‘Don’t Give Up!’ - Victory Series Pt.3

Come on, church the same in every man. Amen, amen, amen.

I don't know if you know, but I need to tell you that the battle belongs to the Lord. A man. A man. Thank you, worship team. Thank you, musicians. Man.

Last week we talked about the battle belongs to God. We've been in a series these past few weeks about victory. And just in case you don't know, let me just remind you that we have victory in Jesus. A man can. We just shall victory one good time. On the count of three, let's just shout Victory. One, two and three.

No, that's not good enough. See, I need you to own it. Say it like you mean it. Amen. Amen. Amen. On a count of three, we're going to shout victory. Because we need to know that. I need you to know that you are more than a conqueror. Amen. All right, so in three, four, pull the mic off, because I'm.

I said that at the pace of the guys, when I said when I count to three, I want us to shout because that's all right. Come on now. Yes, yes, yes. That was good. That was good. We can take up another offering. Any man?

Just joking. Oh, some y'all Baptists for all we got. We do that here Now. No, we don't. We don't. We don't. So last week, we lifted up a passage of Scripture that I saw it differently last week. And we have a baby smuggler here. It's okay. Security. Security. Last week we came out of, um, Second Chronicles, I believe, is chapter 20, and we lifted up a piece of passage and in verse 18, 19 and 21, But I want to just highlight chapter verse 21.

We're quick because this is what Scripture tells us. It says this. And when he had consulted with the people, he had appointed those who should sing to the Lord and who should praise the beauty of holiness. And as they went out before the army, they were saying, Praise the Lord for mercy endures forever. Now, when they begin to sing to the praise of the Lord, it says this in the Scriptures that the Lord set in an ambush against their adversaries.

I never saw that before. And so we always, you know, there's a preacher, what we call cliches. You know, we know how to kind of prompt the audience to say, you know, we can say certain things, but this, you know, we always say your praises, your weapon, your worship is your weapon. And so when we say your worship is your weapon, you have context to back that up.

Now, come on in church, I need you to understand that you're worship is truly your weapon. And it's in scripture. It says here in second Chronicles it say that when the people came together as one, it is they just a group of them. It says when all of them told us right come on people told us that to all of them, Christian, this is when all of them came together and worship God, our Lord and Savior set an ambush for the adversary and only the other side.

We came out victorious. And so what? There's power in our worship. I need you to understand. There's power in your personal worship. So if you're going through a battle in your life right now, just know, just fall on your knees and worship God. You don't need a music. You can sing to yourself. You can be out of tune and all of that.

Just worship God for what you know, make up a song, tap your knees, slap your neighbor, whatever you got to do, worship God to get victory. Yes.

Because today I choose you choose worship instead of worry. I want to just highlight what we talked about. I said last week. We talked about today we choose worship over worry. Either you in the fight for your life right now, you just came out of it or you going into it. Either you're in it, you're coming out or you go into.

So you're one of those three. But what you need to know is that your worship is your weapon. And we talked about what do you do when you begin to ask God that you have more questions than answers? Right. We've been there before. Where you begin, ask God, that guy. Why, how, when? What do you do when you have more questions than you have answers?

And I'm reminded of Mark chapter nine and just kind of setting the pace for today. Mark, Chapter nine talks about a father whose son has been possessed since childhood and the demons that was in his body, the spirits that was in his body had thrown him into the flames and taken him out again. And the father couldn't do anything.

So this father encounters our Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ, in 33 years as he's walking one of those 33 years, actually three years in his ministry, he encounters this man, Jesus, ask him a question, and he asks this How long has this boy been like this? He says, From childhood, he answered his often thrown him into the fire or water to kill him.

But if you can do anything, take pity on us. God, if you can do anything, take pity on me. God, I know that you created the heavens and the earth, but whatever you can do, can you please take pity on me? Now I'm interceding on behalf of my child, my firstborn son, my only son. God, if you can do anything, take pity on us.

Then he says this. Everything is possible for the one who believes everything is possible. For the one who believes. He didn't say some things. He didn't say some things that someday, you know, come to me on Sunday. Now I will make those. Those things take place for you. But he said everything. That's 24 seven, 365 days out, the year, everything is possible for the one who believes and this is what this is what messes me up in the gospel.

The father says this Jesus, my God, my Lord, my Savior, I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief. Oh, God, I do believe. But there's there's a segment there's a portion of me God that says I don't believe. Have you been there before? Like God, I think I believe a God help my own belief. See, one hand I have belief and then on the other side I have unbelief.

See, on one hand I'm walking in faith, but on the other side I'm walking in fear. So there's somewhere in the middle that God wants you to be. Say God either way that you have faith or fear, even know that you have belief or unbelief. Keep walking. Have you been there before? Have you been there before? Asking God, what shall I do?

God help my son. Can you heal him? God help my son. Belief.

See, oftentimes as believers, we are. We're told that if you are a Christian, that you're not supposed to have fear. You not supposed to have unbelief. But I want to just let you know that it's okay, that they can they can reside in the same house. They can live in the same house that you as a believer, as a Christian, can have both.

And it's okay. But how did you get there? How did you get there? Were you have faith and fear? How did you get there where you had unbelief and believing? I tell you this, that my experiences in life has caused me to have some doubts. My experiences in the church has caused me to have some unbelief. My experiences walking out this this thing that we call Christianity has caused me to begin to question God when when I don't know when or where he's going to, how to deliver me from what this evil that I'm sitting there.

There's some things that has challenged my faith. We still have some doubts. We still may have some struggles. You may be asking, God, what do you want me to do? For some of us, you're just tired. For some of us, we're just. We're tired and we're ready to throw in the towel. But God is telling you today, don't quit.

God is telling you today. Don't quit. See, the Carolina boys, they played yesterday, right? And they didn't quit. Quarter one, quarter to quarter three, even though they that they lost eight, they stayed in the game. They kept pushing through. They did not quit. And so my prayer for you today is this. I pray that God give you strength in your struggle, peace in your pain and victory in your valley.

My prayer for you today is that God would give you strength in your struggle, peace in your pain and victory in your valley. Our Scripture today, our focus is very simple. Galatians Chapter six, verse nine, Galatians Chapter six, verse nine. It says this Let us not become weary in doing good, for at a proper time we will reap a harvest instead.

If we don't give up. Let me just read that one more time. Let us not grow weary. Let us not grow tired. Let us not tap out in doing good four in a proper time. We will not that we might or is possible. You know it is a guarantee. A promise is a guarantee promise that God is saying we will reap a harvest if you don't give up.

God is saying to you today, don't quit. God is saying stay in the fight. God is saying, keep moving. God is telling you to remember Galatians chapter six, verse nine as Paul writing to the Church of Galatians Keep moving forward. I'm reminded of a story in 1800s where we were building in the United States, the Transcontinental Railroad, Railroad and it basically sounds like it is.

It was going from coast to coast. Right. And the idea wanted to kick off this railroad by driving the first spike. That's kind of like a Hallmark event where we get to drive the first spike to say, this is where we started. But one of the owners said, you know what? He did not want to participate in driving the first spike.

He may be asking why an owner said this. He says, if you want to gather crowd to drive to drive the first spike, that's fine. You can do that, But I won't be there. He said. I would not participate, he says, because over the next few months, over the next few years, the work is going to be difficult.

The work is going to be hard. It's going to be treacherous. You're going to be going through rivers and mountains in and building bridges. But if you want to be there for the first time, you can do that. But what I would prefer to do is to be there at the last spike because we know that there will be a lot of work ahead of us.

But it's easy to start something but is more important than when we finish. So he doesn't want to be there for the first spike. He said, You know what? Call me when we drive the last spike because starting is easy. Anyone can start, but not everyone finish. Easy is easy to start, but not everyone finish. So we don't want to grow weary in the world doing.

We want to continue to press or veer to press, saying that starting is easy, but finishing is where most where the challenge lies. And Paul is writing to the church to remind of Don't grow weary. Well doing, but in a proper time in that season where God says this time you will reap a harvest if you don't give up.

And I believe right now that God is speaking. He's whispering in someone's ear. He's telling you, don't give up. That God is is bending down and he's he's getting close. He said, Don't give up. He says, my child, don't give up. All those other voices that you hear. He's saying, don't give up. He is telling you to stay in the fight.

Galatians 69 for me, I believe, is more important than Romans Chapter eight, verse 28, which tells us that God works everything for those two. Good for those who love him, who has been called according to his his purpose, Galatians Chapter six and nine is more important to me than Psalms 27. Verse one is, is that the Lord is my light and my salvation?

Whom shall I fear that the Lord is my strength? The glass is six and nine for me right now is more important than Isaiah 4031 For those who wait upon the Lord so renew they strength mount up on wings like eagles, and they used to run and now grow those. For me, Galatians six and nine is more important than those scriptures because he's telling us, he's reminding us not to give up.

See, we're in a victory series and we can't talk about victory if you're out of the fight, it's over. I want to remind you today that you have to stay in the fight, that you have to continue to press and you have to press towards the mark which are called according to Christ Jesus, that God is telling you, don't give up because your yes, your yes is connected to somebody and your yes is connected to somebody.

So your yes has kingdom affect. God is saying don't give up, that you can't quit, that you can't give in, that you need a president, that you need to stay the course, that you need to stay in the faith. So it's easy for followers to follow Jesus, to become discouraged. Life can beat us down some time. Many of us, some of us, not all of us.

We came out of our mother's womb fighting. We're fighting right now. We're fighting our bosses, our jobs. You're fighting your neighbors, you're fighting your coworkers, you're fighting your mother, you're fighting your father. You may be fighting your husband. You may be fighting your wife. But God is saying, don't give up. Some of you are fighting your health, your health conditions.

But God is saying, don't give up. Some of you are in the fight of your life. God is saying don't grow weary in doing good because your yes is connected to the kingdom. Your yes has kingdom multiplication. Your yes is what God needs you three points in 3 minutes and we're going to be done replaced minutes. Point number one Believe in doing good.

Believe in doing good. See Paul in Galatians chapter six is urging his readers not to lose heart, not to grow weary in doing good. See, in the previous chapter in Chapter five, Paul, begin to outline what that good is. You begin to outline that you should love your neighbor. That's good. Amen. He he's he's reminding the church that we should walk in the spirit and not gratify the desires of our flesh.

That's the good that Paul is talking about. Paul is telling us that we should keep in step with the spirit that is the good that God that Paul is talking about. Let us that to become can seated or provoking within be with each other. Paul is talking about in Galatians chapter five that, you know, we should have the fruit of the spirit, not the spirit, the fruits, he says The fruit singular even of that we call of love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness safely is gelatinous and self-controlled.

That is the good that Paul is talking about. That's the good that he's encouraging one another. Paul is asking and encouraging that we apply what we just read policy in that. Are you walking in the fruit of the spirit? Are you walking in love? Are you walking in joy? Are you walking in peace or are you walking in long suffering?

Long suffering is less painful. Come on now. And long suffering. You mean I have to suffer long, porky, right? Long, short suffering, thinking when I get to heaven. My brother. What happened? Can you do short suffering versus long suffering? He says no. Because the testing of your faith produces right. I see. Many of us don't want to be tested, you know, growing up this generation.

But yeah, yeah, got it made. Especially if you're a student. They have all these apps, pears, animals, you know, that they can go online and all the answers that they want all the answers. But I didn't know my generation made it up. We did that. See, in my generation, all of our answers was in the back of the book.

Yeah, Remember that? Yeah. Remember when we can flip to the back of the book and get all the answers and somebody says something about, Oh, amen. Only the outnumbers. That was in the South. But you lived up north. We had all of my man. But I know more from New York. Come on now. I'm a Yankee all day long, but I like some sweet tea, man.

All of the answers were in the back of the book, and we have that same advantage today. All of the answers that we seek is in the book. All of the answers that you desire is in the book. So when you're seeking it, you're looking and you're trying to trying to figure out what life has. It's in the book.

But I know what I say. Dusty Bibles, dirty Christians. If you dusty and crusty this probably because your Bible is dirty, well, vice versa. Same thing. What God wants you to do is to walk in the Spirit, to fully believe in doing good. And I get it. When we talking about doing good, sometimes we get tired of doing good because he tells us right in verse nine, Let us not grow tired.

Let us not grow weary. Sometimes I just like I don't want to do good. Can I just be honest? I say what you want to see. Sometimes you just you just want to, like, just go off script sometimes, right? Like, because your flesh loves it, but that does not what God wants us to do. God wants you to believe in doing good.

He also wants you to believe in the harvest. He tells this in Galatians six nine. He says this Let us not grow weary and will doing and in just the right time and just the due season you shall reap a harvest. You shall reap a harvest. So your harvest is just not one apple. A harvest is just now one bushel corn or whatever may be.

Harvest is plenty, not just for you, but for your families. And I begin to look at that. While it may seem that God isn't working to produce much fruit, the reality is that he's already working behind the scenes. God is working on your behalf. God is working through what you are praying for Him to do, to meet the needs in your life.

As long as you align Ally, align yourself with God. Now begin to look at before the harvest. There has to be a seed. Before any harvest there has to be a seed. A seed has to be placed and buried intentionally. A seed is buried intentionally in a place that's unfamiliar to itself is put into dirt, into soil. Right?

It's not familiar. It's dark. It's cold, It's pressed on every side. Take that see in unfamiliar place where dark, worse, cold was unfamiliar, worse pressed in every side. And the only way that it can be produced to harvest is the outer. Outer core is broken. There's a breaking of the shell to produce the harvest that we need. If I get it, I'll have preachers alone.

Come on now. So what God is saying is this For youth who are weary and tired, the right time to get to the harvest. Some time God has to put it put you in a place that's unfamiliar. Sometimes God has to put you in a place that's cold. Sometimes God has to put you in a place that's dark.

Sometimes God may have to put you in a situation where you press in every side, sit out where there's a breaking taking place within you. Don't get up, don't give up, just don't quit. Because this in the pressing is sin. The breaking is sin, the coldness is sin. The dark were the harvest that God wants out of your life will come from.

If God takes that much intentionality for seed, don't you think He would take even more intentionality with you? If God puts that much emphasis on making sure that there's a harvest come from a seed, we are his greatest creation. You you have to know that he would take just, if not more time with you to make sure that you produce a harvest that glorifies him.

It takes time to develop a Christian Christ like character. It takes time to grow a healthy church. It takes time to build a mature relationship. It takes time to raise kids. It takes time to establish a productive working career. It takes time to move where God has called you to be. So there's a harvest that God wants to come out of the seas that you're planting.

And you may not believe that God is growing something inside of you. You may not believe that God is saying. You may be saying, God, I'm damaged goods in my track worker produce something that you can use. He said, Because I created you, I who you are. I created you with the purpose. Even when you're damaged, I can re reshape and refresh.

I can put you back on the potter's will so that way I can begin to shape your mojo in such a way that I can. You can be used for my glory. Point number three. This. We believe in the harvest. We believe in God doing good. And the last one you have to believe in his outcome. You have to believe in God's outcome.

You mean to tell me, God that all things through Christ strengthens me? Yes. God? You mean He tells me that if I'm washed by the blood, I have victory? Yes. God, do you mean to tell me that I have victory because I'm blessed? And how highly favored? Yes. God, you mean to tell me that the steps of a righteous men are ordered?

That means I have victory. Yes. God, you mean to tell me that no weapons against me shall prosper? It means I have victory. Yes. You mean to tell me that if I'm Christ's workmanship, that I have victory? Yes. God, you mean to tell me that greater. See, that's me. That's in. That is in the world. Yes. That means you have victory.

God, you mean to tell me that I have built you because nothing shall separate me from the love of Christ. That means I have victory. Yes. So let us not grow weary in doing well. Because in just the right time, we shall reap a harvest if. If we don't quit. This is our worship team. Make their way to the stage today.

I just want to encourage somebody today. You may be at the last breaking point of your life. You may be like, God, I'm ready just to throw in the towel. Life is having his way with me. Things are not lining up. Truth be told, all hell may be breaking out in your life right now. Contextually speaking, and God is saying, don't grow weary in doing well because in a new season you will reap a harvest.

Don't grow weary in this season of your life because in a do season you will reap a harvest. I want to remind you today that you have victory. You have victory because of the person that you're connected to. You have victory because who you believe your life for. You have victory because the blood that was shed on your life, the blood that was shed on the cross, that calvary, you have victory because the blood that was shed more than 2000 years ago covers you today and you have victory.

I get it. We're all tired, but we got to stay in a fight. We've been fighting for our lives. We've been fighting day after day. But God is saying, don't quit. God is telling you, don't quit today. Stay in the fight in the posture that God wants you to have. Is this He wants you to proclaim and know that it is well with my soul, because that is well with your.

So you're giving God all the glory and the honor. You said God, I trust you with my life. I trust you with my circumstances. I church, I trust you with my situation and God, whatever that you have prescribed for me in this season of my life, it is well with my soul. And I want you just to hear these words.

This says is peace like a river. It says my way that sorrows like sea billows roles. It says that it is world with my so it says though those Satan may buffet me though trials may come blessed assure is control that God it is well with my so can I get some it is will with my so folks say here today can I get some people that proclaim that God whatever comes my way it is well with my soul God my bank accounts may be negative zeros, but it is well with my so God, I may be driving a three wheels and a busted tire.

God is well, so God, whatever it may be. My luck. God it is. Well with my soul. Affliction may come, sickness may come. But God, this is on this side of heaven. But I'll know when I To the other side of heaven it is well with my so because I will be before my maker and my creator. It is well with my soul.

So, God, whatever comes at me today, I know that we are more than conquerors because we have victory in it. So if you don't know, you have victory today, I'm. I ask you to do this. Come to the altar. Let us pray with you. Let us introduce you to this man that we. He's more than a man. He's my Lord.

He's my savior. He's my God. He's my rock. I want to introduce to him. He's my best friend. WI fi, are you? Because every single day but as well with my. So if you don't know that to be your testimony today, come to the altar. Maybe you need to kind of repent is the guy you know I want to lay down some things that I've been doing wrong because I want to walk right with you.

God is well with my soul. So let us stand today as we close out and we're going to go old school, y'all. We're going to go to the old school. It is well with my SO and I want to do it for the generations that I grew up with, my memories, my pop house, my Mimi's, my Gigi with all of them.

This is for you today. It is well, with my SO Amen, Father in heaven. We think you go for this day. Galois proclaimed that it is well with my soul and God. We don't know where tomorrow He leads. But God for this moment we can. Trusting you in all that we do in God. We know as Galatians six nine tells us that God that if we will just wait, we continue to press on in that we should not grow weary, that we can reap a harvest if we don't quit.

Keep on pressing, keep on believing in God. We thank you for what you're going to do. Amen.


‘Victory Over Goliath’ - Victory Series Pt.4


‘Victory Over Fear’ - Victory Series Pt.2