy recovery. We walk around here hurt and oh, oh, this is hurting me. Oh, this is. This is. The council may not get in, not get it. But if you want to if you want that thing to break, if you want to your recovery to to speak leave spring forth, love on others. Do these things, do these things covered in naked bring a homeless into your house, feed the hungry. And then he says What? And your righteousness will go before you now know about your Bible that your is not capital. Why? This is my righteousness. Come on now, Church Come on now. Church Your righteousness will go forth. Your righteousness will go before you. Because why? Because we're fast in the way that God calls us to fast to do what He set forth.

I ain't come for to save. I came for the last. And that's all. That's all. That's what we're supposed to. We come for the last. And and if you come for the last, guess what? Your life's going to break out like the door. Your recovery will be speedily spring for your your righteousness will go before you. You wanted to be called righteousness. You think you're not. You are in the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Now, that ties back into our exodus moment. Come on now. What happened when they was chasing them? He told Moses what he was going to do and he switched from the front to the back to slow them down. Come on now. Anybody need the enemy?

Slow down right now. Does any of us need enemy to get off our back so God can do what He got to do. So dark, so God can lead us through to through the Red Sea, into our promised land, because that's what that's what we're looking for. And then he says this. Then you will call and I will answer. Come on, glory, Hallelujah. Telling us things that we call us in the Bible. You can sit there and keep doing it your way all you want. But the answers right here, this answers everything that you're looking for right now. Everything you will go. You want to be the light of the world. You want God to use you. You want to be the light of the world.

Serve others You want. You want to be healthy, serve others. You want your righteousness to spring for to serve others. You want the glory of the Lord to be in your rear guard, serve others, because then you will call on him and he will answer. You will cry. He will say, Here I am. Come on now, this ain't God talking to Moses, Isaiah Samuel. He's not calling them. And they're saying, Here I am. He's you calling him? He's saying, Here I am. He's letting you know I'm here. Yes. And if you remove the yoke from your mouth, the pointing of the finger speaking wickedness, and he goes back into he's double down on it. If he's double down on his God doing, you give yourself to the hungry and you satisfy the desire to afflicted.

Oh, here we go then your light right will rise in the darkness. I'm telling you, a lot of times we think our life as opposed to shining Candyland. Our light is not for Candyland. Our life is full of darkness. It's in the midst of the desert. In the dry places of this are of the dry places where he puts us in our communities and our families. That is where our lights were. Because our light is for way to expose things. The spirit is exposed to things that are dark and cast them out. That is what is for. So. So your light is going to rise in the darkness and your gloom will become like midday. The brightest time of the day. No more gloom. Come on now You're happy, you're joyous.

You've got the joy. The law is your strength and the law will continually guide you as pass anti say, make, make my path straight. He's going to guide you. It's all here. This covers everything that we're looking for, and it's going to satisfy your desires of scorch places. Come on, now. I ain't got to be a peace to receive satisfied satisfaction, my desires or satisfy scorch places in those places that we're called on to the highways and the byways. That's what. That's where our desires are Satisfied. No scorch places, no desert seasons. And give strength to your bones. I know a lot of us need strength and bones. And you'll be like a water guardian and like a spring of water. Whose water does a face? That sounds like living water to me. That sounds like the light of the Lord in me, Lord, that I will never be thirsting.

I have ever lies and I'll never go thirsty again. Because here it is. Here's the revival right here. This is what we're called for. This is what it's all about right here. I only like the this because of this part right here we talk about revival. You want no real revival is Yes. We need to revive ourselves. We need to get ourselves out. You need revive people to bring revival. But this is what is for right here. Verse 12, because you do all that and it says this Those from among you will build the ancient ruins. You will raise up the age old foundations. Come on now, and you will be called the repair of the breach. Restore the streets in which to dwell. That is what we're calling for. We're called to to repair, rebuild the ancient ruins. We're called to rebuild the church. Recall to take the church into those neighborhoods where we're lacking what is where there's no love, where there's darkness, where's hatred? Witness where's all types were? The enemy is running rampant. We're to go in those places. And what be rebuilt?

Ancient ruins. We. Oh, you, you, you, you. We're going to rebuild. We were going to raise up the age old foundations. The rock was this church was built on. We're going to raise them up and we're going. We called to repair the breach. Come on now, enemy. We repair damage. You can't come through here. No more enemy. You can't speak that poverty on my community or my family. No more enemy. You can't bring that sickness over here. Enemy. You can't bring that inferiority spirit over here. Right now, because we repaired all that breach, the restore of the streets in which to dwell. That is my prayer. To restore the streets in which we dwell. I want nothing more than the communities of High Point, Greensborough, Winston-Salem, Dale, Davidson County.

Now all familiar, all the neighborhoods, but to restore to be restored those streets. We want true revival. That's what we're called to do to go out on these streets. I shouldn't into here, but I want to make one last point. And the worship team, they can come up, get ready. Jesus said, you are plural. You you are not singular. He says City. What we must garner is that Jesus refers referring to our unity. There's not one light in a city. A city is made up of many lights, different types of lights, shapes, sizes. They were created for different purposes. The only common thing are the lights of a city is the main power source. Shorter's different outlets. But if the main power source goes out, it's a blackout.

Jesus is saying, we, all of us, the church is the light of the world like a city all lighted up cannot be hidden. He is calling us to unity. I was on a prayer call with leaders of one church and one of the leaders. I'm not going to say their name, but they prayed that we would be unified and talked about the importance of that, and not just for one church, for the body as a whole. Unity resonates with me because the first revelation I ever got from God fresh in my walk, Similac on my breath was the Tower of Babel. How God was saying anything they asked for would not be withheld from them because they were not. They were of one man, one language, one heart. They were on one accord now. But then he scattered them.

Why? Because they were not for God. They were exalting themselves above God. But. But at that time, God game, he said, would have his people who are called by his name, his chosen race, his royal priesthood, his holy nation, a people of God's own possession world, one man, one language, one heart, one accord. Their agenda, their agenda cast the wayside would have they were on one accord and anything that they asked would not be withheld from them.

That is a promise. That's a promise from God. So why do we continue to come against each other, allow pride and division to separate us? We are called lights of the world, like a city on top of the hill. I cannot be if we unite as one like Jesus told us to. Whatever we ask for will not be withheld from us. Understanding that what we asked for will be what he desires for us to have and what he desires for us to do. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. We are called to be the lights of the world, for at the ended of all God is glorified and not just in our action or by faith, but by the men of God, by by the men of the good works.

That is the outcome of our light, just like an Old Testament, where the kings of those, even though they worship God cares and jazz statues the cells when they own the light of you and them Hebrew boys or Joseph, those kings glorified the one and true living God Yahweh because of their light that they showed before men. The church needs to be making that impact for the Kingdom of God today. Those who the rules of this rule, even though they follow the master, saying they need to see our good works and be compelled to glorify our God heaven, that should and can't happen today. We need to stop covering our lights, acknowledge the enemy, praying fast so that our light breaks out like the dawn and rises in darkness and do the will of him who sent us and accomplish his work. So I get it. I mean, if you're here, this is your first time here. And if you don't and if you don't know Christ, you're here for a reason. We all, even before we come Christ, we all had this thing in us that this, this, this sense of greatness, the sense of of fearfully and wonderfully made, the sense of more than overcomer, the sense of that we got some this is light in here.

And we and we've been fighting it all this time. One Let go. I'm telling you, Jesus wants that for you today. Jesus wants you to connect to him and allow Him to share his light through you so that you can touch those around you, so you can touch your family, so you can be that light in the darkness. He's not asking for your perfection. He's not asking you to clean up. But what he is asking for you is the come is. So if you haven't given your life to Christ, I compel you. I urge you, I ask you to to to lean into that spirit, to has you here today and come accept Christ as your Lord and Savior.

And I get it. There's a lot of people watching. And and if you don't if you feel you don't feel comfortable coming up, please pull one of the the the deacons, the the pastors, the ministers, the leadership team. And let's have that conversation because we want not more to walk you through that through through your salvation and for you to come into that that relationship with Christ. And if today here you got a bushel and you let's remove that thing right now, you want to be healed, let's remove that thing right now. You want that sin off you. Let's remove that thing right now. You got a bunch of brothers and sisters in here who are not Charlotte, who are shining a light, and you've got a bunch of us that had those bushels.

Let's come together as one and and get, get that light that's in you, that light that that you receive when you accepted Christ. And let's get that out of you right now. So as the worship team prays ask that you just come up here and to speak to God and tell him what you need because he will hear you


Red Sea - Pt 3. Purpose, Process, and Persistence


Red Sea - Pt 1. The Rules of the Road