I’m Free - Battle Lines pt. 4

So before I actually get into our lesson today, I want to just make a correction. Last week I said it with Pentecost Sunday, and I guess I was so excited about the Holy Spirit coming. I was a week early and one of our loving elders, Crystal, say, Pastor, she'd like you a week early. I said, Thank you for the correction.

And, you know, and we do make mistakes. Sometimes they may. And I am not ashamed to say that I messed up or missed the mark because I am still human and I still walk in sin, not willfully, but sometimes unknowingly. Amen. And when I'm wrong, I don't mind saying publicly that I missed the mark and so I missed it last week.

So. So we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost. Sunday is seven weeks after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And so when we like today, when the Holy Spirit comes, I can stay there all day long. And so I pray that you have that same desire when God is moving and he's speaking and he's doing some things. I just pray that you have that same desire that that you allow God just to just reign in your in your lives for the days every day of your life.

Hey, man, I remember growing up, I wanted to learn how to fry some chicken in some pork chops. Yeah, like, where is this going? Just hold on. Let me tell you where he's going. And so I had to ask the master chef of our family, my mama and my grandmother. Her mom. And I'm like, because my grandmother comprised a mean pork chop.

I'm gonna let you know right now, I don't think we've never fried pork chops in my house. We did fried chicken in my house, but I wanted to learn how to fry chicken and pork chops. I begin to I said, Mom, I didn't fry pork chops and Grandma, how do you how do you fried chicken? So my mom and my grandmother begin to tell me that this is what you need to do.

Now, those who are not cooks. Now I need you to take note, you know, get a pen and paper. I'ma tell you how to fry some chicken. No matter what you do. This is what you do. You go to the grocery store, you buy some legs, some thighs and some wings, Right? None of that skills stuff, because that stuff just don't fry, right?

You can't buy skinless chicken and fry, right? It just you need the skin on it right there, crusty. Come on, Church. Okay, That's okay. Got to get some legs and thighs and some wings. She said go home, soak it in some water and clean the chicken. And let me just stop right here. You can't eat everybody chicken. You can't eat everybody fried chicken, man, because not everybody clean their chicken.

We clean chicken in my house. Hey, man, she said, go home and, you know, soak the chicken, clean the chicken. And she said, You know what? What you need to do next is actually get some scissors. Or you can you have to pluck the feathers out because I know, you know, you go to the Chicken Man place and you ever have fried chicken from the chicken wing place and some fried feathers in the chicken wings?

Come on now. Been there before. And so what you have to do is begin to take the tweezers or scissors, begin to cut the feathers off. Or This is always good trick. You turn the iron and you take in it. You kind of burn the edges of it. Yeah. Laughing because I know I'm telling the truth right? And so what you do is because then it's a you know, you clean the chicken, you soak the chicken, and then you get your just salt and pepper some.

Lori's a man, so pepper seasoning and Elmo put you on something new. Go to Walmart and get some slap your mama seasoning. It's in there, I promise. You ever change your life? Hey, man, get some slap your mama's seasoning. You put it in the chicken. You season the chicken, right? Then it you also you get your flour, right?

You get you some flour and you season the flour though, because any time that you fried chicken, sometimes the season come after chicken. If you season the flour, y'all don't know what I'm talking about. Come on jerk. If you season the flour as well, anything that falls off the chicken when you prepping it will goes back into the flour and you begin to fry it.

Then my grandmother says, So this is what you need to do, get you some oil, get you a skillet and get you some oil. None of the olive oil. So if you had to get the good old can of Crisco, did you had a scoop? Did you, Chris, go out and you get some lower you got to put know plopping in the skillet turn it up just a little bit to begin just let the oil kind of just, you know, just just melt a little bit.

After you do that, you put the chicken into the oil, but don't make it too hot now because you make it all too hot. You're going to burn the chicken and then the chicken is going to be burnt on our side. Now cooked in inside. Come on now.

And so this is what you do. You take it in there and you drop the chicken in there and you wait for the chicken to float. It's. See, I don't know that. Did you. When chicken is finished it comes to the surface. Right. And so this is what I did. I went home while some chicken, I cleaned it, seasoned it, get got, you know, get all the feathers off of it.

Did exactly what my mother, my mama grandmother told me to do. But it just did not turn out the way that my grandmother and my mom did. Some like grandma, like it just it didn't didn't turn out the way that I wanted to turn. Now she's like, well, maybe the next time you come over to my house, I'm going to show you how to do them.

Like, Yes, ma'am. So I'll go to my grandmother's house. I stop by one day and she knew my grandmother. She was like, When you come about, has something, right? You take the stuff out the freezer and get things prepped up and everything like that. And I begin to say, like, Grandma, this idea, what you told me to do.

I went to the store about some legs and thighs and some wings. As a grandma, I went home. I got some says I cut the wings off because nobody, like, known the feathers on them, on the chicken wings. And I burnt them off and cleaned it up and did all of that. As a grandma, you know, I did what you told me to do.

I season the chicken with some salt and pepper, some Lowery seasons, a lemon pepper salt. You know what I'm talking about. Smack your mom with that one, too. And I begin to put this season in the flour as the grandma after that. This is what I did. I shake aspect of the chicken in the bag. I took the lard out the conscripted into care and put it into the skillet.

And I begin it from a chicken. She says, Well, baby, let me let's let's get you something right now. She said, Honey, go, go grab me a skillet over here, over yonder. That's what you know. Oh, has used to say. So I'll go grab the skillet then. My grandma told me to do. I reached down and I got a skillet.

It's one of those nice Teflon coated, white coated skillet. Now, baby, that's not what you need to get. She said what you need. You go, go. Put that. Put that one back. She said, get this skillet over here. My watch, my grandma, the black crusty one over here on the side. I'm my grandma. What, The cast iron skillet?

Yes, baby. That's what you need to fry some chicken in Because she said she had to tell me. See? See that? That skillet over there has now gone through anything. Well. Well, it hasn't been burnt. It has been tested through the fire. It doesn't have any wounds. Come on, if you miss it. I went from fried chicken to being real spiritual.

See, for the past several weeks, we've been talking about spiritual warfare. Well, for many of us, for a lot of us, if not everyone, we're just like my grandmother's old cast iron skillet. Where have you been? Through the fire some times where we've had some wounds in our lives, where we experienced some some hardships in our lives that only has been can be shown through the scars that many people may not see.

So many of us have been through a spiritual warfare, not knowing what's going to happen next.

But let me tell you that God still desires to use you and that you still have a purpose and that is necessary. That the storms that you've been through in life is necessary to get you were God desires you to be. And truth be told, some some of the wounds that we want, that we've gone through in life is not caused by our own omission.

Some wounds that we've experienced, some trials and some situations. So even spiritual barriers that we face today is not caused by our own situation. They've been caused by some family members. And truth be told, that there's some battles that we're just sitting on the sideline just by by in close proximity. We face some some other battles that we've been connected to.

In other words, that our family members bring some wounds to us. There's some things that our family give us that we don't may not even want or even desire. We see even through our DNA, right? Even in our DNA, we begin to see that our hair, our skin, our eye color, even just who we are as individuals, is that we, as it is seen through and received through the DNA of our biological system.

It's a biological fact. The reality is this, that sometimes some of our spiritual DNA is caused by not only ourselves, but those who we are come in contact with. It's passed down from generation to generation to generation, just like my grandmothers cast our skin to have it in my house. Right now, my wife is talking junk about me.

The other day and she's like, you know, fried chicken. Fried is part there's some things that is passed down from generation to generation. You don't know how to deal with it. There's some things that you may be faced with that everyone from your generation to the previous generation and a previous generation. You're wondering what's taking place. Some of the behaviors that we walk in has been passed down from generation to generation.

Some some of this the struggles that we face today have been passed down from generation to generation because we know that God is a God of generations. What do you mean, pass? Ryan, can you can you show me in Scripture that God is a God of generation? Yes, I can. We know the Scriptures that God tells us that he's the father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, right.

We see in Psalm chapter 145, verse 13, he says this David writes this in Psalms 145, verse 13, He says, Your kingdom is everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures throughout all generations. George, Chapter one verse three says this Tell your children of it and let your children tell their children and their children to another generation. Exodus Chapter 20 verse five says this You should not bow down to them, nor serve them for I the Lord, Your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of your fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me.

Now we serve a God who's a God to generations, right? Parents, We can't stay where knowingly that if God is a God to generations, and if our DNA is transfer from generation to generation, they will be remiss to say that some spiritual things is transferred as well. It's the spiritual battles that we're facing that has been passed down from generation to generation.

We know that even biologically speaking, even just study showed that even alcoholism is innate from generation to generation. So alcoholism is kicked in from generation to generation. Then wine spirits are things that we face is passed down from generation to generation. If we are truly spiritual beings. If you believe that, then we have to believe that more than just our hair color, our good looks.

Come on now is passed down from generation to generation and how we live, love and lead is learned how we live, how we love and how we lead is learned. You know, racism is not it's not taught right? Don't get quiet on me now. Right. Racism is taught. And if it's not, a talk is acquired based on a community that they're in.

Right. I guess we talk about everything in this church. The good, the bad, and ugly. And so if it's live, learned and loved, we have to begin to address it, because I believe this was is what gets repeated, gets replicated. All right. What gets repeated get replicated. In other words, saying if it's done over and over again, it gets reproduced the same way.

So you show me how to love, then it's going to get replicated as you show me how to come up. I'm sorry, but I know my wife works in the school system and we have a lot of educators in our church, and so I thank you for our educators. And yeah, have Haynes sister in law. Everybody else got him one everywhere but I had an opportunity to Proctor this past week in Praise You Pray for me.

And I begin to look at the children and I see the behaviors of the kids. I begin to wonder what is or what are the behaviors of their parents right. And coaching soccer for just from kindergarten to like seventh grade, I begin to like the reason why I know you act like they will yet, because I see how your mom and your daddy act.

When you say you get it from your mom or you get it from your mama, you know, right. You get all of it from your mama and your daddy to So you wonder why they're acting the way they're acting. They're punching walls and they're punching people or they're cursing people out because mom was cursing people out, or they're doing some crazy things because it's repeated in their house.

It gets replicated within them. See, Satan would do everything in his power to begin to tear down the walls of your spirit, to protect those who you love. He would do everything possible to begin to take everything from you and your family and the generations thereafter. I'll begin to wonder what type of country nation we would be if we begin to break the generational curses and the ties that we have within our families.

Right? How our families would leave our phantoms, families begin to just begin to walk out what God has called them to do. So today, family, we we step into the ring and we can begin to put on our full armor. Are we going to fight the enemy? Right. And this is a fight that we have to say suited up non stop, right?

That means don't take off your armor. I need you to sleep in your armor. I need you to sleep with your sword. I need you to be ready for this because you never know when the enemy is going to come in and try to steal what God has placed before you. Some rolling up my sleeves and it's time to fight.

I need some warriors to come with me. I need some people who's tired of things taking place in their families. So you know what? The buck stop here Like this generational curse. Whatever, guys. What we've been dealing with from generation to generation, it stops with my generation by any means necessary. If you have to get radical, get radical in your name.

Yeah. Oh, good. Thank you, God. See, we have to know that we begin. We as a people, as a community, we obtain our values, our positions, our morals, our principles through our family units. Like that's our first line of defense. Like our family teaches us that. Our family teaches us how to act, how to respond. And we have to begin to make sure that we are acquiring things that are healthy.

So when we say the scripture says train up a child and which way they should go, we know we we think about just the positive things, but they're learning some bad behaviors as well. They're learning some other things as well. So when we say train up a child that we have to be intentional, everything that we do, everything that we say, every place that we go, everything how we respond, that is training up our children.

Kids are watching. They're looking after tell our leaders, how are you going to respond to terms? Where are you going to go, how you respond to the whatever the negativity that you may be receiving, whatever how we respond to anything that takes place in your life determines the outlook on your life, even those things that we will learn and unhealthy behaviors by omission.

So many of us are dealing with things from our past that is affecting our present that ultimately shapes our future. Right? Many of us are dealing with things from our past that is affecting present day that will ultimately affect your future. You have to understand that, like those paths that pass sin that you've been dealing with, oh, it's going to catch up with you someday.

And then if you don't course correct, it is going to affect your future and we're going to see this through Scripture. Ezekiel Chapter 18 versus one through four says this The word of the Lord came to me and he said, Why do you people say this proverb The pears ate the sour grapes, but the children got the sour taste.

But the Lord God says, by my life, I swear that people in Israel will not think this proverb is true anymore. I would treat every one child and parent just the same. The one who sins is the one who would die. So let me just read it in a different translation because I like the way that the Scripture is shown for this particular one in the message.

Translation Let me read it to you in the message Translation What do you people mean by going around the country repeating as saying the pears a green apples in the children got the stomach ache. As sure as I am the living God, you're not going to repeat this saying to Israel any longer. Every soul, man, woman, child belongs to me, parents and child alike.

You die for your own sin, not another's. Let me just read the last part. It says that you die for your own sin, not for the sin of others. So in other words, what Ezekiel was saying here with me, record it in Ezekiel is this is that you are responsible for your own sin. You can't blame your brother or sister or or you are quiet.

But it's okay. I'm let it sink in just a little bit. Ezekiel is writing that you are responsible for your own mess to clean it up like that. Right? I'm just going to sit there, Think about all the mess that you've been dealing with, all of the sins that you've been exposed to often here that there's. My families are dealing with alcoholism in their family.

At some point there is a group of people, if not one or two, that says, you know what, we would not touch alcohol. I'm just using this as an example because they've seen the damage that has taken place in their family. Right. And that may not be your testimony. That may not be your vice or whatever your vice may be.

Think about that. And so if we can't, we can now walk around this world today not be exposed to stuff that is going to happen even through exposure doesn't mean you have to partake of it. You have to be responsible for your own stuff. So you clean it up. You don't have to go do X, Y, Z because you your your homies are doing X, Y, Z.

You are responsible for your own mess, right? Momentary satisfaction will lead to a life long life, long time of dissatisfaction. I promise you that. Three, five, seven, 10 minutes of fun, whatever that fun may be, may cause you 18 years of your satisfaction to you. That's the PG 13 version that didn't make it any more clear that three, five, seven, ten or 20, whatever you want to go, a satisfaction is going to cause you 80, maybe 25 long years longer.

Amen. All right. Let me move on. I'll say this. There's a difference between generational casting quizzes versus generational curses. There are two different things. The consequences that we may fall into generationally is based on what you do individually. But the curse is that you may come engage with based on generational has been passed down from to the third and fourth generation.

And so when we engage into some of those consequences, we have the opportunity to stop it. Where we are today. Like you have to make a decision that is stops with me. Yeah, you can't blame your mama, your daddy, your cousin, your aunt, your Annie, your uncle, your mama's animal or whatever you want to call them. You can't blame them.

You are responsible for that. And I believe this identification precedes transformation. Identification precedes trance formation. What do you mean, pass around? I mean this. That you have to begin to identify things in your life that you want God to transform. Yeah. And you have to begin to identify the areas in your life that you fall short in, that you want God to transform like God.

I am struggling with this God. I need help with this. God. Help me. Help me break free from this. God help me to begin to walk differently in His God. Help me to get a way of escape when I'm going. Am you telling me to go left and God I went right? God help me to walk away from this because I am not strong enough for it right now.

You had to begin to identify those areas in your life that you want God to transform and redeem and restore so you can walk it out the way that he's called you to do it. Even though your parents are doing the wrong thing, doesn't mean you have to pick up their actions. Even though you see your cousin is doing the wrong thing doesn't mean you have to pick up their actions.

See, God left some instructions about this and he left some instructions in a thing called a Bible. You. There's 66 books in here. Pick any book you want to read. Anyone? Anyone? 66 of them. I encourage you starting a book of songs because Psalms really kind of resonate with with how we struck in present day. But to truly understand just a genealogy, go back to John and John.

And so God left us a book of instruction, kind of really talk about how do we how do we fix this broken this broken cycle of generational curses in generational circumstances and in all of the other great things were the consequences that we see see, we see this because the bottom line that this book right here outlines how God can change anyone.

God can change anyone. If you think that you're you're broke, busted in, disgusted, and God can use you, right. If you're like the black cast iron that my grandmother was cooking in, where you've been burnt and bruised and beaten up. That's why God can use you the real God to use Jacob and David and Peter and Saul. Someone on your road right now has a testament how God has changed him.

So in your role, is writing a testimony right now how God is changing? You see, for the past three weeks, we've been telling you kind of really teaching you how you're going to win this battle called spiritual warfare. Some of you are getting tired of being knocked down, but stay in a fight. Some of you've been hit hard, but stay in a fight.

Some of you are at the end of your road, but stay in the fight. See if you're that person. Then I want to encourage you to hang out with me in the book of Romans for a little bit. See the book of Romans is one of those those books that you begin to read that I promise you that you can take away something simple.

You go home this week. Your homework is this. I want you to read Romans chapter five, six, seven and eight. I want you to read Romans chapter five six, seven and eight. Some of the best Christology that we can read in the Bible comes out of Romans chapter five six, seven and eight. Some of the best passages that you will find in the Bible, I promise you will come out of the Romans chapter.

I is a man. So let me let me just let me just help you see the narrative of what we're talking about. ROMANS Chapter five verse says this While we were yet still sinners, Christ die from us. ROMANS Chapter five, verse 20 But we're sinner bound with grace about much more. How about Romans Chapter six, verse 14 Sin should not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but you are under grace.

How about Romans chapter six, verse 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God of eternal life is in who Christ Jesus. ROMANS Chapter seven, verse 19 set forth for the good that those would do, would not do without. I want to do that. I want to do it. I can't do all of the dos that you want to do.

Is the Romans chapter seven. I promise you. ROMANS Chapter eight, verse 18 says this for I consider that the self, the sufferings of the present time are now worthy to be compare with the glory which shall be revealed in Earth. Let me go just a little bit longer. ROMANS Chapter eight, verse 28 and we know that all things come on now, not some things, not just one thing, not just two things, but Scripture tells us that all things were together for for those who love God.

Oh, come on now. And let me let me just let me set a romance. Chapter eight, verse 31. What this shall we say? If God is for us, who can be against us? Oh, come on, Circe. Circe! Yes. Yes, sir. It just in case you need a little bit more, I'm gonna give you one more. Just. Just. Just for a bonus.

Round Rome Romans eight Chapter. Chapter verse 38 says this for I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor high, nor death, nor nor things that have been created, shall separate me from the love of God, which in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Come on, now. So your homework this week is to read Romans chapter five.

And as a man, a man because Apostle Paul is writing to let us know that we can win this spiritual battle, that you can win this fight against generational curses, that you can win this fight against generation of circumstances that Christ has set us free because we have been called to be free. You look at your neighbor and tell your neighbors and neighbor, Oh, neighbor, I'm free.

Yes, Lord, I am free. I am free. Praise the Lord. I'm free. I'm not going to see you. I'm not going to seek it. Come on, now. Yes. Romans Chapter eight, verse one says this The day I was looking at you, Joy, you if you sit on the front row, which just fair claim for me, do say anything.

Oh, there's some love for the back row. I'm coming for you. Romans Chapter one says this. So now anyone who is in Christ Jesus is not judged guilty. That is because in Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit that brings life made you free. It made you free from the law that brings sin and death. The law was without power because it was made week by our sinful selves.

But God did what the law could not do. He sent his own son to Earth with the same human life that everyone else uses for sin. God sent him to be an offering to pay for sin, so God to use human life to destroy sin. He did it so that we could bring be right just as the law said we must be now.

We don't live following our sinful selves. We live following the spirit. Three quick points for today. Because you won't be a preacher and have three point sermon, right? Point number one is this that you're free from the penalty of sin, right? That you are free from the penalty of sin. Romans eight Chapter Chapter eight verse one says that there's no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus Christ, that they're the penalty of sin, the condemnation of sin you're set free from.

It's because are in Christ Jesus and it's because of the resurrection of Christ. You are free to be. Just because Christ died is one thing. But He died and he rose and he's coming back. That's how we know that we are set free. Christ is set us free. We are no longer slaves to sin. So if we don't do this, we have to begin to understand that there's two side effects of sin.

There's damage and there's debt. There's the damage of sin. Then there's the debt of sin we see the damage of sin is the result. When we do something that God is not pleased with, there's always a cause and an effect. See, that's the damage of sin that we walk in. Well, yeah, let me just. Let me add the debt.

You can't pay by yourself. You can't even begin to write a check for it. You have bounced a check. I've bounced a couple of them, I'm not proud to say. But that's just life, right? Just learn how to balance checkbooks. But guess what else? You balance the check that you can't write for your sin because many of us are trying to write it ourselves.

And you can't. You begin to pay it off because Christ paid in full. Christ wrote the check for your sin. Point number two You're free from the power of sin. You're free from the penalty of sin, and you're free from the power of sin. And we see this erroneous chatter. Okay, let's let's do this over. We see this all throughout Rome.

Chapter seven. A man now getting it more than 20 times, the Apostle Paul. He writes and lets us know that we're dead. The sin that you're not called to walk according to the flesh of you, saying that you don't do what you want to do, that you are, that you are under grace. That's how you know that you're free from the power of sin that you have been called to walk out the grace of our lives through the atonement of our sin, through Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone.

You're free from the penalty of sin. You're free from the power of sin, and you're free from the presence of sin. Romans eight verse 18 says this for I consider that the suffering of this present time are now worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. So you have to look at it like this where there's suffering, there must be glory, where there sin there must be glory, where there is sickness, there must be glory, Where there's bondage there must be glory.

Where there are curses There must be glory in Christ. It's even in our dysfunctional ties that God is still working. Let me say like this dysfunctional ties never stop God from functioning. Dysfunctional ties Never stop God from working. Right. You know the story of Jacob? Well, some of us do. Some of us don't. Jacob, You know this Mary, in a, you know, dysfunctional family in crazy attracts crazies.

You know how that works. You know, don't look at your spouse. Keep looking for it. We know Abraham was the deceiver. He lied about his wife. She was his sister. Genesis chapter 20. Then we go back and see how he had a son out of wedlock. And, you know, we talk about Ishmael and Isaac marries Rebecca. Drama for your mama has two sons.

Esau, Jacob, Esau. You know, sells his birthright. And Jacob is a trickster and a liar. I mean, this whole family line is dysfunctional, right? And we see this. We're running from dysfunction to dysfunction, from generational curse to generational curse. There's only one way to break it. There's only one person that can break it. And it's only through the blood of Jesus Christ.

And there's only one way that we can do that. So let me just bring back a oh illustration that I love to do and show. Come on, sweetheart. Annie Come on. Felicia Kendall. Ashton, Where art thou? Come on up, son. Yeah. Yes. And Mama, come on up, cowboy. Troy, Come on up here. You got a front row. Gotcha.

Yeah. Okay. Oh, because you're making a fried chicken. All right, I'm giving it back it up. Back it up. I'm give. You know that one, Dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee. Trade that one. I'm gonna give this one. All right. Yeah. I just hold on to it. So how do we begin to begin to look at generational curses, right?

When we look at generational curses and affected generation curses, you have to be in begin to look at it from the third and fourth generation. And so because I'm a byproduct of my mother, my mom is tied to me. Can I have you hold on to it, Mom? And so my back up little bit back in in Cowboy Trey is for Trey my father.

And so now yeah surprise surprise. I know, right? And so everything that I've learned, I've learned from this segment here, right. I'm tied to this right here and one hand I'm tied to my mother and their generation. Then I'm tied to my father, his generation. And so what I'm dealing with now is beginning I have to begin to realize that, like my mom, you know, she's grown up and, you know, she's, you know, doing what she does.

And my dad, they do what they do. They they procreate and have me who I'm here. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Right. But I didn't know that tied to my mother lineage may be like divorce, right? And so now there's a generation of divorce that I'm connected to. Now I'm dealing with my father one side. And so my father, there's not only divorce, but then there's there's womanizing in my father's side of things.

And there's, you know, womanizing. I know what that is. I play a player and so I learn how to treat females for my father. I learn how to sleep around for my father right now. Only that you guys heard my you know, I my my testimonial part of my testimony. You know, my father exposed me to pornography at an early age.

So now I'm learning pornography. I'm learning how to treat females and how to sleep around for my dad. And on my mother's side, there's a generation of where we're dealing with like single parenting and we're dealing with, like broken marriages there. We're dealing with just just abuse throughout everything else that we just don't know what we're dealing with.

Everybody, right? You you fill in the blank with your families and I'm all connected to it. And so now guess what happens? I desire to get married. And so I marry into another family and here's my wife and she's the closest to me. So she that close? Europe is close. Okay. Short rope, short bus. I'm just. But look, no, the one.

The one that's closest to me eventually hurts me the most because there are some things I've learned from her family unit that now is acquired based on how proximity is, because she's the closest to me. There's some things that I'm learning from her family and her background and now is multiplied because we are in relationship together. And so I take my parent and my mom and they're on this side now and then my wife, she's the closest one to me.

But guess what happens? We we have a child and we name them Ashton. And so and so now Ashton is connected to me as well. And guess what? You're still connected. You can let go of his. I should let my wife do this illustration. But because there's a generation in our men, in my family, of womanizing and not treating females and sleeping around and turn it up and smoking and drinking, I guess what it's in is now passed off to this third and fourth generation.

Yeah, and he doesn't even know it. Wow. Parents, tell your children what you're dealing with. Oh, yeah, right, Right. Let me say this again. Parents. Tell your children what you dealing with and what you've dealt with. You don't want them to walk into an area that they don't know what it's been, what has taken place in our in our family heritage.

You know, just a just who we are, a DNA. Because now guess what? Because if alcoholism is my family biologically, studies show that is now passing out down to my son. Yeah, but we can't believe if something isn't a natural. Everything exists in a supernatural get passed down to. So all the things that we that I'm dealing with or have dealt with in the past is now passed down to this young man.

And now he has to fight off everything that I have not cut off. And then guess what? We have a daughter who? We have a daughter. And now guess what happens? Everything that I'm dealing with and now that she's has dealt with is passed down to them as well. And so now we have one generation to generation, three generations.

This is three generations of mess of generational stuff that we have to begin to identify and deal with. But there's only one person that can come in and sever this. There's only one person that can come in and begin to break these chains of generational curses. There's only one God that comes in that can break these chains. There's only one Lord that can come in and break these chains.

And so all of these things that we're dealing with, whether short or long, doesn't matter how close they may be, we have to begin to begin to identify one, because identification precedes transformation is. So today I'm breaking off divorce in my family, right? Yeah. Today we're breaking off womanizing in our family. Today we're breaking off this. Pornography is sexual addiction in our family.

I'm me. Keep it real. Come on, y'all. Because I know, I know. Our family is not the only family to be dealing with stuff, right? We're breaking off the chains of identification, like not knowing who we are and our family, our purposes and our callings in our family, single and in our family. Not knowing our worth and our values.

In our family, we're severing just everything that we've dealt with in our life generationally today, because we're going to identify at some point in our lives, in our walk with God. Man Thank you, guys. Let's give our help to keep it going. Keep going. Thank you. Train. She's not going to cook chicken for you. You know, you, as our worship team, make their way up to the stage.

Some of us have daddy issues. Some of us are walking in rage and resentment or anxiety. Some of you may be dealing with some form of addiction. Some of you may be dealing with low self esteem. Whatever you're dealing with today that may be connected to your family generationally, you have the opportunity to break free from it today, because we know that we saw in Ezekiel chapter 18 that he tells us and he writes that we are responsible for our own sin, even though that has been passed down from your from generation to generation, you are responsible for your own mess.

When you stand before God, he asks you. He gave you an account of your life and he says, Ryan, this is the record that I've kept on your life and these are the things that you do not allow me to work out in your life. And he's he's telling like, you could have so much more of a bountiful life, but you chose not to give it over to me.

So as we stand today and begin to worship God, I want you to begin to think about those things that in your life that you want God to break in. So today, Father, we break all generational curses, spoken and unspoken. Father, Father, We break those generational curses on both sides of our family. Heavenly Father, we want to go back to ten generations, Holy Spirit.

We renounce our allegiance of everything that is not of you. Today, Father. We bring it to your O. Praise this God, this, this old man, that we are God, because we want to walk into this new creation that you called us to walk into the Holy Spirit. We want to embrace the grace that you said that we have.

We cast down everything, Father, that is not of you. And we send it to the pit of hell right now. Your word tells us in Galatians chapter five, verse one, that so truly Christ has set us free. Now make sure that we stay free to God, that we don't get tied up or a tango to slavery anymore. Father, we thank you for the work that you're going to do in our lives.

It God help us to walk fully away from it. When we had that desire, I got to go back to our old self. God, we pray that we will walk in a different direction because your word tells God that you will always give us a way of escape. God set your children free Today, God break the chains of the captive.

Break the chains of every generation or curse us here today. Father, we want to love you because you first loved us. God, we say, have your way, Have your way today and we love you. We are using Christ that we say amen.


Why Am I Here? - Summer Series pt. 2


I Declare War - Battle Lines pt. 3