It Is Time for a Feast - Summer Series pt. 6

Glory to God. We thank you, Lord. We thank you, God. Who who is forever with us.

Who was saying yesterday, today and forevermore. Lord. Father, we just ask that you have your way in this place. Lord, touch your people. Lord, I ask that you give them ears to hear you and get them ears to see you today, Lord. Father, I ask that your were smiling on their hearts and on their minds, Lord, and that you be doing right where they need to be.

In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Amen. Give it up for our worship team. Thank you for the audible. Amen. Glory be to God. Amen. Well, I'm just letting you know that's the encouragement you give for today and what's about to come next. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No. Right. So if you have your Bibles with you, you will be coming out of the gospel.

John Chapter four. We will start at verse six and then jump down to 27 through verse 38 as I get up here. Just some quick things. Real quick. You know, we have that team in Alabama, so I want us to continue to be praying for them in your secret time or as God puts in all your heart, pray for them.

Pray that God is moving down there, that God is planning and sowing and watering and getting to increase because it is very important. This is what we're called to do and we'll actually talk a little bit about that today. One other thing is that we'll hear I'm glad Nicole had touched on this for you men out there. We do have a men's group and we meet every Wednesday days in the summertime.

So it's kind of iffy. So I just encourage you to come out, lock arms with us. You know, so it's important that that as men come together to to stand in the gap for for where God has us and just to grow in our sharpening our. So if you're not if you if you're not connected, please get connected.

Let us know. We'll add you to our group me get connected on the app. And because we're doing we're trying to do some great and mighty things as well. You know, we always hear about the women. They do everything. And we got to keep up. We got to keep up with them. You know, they we got to be equally yoked, so to say amen.

Amen. Anything else you want to touch on? One more thing. As you know, I'm a deacon and my wife is a deacon as well. And we have Becca, Shane and Becca Key, and we also have Brian and Cassie Sims. And we have some other ones. We will be introducing some more. We've had some changes. I just want to let you know, as we as we try to reach out to everybody.

But I mean, as you see here, there's a lot of people in here. And and so what I just encourage you to do, if you have some issues, have some problems, please come see one of us. Come talk to us. We definitely want to reach out to you and be the first to reach out to you. But you can also reach out to us because we want to know what's going on.

What can we do better? How can we help you? How can we walk along with you? What can we do to encourage you? Because that's what deacons are encouraged to do. So I just I just implore you, if you need something, just please come. Come talk to me. You can come talk to my wife, to Tunisia. Shane and Becca, they're very personable, as well as our Brian and Cassie.

So as I say that. All right, So with all the house business out of the way, let's get to the word. I hope you're there again. I'm coming out of John chapter four. I'll start at verse six, and then we'll jump down in verse 20 1738. I come out in SB, I believe it will be on the new King James version up there.

That's okay. It's still God's Word. And this is where the disciples and Jesus, they were coming to, they were walking, going to some area and they come to the wayo and verse six says, and Jacob's well was there. So Jesus being weary from his journey, was sitting thus by the whale. It was about the sixth hour. Verse 27 At this point, his disciples came and they were amazed that he had been speaking with the woman.

Yet no one said, What do you seek or Why do you speak with her first 28 So the woman left her water pot and went into the city and said to the men, verse 29, Come see a man who told me all these things that I have done. This is not the Christ, is it? Verse 30, they went out to the city and were coming to him first, 30 more.

And meanwhile the disciples were urging him, saying, Rabbi E, verse 32. But he said to them, I have food to eat that you do not know about. Verse 33. So the disciples were saying to one another, No one brought him anything to eat. Did he there? Verse 34 Jesus said to them, My food is to the will of him who sent me in to accomplish his work.

Verse 35 Do not say there are yet four months. Then comes the harvest. Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields that they are white for harvest. Verse 36 already he who is receiving wages, is gathering fruit for life eternal, so that he who sows and he who reads may rejoice together. Verse 37 four In this case the saying is true, one sows, another reaps in verse 38 I sent you to reap that for which you have not labor.

Others have labor and you have entered into their labor focuses on verses 32 and 34, verse 32 says, But he said to them, I have food to eat that you don't know about. In verse 34, Jesus said to them, My food is to the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. I want to speak to you did today from the topic of is time to feast.

It is time to feast. Lord is preaching time and preach is not easy, but it is made easier by the Your Holy Spirit. So I ask that I decrease so that you may increase in it and you get all the honor going and praise In Jesus name, Amen. As we as we listen to the Word of God being preached East Sunday, we should be viewing it or processing it through the lens of the word.

God has given one church this year, which is the the word of revival. Revival is the word that God spoke to Pastor Rasp civically for one church. Every sermon topic God has given the speakers this year should be and can be viewed under this pretense of revival. Pastor Rand started the year off talking about Second Chronicles Chapter seven verses 14 through 16, and we all know it.

If my people were called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven. Forgive their sin and heal their land. And in order for a revival to take place, his people need to humble themselves. We need to pray. We need to seek his face. And we need to turn from our wicked ways.

That means we need to repent. Then what? Then? Then we will hear from what We'll hear from God. He will forgive us. He'll hear our land. He'll answers our prayers and show up and show out. Then we had a sermon series on the Red Sea rules. Right? And just like God did at the Red Sea, God does in the revival.

He lets us know He will never leave us, nor forsake us. He shows up at our lowest moment when there seems to be no way out. Up, down, all around. He'll split that risk. See? Miracles will break out our way. Out of no way. He he'll revive us. So then we went into our Spiritual Warfare sermon series, Understanding.

We like the great movement and acts of God and the revival, you know, the heavy, intense and very present presence of the Holy Spirit. But we often forget that we have an adversary who who prefers the dead us, and that the revived us. We were reminded that we surely will be facing spiritual opposition in a time of revival.

But we have weapons in our arsenal to defeat the enemy, be it the logos in the in the in the rain, the Word of God be to the form of God being praying. We have these weapons in our arsenal to defeat the enemy in a spirit. Which brings us to our sermon series. Right. There's no topic or title, but as I've been listening to God speak through my brothers in Christ with revival in mind, I noticed a common theme so far the theme of purpose and calling Pastoral spoke on the question of Why am I here stating We do have a God given a purpose for our lives?

And then Pastor Stan Santi spoke on the prodigal Son in a father's Love. And within that he spoke about who we are. He summarized in three questions of Who am I? Which deals with our identity? Where do I fit in dealing with our belonging? And what difference can I make which deals with our purpose? Then Pastor Hunter, he touched on three calls a Peter the call to repentance, the call to follow and a call to be sent in.

And and in that, you know, we have that same call our last two we have called to to follow, to be sent and to repent. And then last week Pastor Jason touched on our pledge of Allegiance. Who is it to and who should it be to? Is our allegiance to God or is it to some other idol? And and so now you're caught up for the year.

So if you haven't been here now, you know what we've been talking about. So here in Revival, God is telling us that we have to repentance her from our wicked ways, come to a place of total surrender. Within revival, we will see the miracles in a mighty move. God reminded us He will never leave us, nor forsake us.

We remember. We must remember that we will face spiritual warfare. And from from our adversary who wants to keep us lifeless. And now God is saying, I revived you for a purpose. You have an identity in Christ. You have a call on your life. You have aligned yourself with me in the purpose in your life. You were revived for has a purpose and a goal.

So let me say that again. That purpose in calling and giving that you has have on your life has a purpose as well. And we see that in our focal scripture, the purpose or end goal of the callings on our lives. The purpose of me teaching, the purpose of your gift, the purpose of you being at your daily job, the purpose of you going out, evangelizing the purpose of your testimony.

The purpose of our relationship with Christ is to do to do the will of Him who sent me. And not only do the way of him who sent us, but accomplish his work. It is so easy in today's world to lose sight of why we do this. The attacks in the spiritual natural takes our focus off God and off His will and keeps our focus on us and the things that lead to death.

We have to remember the will of the father is for us to lead people to repentance and to place them and get them to a place where they can meet Jesus and obtain what we as believers have already received. That same joy the woman at the well exuded as she ran back into town to tell everyone who will listen who she just meant doing the doing the will of him who sent her in accomplishing his work.

There is a purpose to your call and purpose, and that is his will. And in doing this, we see that this food, this me, is meat for us. And just as food does for our natural body, sowing, watering, leading people to repentance and Christ fuels us. And if we are weak, it will refuel us. It sustains us and nourishes us.

That is our food.

So so let's get let's get into the Scripture. And before we can get into all the commotion about who fed Jesus and what he ate, we first need to talk about Jesus being weary. And and so what I want to mention to you is that we have a relatable Christ. And that's important to know that we have someone who went through the things that we went through and we all know, like when we when we have a problem, we want to talk to somebody who went through that problem, who can relate to us.

And I was want you to know we have a relatable Christ. In verse six, Jesus states that it states that Jesus was weary from his journey. So he stayed at the of why the disciples went into the city to buy food. We know the Gospel of John speaks on the deity of Christ. When someone first comes to Christ, we always a lot of times we lead them to John the Gospel John so that they can they can learn about who God was, who He is, the deity of him.

And but the Gospel of John also mentions the weaknesses of the man of Christ. John is the only one who mentions Jesus saying, I thirst on the cross. And that and in verse six, John is showing us that Jesus was a real participant in man's limitations and weaknesses, even though we know in his divinity he neither where he's nor face Jesus 100%.

God does not get higher in his deity. He doesn't thirst or sin. But throughout the Gospel Jesus, make sure to show us He also knows what we go through in the flesh. He is a real participant in our weaknesses and limitations. What a love our Savior, whereas the Creator must not share in our weaknesses and shortcomings for those He created the Redeemer must participate in that from which he redeems, or how or how else can he say, Come to me all who are weary and heavy lay and I'll give you rest?

Or his strength might be made perfect in our weaknesses. But what I want us to take from Jesus is weariness, is that is what we should be to. We are called to be imitators and followers of Christ and Jesus. His work, the miracles, the cleansing of the temple, the preaching, the teaching and making disciples. If if those things took him to a place of weariness and he did not exempt himself from the service because of the labor, then what about us as believers to the professed followers of Christ who will say we cannot serve or minister to people or preach the Gospel because we are tired or it will make us weary, or one of

those or those of us who say Jesus is our law, but we can't give a one moment of enjoyment, one moment of self-denial, one moment of comfort, or one moment of sacrifice. I'm reminded it was funny as I as I prepare for the sermon of memory on my Facebook page popped up from nine years ago, and it was from my pastor up in Pittsburgh.

I call him my spiritual father, Pastor Frederick Wright. And his nine years ago is like June 24 for some is in his said, What do I look like going to my eternal rest well rested? Come on now. I believe that's one of the rules believers statements I've ever heard. If we walk in the way of the law, it will not be without work.

It won't be out without toil. It will now be without sweat or getting our hands dirty, as surely the labor will make us wearied. But in those intersecting moments where God is sending us orders to do His will via that still small voice or that ever so loud directing of our path and that and that and those God's voice comes against the agenda of life happens spiritual tax or a laborers worry flesh in those intersecting moments, will we succumb to the desires of the flesh and the whispers of the enemy?

Or will we remember our relatable savior? Interaction at the will say to ourselves. What do I look like going to my eternal rest well-rested? Because that is truly the heart of heart of God. And that's the heart that God wants us to have. So the next thing I want to get into in this and from this passage is our hearts aim should be to do the will of God.

And in speaking of hearts, I love when we read the Gospels and we get to see the heart of Jesus and we see it in verse 34, where Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish his work. When reading this statement from Jesus, we understand He just had this encounter with the woman at the whale and we know the outcome of that season, the reward of this encounter.

But in this statement, we see that the aim of Jesus's life was the doing of the father's will rather than the actual carrying out and materialization of whom the aim was pointed at. So what I'm saying is that the goal Jesus in his life was doing the will of the Father rather than the actual work of the ministering to the people and the reward that came from the work.

If we're honest. There has been points in walks and in our times and in our walks with Jesus, where we get caught up in the glory or failure of the outcome and an end and the outcome or how we are going to get to the desired outcome that we have and the end that we end up totally outside of God's will.

Because our focus, even with good intentions, shifted from God's will to my way. Look what I did. I did that I brought that were, you know, I mean, I can't say that or say it like that because they will be offended. The word food here means nourishment to make grow. Jesus's desire to go and motive to go, motive to pursue an accomplice.

God's will commandment nourished him. Every vigor rated him, and it fueled him. The motive was more important to Jesus's heart than the holy and glorious result of the woman at the whale and one church followers of Christ. It must be the same for us. We have a mission, but we have a father in heaven who set the mission.

And the father who sent the mission spoke to us through Jesus, whose food was to do the will, the father obeying no matter how he felt, so that when we are weary, we can do as he did and say as he did the will. The father must trump our will. We must submit fully to to his will. And the father's will always must be prevalent in our lives.

Your will not my will. Your will be done no matter what we do at our day jobs, at the grocery store here at church, hanging with our friends. Jesus showed us that the absolute submission to the Father's will and the intentional awareness of doing it was what life was all about. And so too should our lives be as well.

On the cross, Jesus said it is finished. And leading up to that statement were moment after moment where Jesus obey God doing His will. My food is to do the will of the Father, completing each separate divine will of God up to accomplishing perfecting, bring it to an end the Father's will which was on the cross. We, to those who call ourselves here, should have a similar life, one continually doing God's will day after day, season after season, until the fullness of that work comes to completion.

When he calls us home, are we doing that? Will we do that? Is the aim or focus of our life to do the will of the father? Matthew 721 says this Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but He who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven, will answer once we become and call ourselves His.

The father's will, in accomplishing his work, must become our lives to squad here. So the third thing we can see from this is that God's will reinvigorates us. See, I would do a disservice. I didn't touch on the food or me, Jesus says, is the true food for us all. When the disciples came back from town, they didn't ask him him ask him a question about the woman he was speaking to, but was assisting on that he rabbi and thinking Jesus needed that natural food that they had brought back in Jesus answers to their insistence to eat was, I have food to eat that you do not know about, to which the disciples were hanging

like they normally did. Who gave them something to eat? I didn't. Did you? You know, they were leaning on their own understanding of food that satisfies the natural Jesus. A statement of I have food to eat that you do not already know about infers that what that the once worried Jesus has a has food and is reinvigorated bringing together the divine will and the accomplishment of the divine work as being the meat of the soul.

As we feast on this meat, our spirit will grow and be nourished. If we do not feed upon. If we do feed upon the first desires in our will and the disobedience of our actions, it will be as if we're like eating out of rocks and or sand or whatever will be malnourished in famine, never growing into the fullness of the spear we were created to be.

Do you feel malnourished in your spirit? Do you feel spiritually weak? Is your spirit hungry? May That's the question. We must live by obedience and let the will of God feed our souls. Because make no mistake about it, the truthfulness of Jesus as my Lord, is directly in proportion to the depth and whole hardness of our desire to do the will of God.

And we say that again. I'm telling you the truthfulness of Jesus as my Lord to us is directly in proportion to the death in whole hardness of our desire to do the will of God, the delicacies of the of this world, the love of money living outside our means, the need for the designer things in order to portray an image of the world can fanned the flame of our eagerness of obedience to the will of God, which is the call of a believer.

But I'm reminded of Daniel, them Hebrew boys who, in their obedience to God, stood firm and only fruits and vegetables and drank water rather than the finer delicacies of the king's kitchen, and that their faces. What happened was radiant, and they look better than those who ate the swine and drank the wine. I have food to eat that you do not know about and my food is to do the way of him who set me and accomplish his work.

Just as we seen with Daniel. Them Hebrew boys and with Jesus in his passage. The less we depend on more on and use the outward natural goods and depend on the will of God and the things that a spirit. The closer we get to the place where holy desires and lofty goals visit our spirit, be closer to Christ, we begin to live for Him that delivers us from the dependency on the earthly things on the earth, the earthly sustenance, and puts us in line with the will of God.

So been saying the will of God. I've been hammer not down. So. But what is it? What does that look like? The will God is this thing that is the meat of our souls. In John chapter six and verse 40, he says, For this is the will of my father that everyone who behold the son and believes in him will have and will have eternal life.

And I myself will raise them up. On the last day. That moment we behold Jesus and believe in Him. Our lives, according to our agenda, are worthless and hopeless. We are condemned to death and give up our lives to Jesus in order to receive life. And from that moment, our life is not our own, is crucified with him.

The life I live is of Christ, and I live to do God's will. This is what we see with this woman at the whale, a weary Jesus speaking to this woman against the law of the world at the time, doing something not allowed by society, a woman getting natural water which can satisfy our flesh, but who was in need of the living water that can deliver her spirit?

Jesus led her to the realization of who the living water is and her need for him. And Jesus clarifies this further and acts one. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has a come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even the remotest part of the world.

This is taking his interaction with the woman at the whale and painting a bigger picture. He is saying under the power direction of the Holy Spirit, you will be My witness is doing God's will in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and even the remotest parts of the earth. This is a commandment and direction for the believer.

As a believer, we receive the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to do God's will be Jesus. Witnesses everywhere. And when we look at that, we're witnesses in the Greek, the word for witnesses, mortis, that is the root for the word martyr. While I have read where some people have said that that martyr, the dying of your faith in the name of Christ, is what the disciples understood when Jesus said this are probably a more accurate defining of of mortis would be a witness who was willing to testify about the facts of the case or to to confirm the truth of something.

Though being a true martyr was more prevalent back in the days in the New Testament, even though, as happened in some countries today, Jesus is commanding us to be a witness who is willing to testify about him the way the truth and a life and stand on that truth. But let's not be mistaken. Maybe not now, but in these times, our witness can lead to persecution and death.

We have seen it throughout the New Testament up through Revelation. Let's take Stephen for example. He died as a mortise ax toe to toe with Paul speaking to Jesus, he said. And when the blood of your witness, Morris Stephen, was being shared, I was standing by, approving and watching out for the coats of those who were who were slaying him.

I mean, I'll take that. So when you look at this through a witness eyes, now you could be witness and someone's over here watching who's not on your side. But eventually they come into interaction with Jesus because of what they seen, what happened to you? Then we got this go go to Revelation. There's someone named Antipas. He was slain as a marches in Revelation two, verse 13, and Jesus was talking to the church at Pergamon.

I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. I went, Don't miss that man. A church, his dwelling. We're saying his throne is. But behold on day how fast it says you hold fast in my name. They did not deny my faith even in days antipas my witness mortis. So even though his church dwelt were saying his throne was they held fast to his name, did not deny his faith.

And then he said about his witness Antipas my faithful one understand when you when you do the will of God, you are his faithful. When you're considered faithful to him who was killed among you, were saying to Wales, he was killed among the church, witnessing as a good one. And then we had these two witnesses in tribulation and they were in they were killed in Revelation 11 verses three and seven, and says, I will grant authority to my two witnesses martyrs, and they will prophesy for the 160 days clothed in sackcloth.

Just let us know that our witness and just a one time thing this thing could last shall last a lifetime 112 and 600 1260 days. And then verse seven, when they finished their testimony, the beast comes up about abyss will make war with them and overcome them and kill them and uncompromising witness giving a clear testimony for the truth can get you in deep trouble.

In today's world, Jesus is commanding us to confirm the truth of the gospel message, regardless of the consequences. Death. Probably not, but I'm sure God's will will have great opposition. Your counter disagreement. You'll have backlash. You might get shunned even when the truth is coming forth and the love of Christ all because the world in this Lord is opposite of the will of our God.

So what will we do then? Will we be like Stephen or the two witnesses and Revelation standing firm on the foundation of the truth of God in His will? Because going back to our focal scriptures in verse 35, it says, Do you not say there are yet four months? Then comes the harvest. Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields that they are white for harvest.

Because Jesus is saying, Lift up your eyes. Stop focusing on the things of this world. Stop focusing on your problems yourself, your situation. Don't you have the power, the Holy Spirit? Am I not the way maker? Miracle worker Lift up your eyes while does saying that because there's something to see. Look on the fields that feels that place is That's just translated as like space or a place or land, even country or region.

That sounds like a Judea, a Jerusalem, a Samaria that sounds like the remotest parts of the world. That sounds like an Alabama or Guatemala. You better see what God's moving here in in is your revival of one church lifts up your eyes and look on. It feels that they are white for harvest. All those places are white for harvest.

When a field is white for harvest, that means it is ripe. It's ready to be harvested. When grains are fully sprouted and in peak condition for gathering, it approaches the color white. A right grain field looks like a sea of white, and Jesus is saying the world is ready for his witnesses to do the will of God. The white is defined as is of a bright white.

And when I think of bright white, I think of God's presence in His glory in the Bible. Whenever God shows up in the Bible, we see the bright white lights. It blinds those in His presence. You know, when Moses had to cover his face in order not to blind the people, what we came out of God's presence. God is present in the harvest.

He's waiting for his workmanship. He's waiting for his hands, his feet, his tools. He's waiting for you and me to accomplish his work, to witness to the downtrodden and the blind, those who are weary and heavy, laying to witness to the widows. Who's the widows? Those without a bridegroom. Come on now. Church. The orphans. Who's the orphans? Those who need to be adopted into the Kingdom of God and become co ears.

He's. He's looking for us to witness to the sick followers of Christ. It is time to feast. There is a harvest of people out there who need to have an interaction with the one who can set them free, forgive their sins, heal their land, and bring them into a new covenant. As I'm reminded of of a of a bookmark that's that sits on my desk in the cup.

I work from home. And this bookmark I received this ten years ago when Tanisha was pregnant with Arya. I went on this retreat, this men's retreat. It was called The Walk to a may is right And and in that only retreat it was men coming together. And it was focused on that walk to a mass. You know when when when they were walking and they were walking to Jesus but they were having a casual conversation with him, intimate conversation.

And even though they didn't recognize him at the time, they they they were talking to him like we talk to each other. And then when they sat down to eat and Jesus revealed himself, they were like, wasn't my heart burning when he was speaking? And that's what that ministry was about, to try to get us to this intimate place with God.

There's this place where where we can talk to him like those men on the road that he's very ever present and relatable to us. But the thing that that why I kept this bookmark, it sits on my desk, has been out for ten years now. Still good condition I'll say. I don't think I read a lot. I don't use it, but it's the saying honest or honest bookmark.

Now we like to say we always like to say we're counting on God. Right? God, I need you to fix my finances. I'm counting on you, God. I need you to fix my relationships. I'm counting on you. God, I need you to handle this problem. We're counting on you. And that's and that's all true. But the thing about this, this bookmark, it starts off like this, and it is so profound to me.

It says Christ is counting on you. Then it says, I am counting on Christ. So a lot of times we get that thing mixed up in that we count on Christ. And that's so true. But the matter of fact is God is counting on us once we become into a relation with Him, we're called to do so. We're not called to sit.

We're not called to focus on us. We're not called to to just, oh, I'm saved now. I'm going. It's our life. No, we have a mission. That mission is God's will and it puts our lives in perspective. That of Christ is counting on us. It aligns us in our lives with God's will. Our focus is on Him. Our desires is on him.

Our agenda is His agenda. And in this exaltation of him, what does Scripture say He'll exalt us. We can count on him. And it is not about us. It is about those who God does not want to perish. I don't care what you want to say. We as believers, if we're being honest, we missed that Mark. We missed that.

Mark is not about us. The fields are outer white for harvest is our jobs as the body of Christ. His hands, his feet, his toes, his elbows, fingers, his kneecaps to make his wheel. The aim of our lives in our hearts. We must have that same mass. Because Jesus is counting on me. He's counting on you. As the worship team comes up.

So what are we going to do? Church. I know life is rough. I know you're weary. Some of you have been laboring. We are tired. The enemy is as attacking. Our flesh is rising up and at the same time the fields are white for harvest. What will we do? As Pastor Jason said last week, who will we serve?

The harvest depending on us. Feeding, feeding on God's will. You know, I had this picture. I came across this picture, and I wasn't sure if I was going to say it because it just came up yesterday and I just knew it was John. I mean, it was God's God's will. And I didn't want to make Brad do extra work and rework my slides SO.

And I knew some guy because I said it was a page from John Wesley's diary. And, you know, it's a Wesleyan church. I said, Oh, God, just speak. It's a page from his diary in the late 1700s, and it's like the month of May. Someone just read it to you. And if this does so well, says Sunday morning, May 5th, Priest in St Anne's was asked not to come back any more.

Sunday evening, May 5th, Priest at St John's Deacon said, Get out and stay out. Sunday am, May 12th. Priest at St Jude's can't go back there either. Sunday evening, May 12. Hold up, he saying Sunday morning is Sunday evening. I'm just saying Church. I mean I'm just saying I mean like. I mean I'm just saying. Sunday, May 12 Priest at Saint George kicked out again Sunday am May 19th priest at Saints somebody else's deacons called a special meeting and said I couldn't can return Sunday P on May 19.

Priest on the street kicked off the street man They Sunday, May 26 priest in the meadow chased out a meadow as a bull was turned loose during a service Sunday and June two. Second priest out at the edge of town, kicked off the highway, ran we get this Sunday PM June 2nd, after no service priest in a pasture, 10,000 people came to hear me.

Come on now, Church the harvest is ready for to write is white for right. Does it matter? What would you think? John Wesley was going through the discouragement day after day, twice a day, being kicked out, being told get out of here. Being talking about that word that you're preaching is not true. It's a guess to the enemy in the Lord in this world.

But what did he do? He kept pressing fear. He did what Jesus did out the way. I'm sure he read this and was like, guess what? If my, my weary Jesus continue to preach the word, to preach the Gospel, to bring someone into a relationship with him, I'm going to do the same thing and I'm not going to stop.

I don't care what they say. I don't care what they do. I don't care if they don't like it, because what is the truth? And then what happened? Field 10,000, right for harvest here in the Word of God, coming into a relationship with him has some soul, some water, but God will get the glory. Now, every time we speak to somebody, not every time we witness is somebody that that they know they're going to bring their life to Christ.

That's not the goal. The goal is to do God's will. So where he tells you to show up, say what he tells you to say, do what he tells you to do, and he will get the increase. I noticing this, encouraging this encouraging word that that that we all need to hear. That's why I didn't the beginning because we have a job to do and you will be wary in a will in a will to you are you and you will it will it will hurt.

It will be hard. But it's not about us. It's his will. So I'm going to end the sermon on second Corinthians chapter six verses two, three, ten. Sorry I got you all up here a little early, but I believe this summarizes sermon. It gives us a picture of the life of a believer, the life of a witness to opposite ends of the spectrum of our walks, both as being true, but the greater being what we have overcome through and received in Christ, which should we should focus the aim of our lives on a true food of our soul, which is God's will.

So Second Corinthians two says six, Chapter six verse two starts off like this, for he says, At the acceptable time I listen to you. And on the day of salvation I helped you. Behold now is the acceptable time. Behold now is the day of salvation. Come on now Day is now is the day of salvation. Giving no cause for offense in anything Point dare stop taking offense Offense will keep you bound, offense will keep you shackled.

Offense is a trick of the enemy to hold you back and to receive what God has for you. What do we say in the beginning? The battle is not yours is God. Give it to him. Sing in praise. He'll take care of that so that the ministry will not be discredited. Oh, you take offense. It discredits everything that you do because it changes your countenance, it changes your heart.

But everything. Commending ourselves as servants of God. Hmm? Servant of God is a servant does the will of the master. So don't miss that. So it's doing the will of God, committing yourself to do the will of God. Now, here we go. Here comes, here comes the weariness and much endurance in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses, in beatings and imprisonments, in torments, in labors, in sleeplessness, in hunger.

Come on now. When we're come in themselves, a service of God, we're going to go through all that. But in all of that, we've got to we have to we have to act how God wants us to act. We have to be who he called us to be. We have to, through much endurance, through the afflictions and hardships we're going to have, the stresses.

We're going to have beatings and labors. We're going to be sleepy, we will be tired, we won't be hungry. But we also have what we get with this relationship. God, what? And purity and knowledge and patience and kindness in the Holy Spirit and genuine love in the Word of truth, in the power of God. How are you walking this thing out?

You walk in and out with your own strength. Or are you are you? Are you doing the will of God Let feed you? So I have food to eat that you do not know about, but you know about it. Go eat. It's time to feast. You have the power of God. You have the patience you had, the kindness.

If you operate in the Holy Spirit, in the power, in the power of God by the weapons of righteousness, for the right hand and left hand, you got righteousness right here. Everywhere you turn, the righteousness of God is with you. You got to start believe in the state. We walk around. Do we really believe it? We believe what the TV says.

We believe with our music says we believe in somebody else's life. Do you believe in in your life by glory and dishonor? When you witness a god, you do it in a glory, but best believe you're going get some dishonor. You go. You best believe people will come against you and try to sign your name by evil report and good report.

Same thing there. But understand, the only report that matters is God's report. If you're doing the way of God, that's all that matters. Who cares what Joe Blow Schmo says about you? If you speak in the Word of God, if you're being a witness, if you're doing his will, does it matter? It's all about what God says about you.

Fix your mind regarded as deceivers, yet true. Oh, how many times if somebody said you're deceiving? No, you. You'll love me. Oh, you hypocrite. Oh, no, I'm not. I'm good. I'm saying is truth and you can't handle the truth. What's that movie? Right? You can't handle a truth as unknown yet. Well, no. We always look alike about a name.

Right? Well, I know they don't see me. They're good. Guess where God sees you. And guess what? Those who really know, who know God, who God sent you to, they see you. God sees you. Don't forget that you're. No, it's not about this world. It's not about, Oh, Jesus has died yet. Behold Ha! Pick up your cross If you should feel like you're die.

If it doesn't, you're doing something wrong. Where are you? Are you? You're following the wrong law. I'm speaking truth here. We live yet that has died yet. Behold, we live. That's right. You live when you're down. When you can't You cross. You live when you When you're living for Christ. When you're doing away with God, You're living, You're living.

I'm telling you you feel good. Who? How many parts? How many people have prayed for somebody and they felt it in their lives changed you and you walked them to this place of repairs and they took. How do you feel, man? Feel like you can run through a wall. And that's the thing we miss is this hold I'm giving myself yet not put to death as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing have to always rejoice always, always good times bad.

Thank you, Lord. What are you trying to show me? Become a steward. Take out your pen to pair with things and go write God. What are you doing? What are you trying to say to me? What are you. What are you saying? What am I missing here? I'm missing your will. Oh, What is it as poor yet? Make him many rich.

Don't miss that thing. We talk about the miracles. Jesus said you do these things and greater. But get this. Yes, yes. What do these things? We can heal the sick. We can lay hands or people. Hell, we can cast out demons. But the thing that's greater is this doing God's will. Because what's to say when somebody comes to Christ, when they get her like the Christ, the angel heaven rejoicing, that's the bigger miracle here.

They couldn't do that before Jesus down a cross. So that's why I said, you will do these things. And greater the greater thing is, is going out to the harvest. Being the witness, getting over to a place of a relationship with him. Let know, See what you can give him the love. That's the greater thing. And when you do that, the angels in heaven rejoicing, having nothing yet, possessing all things.

I don't have much, but I got the greatest thing in the world. Can nobody tell me that I don't care what I'm going through? God has done so much in my life. I tell you, I do not. I do not worry. I do not fear. I know he's going to do it. I thank him. I praise him for the trials.

I pray him for the tribulation. There is nothing. He can tell me that he can't do nothing. I got a daughter I look at every day who says that God is a faithful God. That He that He will do what you asked for, will give you the desires of your heart. Don't walk around here like you ain't got none.

If you got Christ, you got everything, everything. So everything. So if you're if you're if you're a believer here, it may maybe your time. You're where you're going through some things. So. Okay, go eat. There's a buffet out here everywhere you walk, if you like to eat like pasta, right? There's a buffet out here. So you want to be rejuvenated.

Go get somebody to work. Go share something with somebody else. Come to this altar, be revived. If God's calling you up, if you're going to bounce up, don't be afraid. Forget all these people looking at you. Only thing that matters, you and God at this altar. If you don't, if you do not know God, if you have not given yourself your life to Christ, you have a purpose.

You have a gift in your life, you have a calling, you have something that somebody else needs. You have something that's somebody who does not have a place to cry. They need you. We need you. We need to lock arms together. We're a body. I'm a big town. You could be the middle finger. I don't care. Whatever it is, we need you.

God needs you. Christ is counting on you. So if you haven't given yourself like the Christ, there's no special prayer. You can come up and come up to me and say, John, can you pray? No, I'll pray with you. I'll walk you, I'll help you, I'll walk you through it. But all you have to do is believe in your heart.

You know, first of all, you need to say, God, I'm a sinner, I'm a filthy rag. But, Lord, I'm at the end of my rope. I'm. I'm at the beginning where you're at. You came down from your seat on the throne. Walk with us. Got crucified for us. Spread on the cross Share your blood to cover my sins and on got buried On the third day you rose.

I believe and you will be safe This altars open. Do not leave here without getting what you need. I don't care if you believe in God or not. If you're going to some, you come up here, meet God. Because guess what? When we're out of here, we go to a hospital. We got an ailment. We can. We can.

We can encounter a front desk person who gives us a hard time about our insurance. We could be in a waiting room for 4 hours. We could we could be a waiting room, could be packed, and then people getting on our nerves. But guess what we don't do? We don't leave without seeing a doctor. And if we happen to leave, if we happen to leave, guess where we go to another doctor.

I'll tell you this right here. You got Jehovah, Rafa, the God that heals, you got your hope, you got a God that wants to make you set you free and be free and D you got a God that want to make you whole. So if you here today, I don't care how you is God is speaking to you can't get your healing now.

God don't care about nobody but him and you. We thank you Lord We praise you, we exalt you, we magnify you a worthy God, Lord, as we leave this place, Lord, keep us. Give us ours to see the harvest. Lord, give us a desire and the hard to do your will Your father help us, Lord, to lift up our eyes off ourself.

To lift up our eyes off the problems. To sing your praise and let you handle our battles. That we can do your will and it can be accomplished. Thank you, Lord. We praise you, we exalt, we magnify you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Hunter Curtis

Creative Pastor and Graphic Designer at Aryeh Designs

Trust and Obey - Summer Series pt. 7


The Pledge of Allegiance - Summer Series pt. 5