I Get It From My Momma - Real Talk pt 2

So excited to be here today. So are the mamas in the house, the big mamas, the Mimosa Mamas and the Mommies and all the other E's and Owls. Happy Mother's Day to you today. Hey, man, let's just give our moms and our mothers a round of applause. Oh, y'all can do better than that. Now, come on, now. Let's give it up for the mamas Now, just. I want you all to take note. In exactly 37 days, when women fathers, they come around, we want equal opportunity. Amen. Phyllis Kim. I get an amen from you. That's right. I'm just saying. Putting out a little notice right now.

A man will be in our second week of our series called The Real Talking. This is where he's just we're going to begin to deal with some tough conversations. Last week, we we had a sermon where we talked about biblical, just justice as social justice. And how do we begin to navigate between what's biblical justice and what we see in today's society as social justice? And this past week, you had the opportunity to sit before eight senators to talk about immigration reform I left Washington, D.C., encouraged and also disappointed I'm encouraged to know that there's change that is coming. I'm encouraged to know that change is coming in such a way that we do have some believers, some kingdom still believers that sit in the office of our government as political as they may be.

I understand now that how much it takes to pass a bill and then the work of the church means that we have to be relentless and all that we do to see that what we consider to be biblical justice, to be met in our government And we're called as Christians to speak up for those who can't speak up for themselves.

That's what Proverbs tells us that in the book of Matthew, Jesus walks into the temple and you see the money exchange is making money, making profit over what he desired not to take place. And Jesus came so upset that he began to flip over tables. And it's in that very scripture itself in Matthew Chapter 21, where our church has a platform which we call jf f Jesus Flipping Furniture So there's some righteous indignation that we begin to have it because we begin to look at our social issues and we say, You know what?

We will stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters who do not have a voice So we too have been called to flip tables. And as we look at the Scripture, we know that Jesus just wasn't flipping tables he was flipping the systems the systems that people built, that the government built to begin to marginalize other people because we all are created in the image of God The Imago Day and if we all are created in the image of God, they even though that I have a little bit more melanin than you may man that we're still family and I still love you.

I will lay down my life for anyone because that's what God has called us to do. And so, yes, we're still flipping tables and God is still doing work. And we partner with our national headquarters when we talk about immigration reform. It's just not a white church initiative. It is a Wesleyan initiative. When we talk about racial reconciliation, it's just not a one church initiative. It is a Wesleyan initiative. So when we talk about immigration reform, we're talking about death you know, securing our borders, beefing up our border security, because we do want a safe country.

We don't want those individual may come in with ill intent to come into our borders and really place harm at our doorstep. So when we talk about immigrant reform, that's what we're talking about. We're talking about making sure that the laws and statues that we carry as a country we're able to carry it out in such a way that we can help our brothers and sisters are not able to advocate for themselves. So that's what I did all week last week. And I'm gonna let you know I'm tired. You're your pastor is tired, but I'm excited And so just to highlight the three social areas that our church, one church is taking a stance on is immigration reform.

Racial reconciliation and human trafficking. And so just get ready. Top issues get your belt strap ready, because we have a lot of work to be done. Hey. Um, that's kind of weak, but it's okay. It's okay. So if I have our scripture today comes from Proverbs chapter 22, verse six, the word of the Lord says, start children off on the way that they should go. And even when they are old, they would not turn from it. That's the interview version for my Baptist. People will go new King James version of you I heard you it says Train up a child in the way that he should go.

And when he is old, he will not depart from it.So if I have to give a title to my message today, it is I get it from my mama. Yes, sir, I get it from my mama. My wife says she doesn't like it where he's going with this right so yes. And I'm not talking about the sexy lips or the sexy hips. I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about the blue eyes or the silky blond hair. No, I'm not talking about that either, Pastor Jason.

I'm not talking about that. But don't get dunk or the assets. I'm not talking about that either. Even though that you may get those attributes from your mom. I'm not talking about that, but what I'm talking about is all that I am all that you see today I get it from my mama, have the honor of actually having my mama in the house today. I'm not going to call her out, but she's sitting to my left OK? This that is my adopted sister, Holly.

Actually, she's she's she's black, but and then my oldest sister, who many of you may not know, we there's four of us. She flew in from all the way from New York to be with my mother this week. So I'm excited for that. So some of you may think I get my intellect, my witty behavior from my mother. Yes, I do. But still, as you very know that from a story them, I'm a byproduct of a single parent household. My mother raised four children my mother was a strong woman who took life's challenges to begin to push through those challenges. My mother can make a meal out of anything there's been days where my mom would go into the cabinet and she would just see three boxes of just what she can make. And I don't know how she made it, but she made a meal with love. And I can tell you that she she she throw down. I'm telling you I thought we were living a life growing up. I thought we were like rich, you know, because back in my day, you know, we can go to a store with $0.25 and come back out with 25 pieces of candy.

You know what I'm talking about? We used to call that penny candy. Right. Come on over here. You know what I'm talking about. You can get a pickle for $0.05 boy, I don't know what else y'all are missing. But to my disbelief, we struggle just like everyone else.My mom would give her a very last breath to give everything to her children. So that way we can have a better and a more fortunate life. It's been said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and what they're saying talks about that, basically saying that a mother in her influence and her children can rule the world in today's vernacular, can say happy wife is happy life.

I disagree with that. But it's OK. Yeah, we tread lightly, Jason. Thank you, sir. Women are designed by gods to help shape the lives of our children. To be honest, the title of mothers more revered, more respected, more honored and more celebrated and even feared by any other title that any of us can hold. You I know what I'm talking about. Most people. Salma, go ahead and tell your mama, like, oh, don't tell my mama. My mama was that mother will come to your school and beat the mess. Can I say that? I'm a camera strike that from the camera spare the rod, spoil the child. Write the script for this, and let me bring the scripture in to write this. My mother knew that. She understood that we she had to raise her children with love, but also with discipline. To be honest, I feel some kind of way because mothers are celebrated a little bit more than fathers are. You know what I'm talking about? Don't don't trip there's the weight line and Outback Golden Corral or even Texas Roadhouse and Father's Day. You can go on Father's Day, go to any restaurant that you want to walk right in and get a seat but I guarantee you, after church today, you try to go to a restaurant and try to sit down and have a meal without having a 45 minute wait Mother's Day is one of the top three holidays as the most revenue producing holidays throughout the year.

And it gives to the significance of its importance so fellas, don't don't worry. I got something for us coming up in the month in June. I'm a I'm a redeem list in the month of June, my man. Yes. Yes, sir. Come on, guys. Yes, see, my story is that I was raised in the streets of New York, in Texas, we didn't have an attending or a second genesis or an Atari growing up.

We played outside all day long. So your kids don't know anything about that. And so from my homeboy Nolan, over the whole, Nolan would go outside and play all day long, ride his four wheel and do different things, but he's known as a different kid. He's cut from a different cloth. He's come from his father's cloth, truth be told. And there's nothing wrong with it. But we grew up playing games like stickball. Ya know what stickball is? Kids see stickball. We didn't used to have a bat and a ball. You see, you get a broom sticking you have a tennis ball because you couldn't afford a baseball, but you used to play stickball with a broomstick and a tennis ball.

We used to play football out in the street. Any time a car came by, I used to say Car Mo, which means there was a car in motion coming down the street. So you walk to the side and so the car can have his way. But then we just play games like freeze tag hide and seek and mother, mother, may I see grown up in the south side of Waco, learn how to talk junk by playing sports. There's a good friend that I've been talking junk to for the past three, three weeks. Because I'm going to beat him on a tennis court. He's not here today, but I'm talking junk about him right now. His wife is here. So, Yolanda, please tell Toki that he's going to get I'm gonna give him the business on the tennis court.

But we knew that growing up on the south side of Texas, in Waco, Texas, I knew that the talk of junk was just part of what we do. As kids, right? It was a way of life is how we got into the heads of our opponents. We can crack jokes about your hairline and the clothes that you wore. We can talk junk about the clothes that the war that we can talk, talk, talk junk about their game. We can even talk junk about their brothers, their sisters, even their fathers. But growing up in the hood, in the streets of Texas, there's two words that you dare not put together. There's two words that you would not put together. Because if you put those two words together, it was said everything being down in the midst of a game, the game will cease. If you put these two words together, see, I'm trying to give you guys some some basic hood surviving skills but I'm talking about growing up in the streets of Texas, in New York, or even in High Point in trade for.

Right. That's what we call Winston-Salem growing up in the streets, two wars that you would never see because you knew a fight were about to break out those two words was, yo, mama, you know what I'm talking about? If you said, yo, mama, you knew automatically it was about to be own and poppin, like you would just shut everything down, OK? What happened? And the crazy things that you guys go back and start playing the game again when you lose you can talk about somebody's daddy's all day long, but you don't talk about nobody's momma so today we're going to take a look at three mothers who gave it their all and I believe there's four here to riches that we can bring out in today's scripture that will begin to really highlight Mother's Day today.

The first one of those characteristics is a mother's perspective. A mother's perspective. If you have your Bibles, let's turn to First Kings chapter three verses 16 through 27, and it'll be lifted up on the screen for you as well. If you don't have time to turn to the first Kings chapter three verse 16 through 27, read as follows Now two prostitutes came to the King and stood before him. One of them said, Pardon me, my Lord, this woman and I live in the same house. And I had a baby while she was there with me on the third day after my child was born. This woman also had a baby. We were alone there was no one in the house but the two of us. During the night, this woman's son died because she lay on him she got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I. Your servant was asleep she put him by her breast and she put the desk by my breast. The next morning, I got up to nurse my son and he was dead. But when I looked at him closely, in the morning light, I saw that it was not wasn't what this son I have born the other woman said no, the living one is my son. The dead one is yours. But the first one insisted, no, this dead one is yours. The living one is mine. And so they argue before the king, the king said, this one says, my son is alive and your son is dead. Wow. That one says, no, your son is dead and mine is alive. Then the king said, Bring me a sword.

So they brought a sword before the king he then gave an order, cut the living child in two and give half to one and the other half to the other. The woman whose son was alive was deeply moved out of love for her son and said to the king, Please, please, my Lord, give her the living baby. Don't kill him. But the other said, Neither I nor you so have him cut him into. Then the king gave his ruling give the living baby to the first woman, do not kill him because she is his mother. But what are some juicy stuff right there, isn't it? That's a that's a Lifetime Hallmark movie all day long. As you begin to look at this piece of scripture, this this particular piece of passage, we don't know very much about this woman. In fact, we don't know anything about this woman. We don't even know this young lady's name. But what we do know about this young lady is found in the third word of the scripture that she's a prostitute we don't know anything else about this lady, but the one thing that we know for certain is that she's a prostitute.You can't allow what society labels you to call you who you are.

It is a matter what society may call you. You know who you are because the redeemer and the creator have created you with a purpose oftentimes people will put a label on you. They will leave you because of your circumstances or your situation. But God doesn't label his children so we can't allow what society puts on you to identify you. So my my question is, I begin to read the scriptures. How does a prostitute get before a teen? Right. Think about that. Let's really look at this particular piece of passage in context. How does a prostitute goes before a king? How does she has a seat before the king?To give more context to this to this story, we have to understand that this king is King Solomon. And in earlier chapter three, King Solomon is talking to God. And God asks Solomon, what is the one thing that you want? And I were granted whatever you want, I would give you Solomon. Solomon and ask for fame, for riches or anything like that.

But the one thing he asked for was for wisdom. Solomon didn't want money. He didn't want skill, he didn't want notoriety. He asked for wisdom. So as he is sitting before this young lady to determine her fate, his wisdom kicks in and I understand I was in DC all week last week. I tried to go to the White House like Joe Biden is me, sir. Boy, Ryan, I'm there. I'm here from North Carolina representing. Can I come in and have a seat at your table?

Biden said, Biden I'm here all day, y'all. I'm not going anywhere. I'll call Trump a few years back. Trump will give me invitation. I try to hook up my homeboy Obama. Obama said, Nah, you got me, Michel. We're going to roll out and do some things I made a phone call to the White House and I can I get a seat at the table, to be honest, to have a seat at the table with the eight senators that I sat with, I sat with one of the eight senators. Another one came and just did a cameo appearance to say, Hey, how are you guys doing? He entertained us for 2 minutes. Then he left didn't even have a seat at the senator's table.

So just imagine how hard and how difficult it is to have a seat in the presence of a king and not only that, we're talking about somebody who has an office in the White House can barely get a seat in front of the president. We're talking about a prostitute so how does a Harley get in front of a king? We find that answered an Exodus chapter 18 in Exodus chapter 18. Verses 24 and 25 and 26. The father, the father in law, Jethro, the father of Moses Jethro. He says, Moses, you can't operate this kingdom. Like that. You need to have some things, put some things and some systems in order in such a way. That way you're not running yourself ragged and do it in such a way that we're what you were Hannah was like.

You were handed the Supreme Court cases once you put rulers and other judges in office. That way we can handle the smaller things. That way, if anything, Major need to come to you, we will present it to you. We find that in Exodus Chapter 18. We also find that a mother's persistence is what got her a seat at the table. See, a mother's persistence got her a seat at the table. So when you ask passed around, why why do you work so hard? Why do you work so so diligently and everything that you do? Because it was my mother's persistence that I saw her preserved through her struggles, that her challenges in life.

It was my mother's persistence that I saw that where she said when she has sit back, has to sit back, that it was my mother's persistence that I saw that because I got it from my mother. It was my mother's persistence that I saw then I begin to take hold of it was this mother's persistence that allow her to get her child. It was her mother's persistence. That she was committed and did not allow her situation to define her. She didn't allow society who defined her as a prostitute to have a seat at the table so women, no matter what your label may be, you will always have a seat at the Kings table. I want you to get that ADHD broke bus or discussed it a prostitute, a fornicator, a liar, cheater, a gambler, whatever your label may be, whatever that hangup that you've been walking around with, you will always have a seat in the presence of the King A mother's persistence leads to a mother's instructions a mother's persistence will lead to a mother's instruction.

John Chapter two says this verse one. On the third day, a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus Mother said to him, They have no more wine. But Jesus said, Woman, let me stop right there. Let me chart as a woman to my man. I will be picked up off the floor that just let you know Jesus was Jesus, because he's the only person that can get away with that, right? Jesus says, Woman, why do you involve me with these things? But Jesus reply, My hour has not come. His mother said to the servant, Do whatever he tells you nearby. So six stones of water jars the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from 20 to 30 gallons.

Jesus said to the servants, still the jars with water. So they filled them to the brim then he told them, Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. They did so in the master of the banquet, tasted the water and had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then they call the bridegroom aside and said Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests. Let me just translate that for you all let me tread lightly typically what they what he's saying is this they will bring out the good stuff first so that way they can go ahead and just being what we call a faded to ashes in a wind a.k.a being drunk. So that way when they get to the bad wine, they can't tell the difference I just want to translate for those, the younger people, because they can't drink or haven't drink enough. Then you call the bridegroom. Sorry, everyone brings out the choice wine first and that a cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink, but you have saved the best. So now why is that?

My mentor told me a long time ago that you don't get a second chance to make a first impression that you don't get a second opportunity to make a first impression, that your first impression is what leaves you with that individual, that job that person so I begin to think about this. This is Jesus Hallmark moment, right? This is Jesus Hallmark moment to do his first miracle. Why in the world would Jesus first miracle is to turn water into wine, you know, and only that this is of all places. Why did he choose Cana in Galilee? And that Jerusalem. Right. This is this is the good shepherd. This is the one who is that without a spot? Why would Jesus not do this miracle in the place where he should be taking place in the place of Jerusalem and more importantly, why at a wedding?

So why in Canaan, Galilee, why turn the water into wine? And why at a wedding and see this this is not your typical wedding. This is not a one day wedding. The wedding back in that culture of setting weddings lasted for a week so the host family has to provide food and wine the entire week I would tell you right now, if we had to provide a wedding for an entire week, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, one day we'd have baloney sandwiches. The next day Kool-Aid. You can have grape on one day, you have strawberry the next, and you have the mystery mix on the third day. Amen. Now, we might throw some pebbles in there for y'all. Why would Jesus make his first miracle water into wine? Why not walking on water? Why not testing out the demons? Why not healing the blind man? How about raising lasers for the day? Any one of those would make sense, right? Allowing the blind person to see I can definitely see reality. Like, theologically speaking, I can say, you know what?

Because we get to see Christ and what God is doing. I get that reason to dare to live. You know, I get that because we're dead in our trespasses, in our sin. I can see that. But changing water into wine and I'll say this I believe this. He chose this for his first miracle because his mama made him do it. Something about a mama. Boy, I tell you, they will make you do some things that will drive you crazy. And all you can do is say, yes, ma'am, let me let me give you more context. This is Jesus, a 30 year old virgin staying home. Kind of get a hallelujah this is true. Jesus first miracle was that 30 years old and a virgin still staying home so any parents out there right now that may have their children at the age of 30 still staying home?

Just pray because those those parents, the kids just say, mom, dad, Jesus did it. Why can't I do it? See me after church yeah. But I believe this the mother knew his potential, even though the son didn't know it. A mother knows her children's potential even when they're not walking directly into it. Let me put it this way. A mother believes in your present possibility despite your past performances. Let me say that one more time. I want you to get that a mother believes in your present possibilities. Despite your past performances. The possibility of you being a senator, the possibility of you being a tradesman, the possibility of you being a fireman, even know that you failed that test six times, even though that you have that setback seven times it's something about a mother that looks at her child and says, I believe in you, that there's greatness in you.

I believe that there's some other needs to hear that there's still hope, regardless of what your child has done, that there's still a possibility, despite what's taking place right now. I believe that there's some mother out there right now that's just holding on to a glimmer of hope that my child can make it that I will still pray for you, that I will still support you, that I will encourage you, that I'll begin to walk with you. Despite your past failures, and yes, I will still continue to instruct you it's because of a mother's instructions. She believes in what he can do. And Jesus's response is this and I believe Jesus said it was a little bass in his voice he says, Mom go take these pots and fill them up to the brim and they do it in to their disbelief.

The first cup. As they begin to pour it out, they begin to see the water turn into wine. And it's not no second class wine is first class wine because the maker doesn't make anything second class. He's first class all the way and I believe this when Jesus said, woman Mary started singing that song that my wife sings all the time, I carried you for nine months there's always a song or some situation that a mother will always remind the children that I brought you in this world. Come on, Vanessa, I'll take you out. Come on now.

Just in case you kids don't know your mama brought you in this world, she would take you out your dad to a mother's persistence, a mother's instruction. And thirdly, a mother's sacrifice many of you may not know a woman by the name of Tanya Gram. She's a single mother whose on welfare. 40 years old, six kids by four fathers. Single mom on welfare, 40 years old. Six kids by four fathers. So in 20, 15 in Baltimore, there was this unrest in the city because of the death of what a young man by the name of Freddie Gray in the city of Baltimore. There was a mob uprising. His city were in a local mob vandalism in and in kids of high schools, and just the young adults of that community beginning to take bricks and throw out at the police officers. And so they see this vandalism taking place because they got out of school that early that's that morning and what was taking place is that this particular young man by the name of Michael was one of Tanya's sons. Was informed by his mother, was to go home and like many kids of that age, he didn't go home that day.

He found himself at the mall in the midst of hundreds, maybe thousands of kids so what does a mama do she goes down there and began to look for her son. In a mob of a thousand, maybe hundreds hundred kids. She sees her son wearing all black with a mask on and a hoodie and the mother calls out the son's name Michael. And y'all know when a momma called your name, you know your mother's voice and this young lady by the name of Tanya Graham is known for this picture right here. This mama in the midst of hundreds, even thousands of people began to take what any parent. Keep that picture up there. Let's keep showing it. I want people to see that she takes and begin to take all go all in on her son. And I believe this. I can hear my mama right now. Did I tell you now I know what I'm talking about? Tanya Graham after the interview said this, I wasn't trying to be a hero. I was just trying to save my son.

She wasn't trying to be a hero. She was just trying to save her son for what? She knew that what could possibly take place and the individuals said, this woman like you can change the world. Mothers like Tanya can change the world. And so as I begin to look at my third passage of scripture, which is in John Chapter 19, I am reminded about Mary the mother of Jesus verse 20 passes this near the cross to Jesus. His mother his sister Mary, the wife of Clovis and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there and the disciples whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, woman, Here is your son, I'm reminded by Mary, the mother of Jesus, is thinking about a mother's sacrifice can you imagine Mary standing at the foot of the cross of Jesus and what that takes to see her son being hung on a cross, being murdered, being crucified for a crime that. He did not commit, a mother looking into her son's eyes with our hope being lost in pass and being there. Mary, the mother of Jesus looking at our son, knowing that he has all power to come off that cross I begin to think about where were the other disciples? Right where John was the only disciple that was there.

But what about Matthew and Peter and Luke and Bartholomew? What about the other disciples? OK, where were they? OK, forget about the disciples. What about the 5000 men that she feared, that he feared, not including the women and the children? What about the crowd that cried out, Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Where were those individuals that begin to know who Jesus Christ was? Where were those individuals sitting at the feet of the cross what about those individuals who were listening to the Sermon on the Mount We knew that the disciples was was afraid running for their lives that Peter, after you got there, Peter was being called out to the crowd. The crowd clearly crowed three different times. That Peter began to run because they identified him.

They knew that he had a death wish. Where were the other disciples when others are running away? Mothers are running into is something about the love of a mother for her children that she will run into danger even if it means that her own life, even if it means that she will have to exhaust all her resources, is something about a mother that would do anything for her child to lay down her life.

So that way they can have the last breath Mary knew that she was in danger but she stood at the feet of Jesus Mary and Tanya are alike so when life hit you hard, you know who has your back? Will life hit you hard? You know who has your back? Who will stand in the gap for you? A mother's sacrifice a mother's instruction and a mother's. Yes, while I was in DC this past week, there's a picture that's going to be posted in front of the Supreme Court steps this is a picture of two ladies two different perspectives one mother who's saying that abortion is health care then another mother standing and saying praying to end abortion in the midst of the crowd of people standing, protesting and proclaiming that abortion is health care, there was one lonely mother holding a sign saying that I will pray to end abortion because we are all, all here today because of a mother who said yes to keep you mothers, yes to say I will give birth to something that God has given me, a mother who said yes despite my circumstances, despite my economics, I will say yes to give birth to this child.

Regardless of what Roe versus Wade, which is the law that passed in 1973, where it gave those those individuals the opportunity to say, yes, I will embrace abortion, that is my free choice, my free will to abort any child that I please but it was because the mothers. Yes. That we are standing here today and many of you know the story of my daughter Kindle Derrida, the first trimester of those development the doctors did their test of the chromosomes and all the other stuff. And the doctor began to tell us that your daughter or your son doesn't look like they will have a very successful, even healthy life based on what we're reading through these charts. So I will present an option for you that you can abort your child and we'll be transparent for a split second there. I thought about it in my humanly Christian position, I begin to think about the challenges that we may face raising a child that may be super abnormal that's reasonable. We looked at each other and we said, whatever God has for us, it is for me.

Recall is what many may say can you compare us to those that this gift that we have as one church that this gift that she has to her mother and I and her brother and her grandmothers and grandfathers? This gift that many of you may know us as Kindle would be absent if we had chose to take her life and I know that this gift that we have, we begin to share, she has began to change the nations just by her presence and raising Kindle loving Beauvoir has Ashley Kindle. They've been able to stand their ground of their Christian belief despite everything else. I remember Kindle doing a report where she stood her ground about her Christian belief, and she began to proclaim what she knew that we had instilled in her and she began to talk about her creator and she stood against everything else to know that we had a choice to take her life etc. If you read between the lines, our church were pro-life.

It may not line up with your belief, but we as believers, as Christians, we are pro-life. And we will continue to stand on Capitol Hill even when the Supreme Court says it's OK to take a life but this supreme authority say is not the authority of the scripture, says it's not OK to take a life because the Psalm Chapter 139 verses 13 through 16, says this fear that you created my innermost being, that you need me to gather my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully, wonderfully made. Come on, church then I know full well that my frame was not hidden from me when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be and if you don't like that scripture, let's talk about the prophet Jeremiah. Chapter one verse fives before I formed formed you in the womb. I knew you before you were born. I set you apart before she was born. God had already preordained that he set her apart, that he has a calling or her life. He has a calling in your children's life that from generation to generation to generation, that God has called you to go out and proclaim what God has called us to do.

That we represent the Imago Day, the image of God so don't be misled when that embryo is there and life is formed, the Spirit of God is there that he took the dust off the dirt of the floor and the earth and blew his life and blew his breath and he gave us life so as I worship, he make their way back up to the stage that closes out today, we celebrate you mothers today most importantly, we celebrate that you said yes, we celebrate that. You said that because of you, you gave birth to a child and despite if you were raised by your biological mom or not, God knows where you are, God knows who you are, and God has a purpose for you and because God said yes, we too can say yes so it's a mother's persistence it's a mother's instruction it's a mother's sacrifice. And it's a mother's. Yes, it's because a mother's believes that your present possibilities are greater than your past performances.

And I'll say this I wouldn't be where I'm at today without my mother's prayers. It is the prayers of our mothers that pray us into places that only they can pray us into is the prayers of a mother that began to tear down the walls of generational curses. It's the prayers of a mother that positioned us beyond our possibilities. It's the prayers of a mother that places us before our past performances. It's the prayers of a mother that places you in the providences of the Holy Spirit. It's the prayers of a mother that helps us that shapes us, that gives us and moved us who we are today.

So mothers today, we thank you for all the mothers in the house. If you can just stand for me real quick, please, the mamas to be as well actually, if you're a lady, if you're a female stand today, please because every female that's here today has mothers, somebody in some way, some shape, some form, some fashion. You spoke a word of encouragement over someone's life, even though that you're not with child, even if you're six or seven years old, if you're 12 and 14 or 16 years old, a mother gives birth to something that a man can never give birth to.

It is a mother's prayer that shapes us and Motus. It's the mothers today. We salute you we salute you for saying yes. We salute you for standing in the gap. When we weren't standing in the gap, we salute you for being persistent we. We salute you for those instructions. We salute you for the chastisement that you guys laid hands on us in such a holy way. That status informed us and we are grateful.

So let's give our moms and our mothers a round of applause real quick, please as we stand to close out our worship service with one last song. It's only fitting that we close out with Lower Make Me a House of Prayer because Christ is that my house to be called a house of prayer, that is by people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face that they will turn from their wicked ways, that they will hear from heaven, and I will forgive them of their sins and heal their land. This is not posture. Pray the God begin to do something new in us. This is a posture. Praying with God is begin to do something new that you cannot do by yourself. It's an apostle praying that the atmosphere is shifting in your prayers. So whatever you're going through, pray it through. Whatever your situation may be, pray it through church.

I'll let you know. Right now I'm going through a lot of stuff, but I'm praying and I'm pressing I'm praying and I'm pressing I'm praying and I'm pressing. But watch this. I'm praying. I'm pressing but I'm positioning myself before the father so I want you to pray, press and position yourself before the father. And it's in that posture that's when heaven meets earth and all that you may be going through. Know that your father's right there with you.


Challenge and Appeal - Real Talk pt 3


Real Talk - Jesus Flipped Furniture