Counter Culture

We're excited about our next sermon series called 'Counter Culture'. Pastor Ryan will be digging into difficult topics that the church must address if we are to be a light to the world. During this series, Pastor Ryan and the pastoral staff will be speaking on various topics including:

- The Gospel and Generational Curses
- The Gospel and Poverty
- The Gospel and Abortion
- The Gospel and Sexual Immorality
- The Gospel and Ethnicity: Unity in Diversity
- The Gospel and Human Trafficking
- The Gospel and the LGBTQIA+ Community
- The Gospel and Politics
- The Gospel and Immigration

This series stems from the book 'Counter Culture' by Pastor David Platt. You can purchase a copy here and view the video trailer below.  

Because of the depth and often polarizing discussions on these topics, Pastor Ryan and the pastoral staff will be hosting mid-week conversations where you can learn more and ask questions anonymously online as well as in person. Learn more below.

Dig Deeper Into The Sermon’s on Wednesdays

You’re invited to discuss with our pastoral team the topics discussed on Sundays. We will have a lunchtime Q&A at 11 am and Wednesday evening’s at 6:30 pm
Click RSVP to reserve your space and find out more info. Take advantage of asking your questions ahead of time. Ask anonymously by clicking ‘ASK’

